urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3:9.536 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 9.536
“So he spoke in prayer, and the dark-haired god heard him. But the Cyclops lifted on high again a far greater stone, and swung and hurled it, putting into the throw measureless strength. He cast it a little behind the dark-prowed ship, and barely missed the end of the steering-oar. And the sea surged beneath the stone as it fell, and the wave bore the ship onward and drove it to the shore. “Now when we had come to the island, where our other well-benched ships lay all together, and round about them our comrades, ever expecting us, sat weeping, then, on coming thither, we beached our ship on the sands, and ourselves went forth upon the shore of the sea. Then we took from out the hollow ship the flocks of the Cyclops, and divided them, that so far as in me lay no man might go defrauded of an equal share. But the ram my well-greaved comrades gave to me alone, when the flocks were divided, as a gift apart; and on the shore I sacrificed him to Zeus, son of Cronos, god of the dark clouds, who is lord of all, and burned the thigh-pieces. Howbeit he heeded not my sacrifice, but was planning how all my well-benched ships might perish and my trusty comrades. “So, then, all day long till set of sun we sat feasting on abundant flesh and sweet wine; but when the sun set and darkness came on, then we lay down to rest on the shore of the sea. And as soon as early Dawn appeared, the rosy-fingered, I roused my comrades, and bade them themselves to embark and to loose the stern cables. So they went on board straightway and sat down upon the benches, and sitting well in order smote the grey sea with their oars. “Thence we sailed on, grieved at heart, glad to have escaped death, though we had lost our dear comrades.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3:9.500)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
“So So So[1] 1 49440 9.536.t1 True
he he he[1] 2 49441 9.536.t2 True
spoke spoke spoke[1] 3 49442 9.536.t3 True
in in in[1] 4 49443 9.536.t4 True
prayer, prayer prayer[1] 5 49444 9.536.t5 True
and and and[1] 6 49445 9.536.t6 True
the the the[1] 7 49446 9.536.t7 True
dark-haired darkhaired darkhaired[1] 8 49447 9.536.t8 True
god god god[1] 9 49448 9.536.t9 True
heard heard heard[1] 10 49449 9.536.t10 True
him. him him[1] 11 49450 9.536.t11 True
But But But[1] 12 49451 9.536.t12 True
the the the[2] 13 49452 9.536.t13 True
Cyclops Cyclops Cyclops[1] 14 49453 9.536.t14 True
lifted lifted lifted[1] 15 49454 9.536.t15 True
on on on[1] 16 49455 9.536.t16 True
high high high[1] 17 49456 9.536.t17 True
again again again[1] 18 49457 9.536.t18 True
a a a[8] 19 49458 9.536.t19 True
far far far[1] 20 49459 9.536.t20 True
greater greater greater[1] 21 49460 9.536.t21 True
stone, stone stone[1] 22 49461 9.536.t22 True
and and and[2] 23 49462 9.536.t23 True
swung swung swung[1] 24 49463 9.536.t24 True
and and and[3] 25 49464 9.536.t25 True
hurled hurled hurled[1] 26 49465 9.536.t26 True
it, it it[1] 27 49466 9.536.t27 True
putting putting putting[1] 28 49467 9.536.t28 True
into into into[1] 29 49468 9.536.t29 True
the the the[3] 30 49469 9.536.t30 True
throw throw throw[1] 31 49470 9.536.t31 True
measureless measureless measureless[1] 32 49471 9.536.t32 True
strength. strength strength[1] 33 49472 9.536.t33 True
He He He[1] 34 49473 9.536.t34 True
cast cast cast[1] 35 49474 9.536.t35 True
it it it[2] 36 49475 9.536.t36 True
a a a[15] 37 49476 9.536.t37 True
little little little[1] 38 49477 9.536.t38 True
behind behind behind[1] 39 49478 9.536.t39 True
the the the[4] 40 49479 9.536.t40 True
dark-prowed darkprowed darkprowed[1] 41 49480 9.536.t41 True
ship, ship ship[1] 42 49481 9.536.t42 True
and and and[4] 43 49482 9.536.t43 True
barely barely barely[1] 44 49483 9.536.t44 True
missed missed missed[1] 45 49484 9.536.t45 True
the the the[5] 46 49485 9.536.t46 True
end end end[1] 47 49486 9.536.t47 True
of of of[1] 48 49487 9.536.t48 True
the the the[6] 49 49488 9.536.t49 True
steering-oar. steeringoar steeringoar[1] 50 49489 9.536.t50 True
And And And[1] 51 49490 9.536.t51 True
the the the[7] 52 49491 9.536.t52 True
sea sea sea[1] 53 49492 9.536.t53 True
surged surged surged[1] 54 49493 9.536.t54 True
beneath beneath beneath[1] 55 49494 9.536.t55 True
the the the[8] 56 49495 9.536.t56 True
stone stone stone[2] 57 49496 9.536.t57 True
as as as[3] 58 49497 9.536.t58 True
it it it[4] 59 49498 9.536.t59 True
fell, fell fell[1] 60 49499 9.536.t60 True
and and and[5] 61 49500 9.536.t61 True
the the the[9] 62 49501 9.536.t62 True
wave wave wave[1] 63 49502 9.536.t63 True
bore bore bore[1] 64 49503 9.536.t64 True
the the the[10] 65 49504 9.536.t65 True
ship ship ship[2] 66 49505 9.536.t66 True
onward onward onward[1] 67 49506 9.536.t67 True
and and and[6] 68 49507 9.536.t68 True
drove drove drove[1] 69 49508 9.536.t69 True
it it it[5] 70 49509 9.536.t70 True
to to to[4] 71 49510 9.536.t71 True
the the the[11] 72 49511 9.536.t72 True
shore. shore shore[1] 73 49512 9.536.t73 True
“Now Now Now[1] 74 49513 9.536.t74 True
when when when[1] 75 49514 9.536.t75 True
we we we[2] 76 49515 9.536.t76 True
had had had[1] 77 49516 9.536.t77 True
come come come[1] 78 49517 9.536.t78 True
to to to[5] 79 49518 9.536.t79 True
the the the[12] 80 49519 9.536.t80 True
island, island island[1] 81 49520 9.536.t81 True
where where where[1] 82 49521 9.536.t82 True
our our our[1] 83 49522 9.536.t83 True
other other other[1] 84 49523 9.536.t84 True
well-benched wellbenched wellbenched[1] 85 49524 9.536.t85 True
ships ships ships[1] 86 49525 9.536.t86 True
lay lay lay[1] 87 49526 9.536.t87 True
all all all[1] 88 49527 9.536.t88 True
together, together together[1] 89 49528 9.536.t89 True
and and and[8] 90 49529 9.536.t90 True
round round round[1] 91 49530 9.536.t91 True
about about about[1] 92 49531 9.536.t92 True
them them them[1] 93 49532 9.536.t93 True
our our our[2] 94 49533 9.536.t94 True
comrades, comrades comrades[1] 95 49534 9.536.t95 True
ever ever ever[1] 96 49535 9.536.t96 True
expecting expecting expecting[1] 97 49536 9.536.t97 True
us, us us[1] 98 49537 9.536.t98 True
sat sat sat[1] 99 49538 9.536.t99 True
weeping, weeping weeping[1] 100 49539 9.536.t100 True
then, then then[1] 101 49540 9.536.t101 True
on on on[5] 102 49541 9.536.t102 True
coming coming coming[1] 103 49542 9.536.t103 True
thither, thither thither[1] 104 49543 9.536.t104 True
we we we[5] 105 49544 9.536.t105 True
beached beached beached[1] 106 49545 9.536.t106 True
our our our[3] 107 49546 9.536.t107 True
ship ship ship[4] 108 49547 9.536.t108 True
on on on[6] 109 49548 9.536.t109 True
the the the[18] 110 49549 9.536.t110 True
sands, sands sands[1] 111 49550 9.536.t111 True
and and and[10] 112 49551 9.536.t112 True
ourselves ourselves ourselves[1] 113 49552 9.536.t113 True
went went went[1] 114 49553 9.536.t114 True
forth forth forth[1] 115 49554 9.536.t115 True
upon upon upon[1] 116 49555 9.536.t116 True
the the the[19] 117 49556 9.536.t117 True
shore shore shore[2] 118 49557 9.536.t118 True
of of of[2] 119 49558 9.536.t119 True
the the the[20] 120 49559 9.536.t120 True
sea. sea sea[2] 121 49560 9.536.t121 True
Then Then Then[1] 122 49561 9.536.t122 True
we we we[7] 123 49562 9.536.t123 True
took took took[1] 124 49563 9.536.t124 True
from from from[1] 125 49564 9.536.t125 True
out out out[2] 126 49565 9.536.t126 True
the the the[21] 127 49566 9.536.t127 True
hollow hollow hollow[1] 128 49567 9.536.t128 True
ship ship ship[5] 129 49568 9.536.t129 True
the the the[22] 130 49569 9.536.t130 True
flocks flocks flocks[1] 131 49570 9.536.t131 True
of of of[3] 132 49571 9.536.t132 True
the the the[23] 133 49572 9.536.t133 True
Cyclops, Cyclops Cyclops[2] 134 49573 9.536.t134 True
and and and[11] 135 49574 9.536.t135 True
divided divided divided[1] 136 49575 9.536.t136 True
them, them them[2] 137 49576 9.536.t137 True
that that that[1] 138 49577 9.536.t138 True
so so so[1] 139 49578 9.536.t139 True
far far far[2] 140 49579 9.536.t140 True
as as as[4] 141 49580 9.536.t141 True
in in in[10] 142 49581 9.536.t142 True
me me me[3] 143 49582 9.536.t143 True
lay lay lay[2] 144 49583 9.536.t144 True
no no no[1] 145 49584 9.536.t145 True
man man man[1] 146 49585 9.536.t146 True
might might might[1] 147 49586 9.536.t147 True
go go go[3] 148 49587 9.536.t148 True
defrauded defrauded defrauded[1] 149 49588 9.536.t149 True
of of of[4] 150 49589 9.536.t150 True
an an an[13] 151 49590 9.536.t151 True
equal equal equal[1] 152 49591 9.536.t152 True
share. share share[1] 153 49592 9.536.t153 True
But But But[2] 154 49593 9.536.t154 True
the the the[25] 155 49594 9.536.t155 True
ram ram ram[1] 156 49595 9.536.t156 True
my my my[1] 157 49596 9.536.t157 True
well-greaved wellgreaved wellgreaved[1] 158 49597 9.536.t158 True
comrades comrades comrades[2] 159 49598 9.536.t159 True
gave gave gave[1] 160 49599 9.536.t160 True
to to to[8] 161 49600 9.536.t161 True
me me me[4] 162 49601 9.536.t162 True
alone, alone alone[1] 163 49602 9.536.t163 True
when when when[2] 164 49603 9.536.t164 True
the the the[26] 165 49604 9.536.t165 True
flocks flocks flocks[2] 166 49605 9.536.t166 True
were were were[1] 167 49606 9.536.t167 True
divided, divided divided[2] 168 49607 9.536.t168 True
as as as[5] 169 49608 9.536.t169 True
a a a[55] 170 49609 9.536.t170 True
gift gift gift[1] 171 49610 9.536.t171 True
apart; apart apart[1] 172 49611 9.536.t172 True
and and and[12] 173 49612 9.536.t173 True
on on on[9] 174 49613 9.536.t174 True
the the the[27] 175 49614 9.536.t175 True
shore shore shore[3] 176 49615 9.536.t176 True
I I I[1] 177 49616 9.536.t177 True
sacrificed sacrificed sacrificed[1] 178 49617 9.536.t178 True
him him him[2] 179 49618 9.536.t179 True
to to to[9] 180 49619 9.536.t180 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[1] 181 49620 9.536.t181 True
son son son[1] 182 49621 9.536.t182 True
of of of[5] 183 49622 9.536.t183 True
Cronos, Cronos Cronos[1] 184 49623 9.536.t184 True
god god god[2] 185 49624 9.536.t185 True
of of of[6] 186 49625 9.536.t186 True
the the the[28] 187 49626 9.536.t187 True
dark dark dark[3] 188 49627 9.536.t188 True
clouds, clouds clouds[1] 189 49628 9.536.t189 True
who who who[1] 190 49629 9.536.t190 True
is is is[3] 191 49630 9.536.t191 True
lord lord lord[1] 192 49631 9.536.t192 True
of of of[7] 193 49632 9.536.t193 True
all, all all[2] 194 49633 9.536.t194 True
and and and[13] 195 49634 9.536.t195 True
burned burned burned[1] 196 49635 9.536.t196 True
the the the[29] 197 49636 9.536.t197 True
thigh-pieces. thighpieces thighpieces[1] 198 49637 9.536.t198 True
Howbeit Howbeit Howbeit[1] 199 49638 9.536.t199 True
he he he[38] 200 49639 9.536.t200 True
heeded heeded heeded[1] 201 49640 9.536.t201 True
not not not[1] 202 49641 9.536.t202 True
my my my[2] 203 49642 9.536.t203 True
sacrifice, sacrifice sacrifice[2] 204 49643 9.536.t204 True
but but but[1] 205 49644 9.536.t205 True
was was was[1] 206 49645 9.536.t206 True
planning planning planning[1] 207 49646 9.536.t207 True
how how how[1] 208 49647 9.536.t208 True
all all all[3] 209 49648 9.536.t209 True
my my my[3] 210 49649 9.536.t210 True
well-benched wellbenched wellbenched[2] 211 49650 9.536.t211 True
ships ships ships[2] 212 49651 9.536.t212 True
might might might[2] 213 49652 9.536.t213 True
perish perish perish[1] 214 49653 9.536.t214 True
and and and[14] 215 49654 9.536.t215 True
my my my[4] 216 49655 9.536.t216 True
trusty trusty trusty[1] 217 49656 9.536.t217 True
comrades. comrades comrades[3] 218 49657 9.536.t218 True
“So, So So[2] 219 49658 9.536.t219 True
then, then then[2] 220 49659 9.536.t220 True
all all all[4] 221 49660 9.536.t221 True
day day day[1] 222 49661 9.536.t222 True
long long long[1] 223 49662 9.536.t223 True
till till till[1] 224 49663 9.536.t224 True
set set set[1] 225 49664 9.536.t225 True
of of of[8] 226 49665 9.536.t226 True
sun sun sun[1] 227 49666 9.536.t227 True
we we we[11] 228 49667 9.536.t228 True
sat sat sat[2] 229 49668 9.536.t229 True
feasting feasting feasting[1] 230 49669 9.536.t230 True
on on on[13] 231 49670 9.536.t231 True
abundant abundant abundant[1] 232 49671 9.536.t232 True
flesh flesh flesh[1] 233 49672 9.536.t233 True
and and and[15] 234 49673 9.536.t234 True
sweet sweet sweet[1] 235 49674 9.536.t235 True
wine; wine wine[1] 236 49675 9.536.t236 True
but but but[2] 237 49676 9.536.t237 True
when when when[3] 238 49677 9.536.t238 True
the the the[31] 239 49678 9.536.t239 True
sun sun sun[2] 240 49679 9.536.t240 True
set set set[2] 241 49680 9.536.t241 True
and and and[16] 242 49681 9.536.t242 True
darkness darkness darkness[1] 243 49682 9.536.t243 True
came came came[1] 244 49683 9.536.t244 True
on, on on[14] 245 49684 9.536.t245 True
then then then[3] 246 49685 9.536.t246 True
we we we[13] 247 49686 9.536.t247 True
lay lay lay[3] 248 49687 9.536.t248 True
down down down[1] 249 49688 9.536.t249 True
to to to[10] 250 49689 9.536.t250 True
rest rest rest[1] 251 49690 9.536.t251 True
on on on[15] 252 49691 9.536.t252 True
the the the[33] 253 49692 9.536.t253 True
shore shore shore[4] 254 49693 9.536.t254 True
of of of[9] 255 49694 9.536.t255 True
the the the[34] 256 49695 9.536.t256 True
sea. sea sea[3] 257 49696 9.536.t257 True
And And And[2] 258 49697 9.536.t258 True
as as as[8] 259 49698 9.536.t259 True
soon soon soon[1] 260 49699 9.536.t260 True
as as as[9] 261 49700 9.536.t261 True
early early early[1] 262 49701 9.536.t262 True
Dawn Dawn Dawn[1] 263 49702 9.536.t263 True
appeared, appeared appeared[1] 264 49703 9.536.t264 True
the the the[35] 265 49704 9.536.t265 True
rosy-fingered, rosyfingered rosyfingered[1] 266 49705 9.536.t266 True
I I I[2] 267 49706 9.536.t267 True
roused roused roused[1] 268 49707 9.536.t268 True
my my my[5] 269 49708 9.536.t269 True
comrades, comrades comrades[4] 270 49709 9.536.t270 True
and and and[17] 271 49710 9.536.t271 True
bade bade bade[1] 272 49711 9.536.t272 True
them them them[3] 273 49712 9.536.t273 True
themselves themselves themselves[1] 274 49713 9.536.t274 True
to to to[11] 275 49714 9.536.t275 True
embark embark embark[1] 276 49715 9.536.t276 True
and and and[18] 277 49716 9.536.t277 True
to to to[12] 278 49717 9.536.t278 True
loose loose loose[1] 279 49718 9.536.t279 True
the the the[38] 280 49719 9.536.t280 True
stern stern stern[1] 281 49720 9.536.t281 True
cables. cables cables[1] 282 49721 9.536.t282 True
So So So[3] 283 49722 9.536.t283 True
they they they[1] 284 49723 9.536.t284 True
went went went[2] 285 49724 9.536.t285 True
on on on[17] 286 49725 9.536.t286 True
board board board[1] 287 49726 9.536.t287 True
straightway straightway straightway[1] 288 49727 9.536.t288 True
and and and[19] 289 49728 9.536.t289 True
sat sat sat[3] 290 49729 9.536.t290 True
down down down[2] 291 49730 9.536.t291 True
upon upon upon[2] 292 49731 9.536.t292 True
the the the[40] 293 49732 9.536.t293 True
benches, benches benches[1] 294 49733 9.536.t294 True
and and and[20] 295 49734 9.536.t295 True
sitting sitting sitting[1] 296 49735 9.536.t296 True
well well well[4] 297 49736 9.536.t297 True
in in in[16] 298 49737 9.536.t298 True
order order order[1] 299 49738 9.536.t299 True
smote smote smote[1] 300 49739 9.536.t300 True
the the the[41] 301 49740 9.536.t301 True
grey grey grey[1] 302 49741 9.536.t302 True
sea sea sea[4] 303 49742 9.536.t303 True
with with with[1] 304 49743 9.536.t304 True
their their their[1] 305 49744 9.536.t305 True
oars. oars oars[1] 306 49745 9.536.t306 True
“Thence Thence Thence[1] 307 49746 9.536.t307 True
we we we[16] 308 49747 9.536.t308 True
sailed sailed sailed[1] 309 49748 9.536.t309 True
on, on on[19] 310 49749 9.536.t310 True
grieved grieved grieved[1] 311 49750 9.536.t311 True
at at at[7] 312 49751 9.536.t312 True
heart, heart heart[1] 313 49752 9.536.t313 True
glad glad glad[1] 314 49753 9.536.t314 True
to to to[13] 315 49754 9.536.t315 True
have have have[1] 316 49755 9.536.t316 True
escaped escaped escaped[1] 317 49756 9.536.t317 True
death, death death[1] 318 49757 9.536.t318 True
though though though[1] 319 49758 9.536.t319 True
we we we[17] 320 49759 9.536.t320 True
had had had[2] 321 49760 9.536.t321 True
lost lost lost[1] 322 49761 9.536.t322 True
our our our[5] 323 49762 9.536.t323 True
dear dear dear[1] 324 49763 9.536.t324 True
comrades. comrades comrades[5] 325 49764 9.536.t325 True