Scaife ATLAS v2
Aligned Text and Linguistic Annotation Server
CTS Library
This contains all the textual data that is available in the existing Scaife Viewer.
That data conforms to the fairly exacting requirements of the CapiTainS software suite and guidelines for Citable Texts. These requirements include TEI XML and a particular way of representing the CTS citations, both in the original XML and in the file structure. The upfront costs of conforming to these guidelines makes the corpus more consistent and also makes it possible to embed a more standard form of TEI in chunks extracted from larger chunks. The CapiTainS guidelines do, however, impose a substantial barrier to entry and require a reasonable amount of expertise in TEI XML, the Unix file system, and managing complex digital objects.
New ATLAS Data
The ATLAS architecture provides lower barrier to entry, requiring only that data have an identifier and content. Thus a text could be broken up in its default chunks (e.g., each book/chapter/section of a history or each line of a play) and then ingested as citation (book/chapter/section or line number) and data (the accompanying plain text). Much of the work in developing ATLAS has been to organize different forms of textual data — e.g, linguistic analyses of individual words, alignments that link words and phrases in a source text to a translation, regions of interest in an image of a manuscript and a transcription.