urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3:9.116 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 9.116
“Now there is a level isle that stretches aslant outside the harbor, neither close to the shore of the land of the Cyclopes, nor yet far off, a wooded isle. Therein live wild goats innumerable, for the tread of men scares them not away, nor are hunters wont to come thither, men who endure toils in the woodland as they course over the peaks of the mountains. Neither with flocks is it held, nor with ploughed lands, but unsown and untilled all the days it knows naught of men, but feeds the bleating goats. For the Cyclopes have at hand no ships with vermilion cheeks, nor are there ship-wrights in their land who might build them well-benched ships, which should perform all their wants, passing to the cities of other folk, as men often cross the sea in ships to visit one another— craftsmen, who would have made of this isle also a fair settlement. For the isle is nowise poor, but would bear all things in season. In it are meadows by the shores of the grey sea, well-watered meadows and soft, where vines would never fail, and in it level ploughland, whence they might reap from season to season harvests exceeding deep, so rich is the soil beneath; and in it, too, is a harbor giving safe anchorage, where there is no need of moorings, either to throw out anchor-stones or to make fast stern cables, but one may beach one's ship and wait until the sailors' minds bid them put out, and the breezes blow fair. Now at the head of the harbor a spring of bright water flows forth from beneath a cave, and round about it poplars grow. Thither we sailed in, and some god guided us through the murky night; for there was no light to see, but a mist lay deep about the ships and the moon showed no light from heaven, but was shut in by clouds. Then no man's eyes beheld that island, nor did we see the long waves rolling on the beach, until we ran our well-benched ships on shore. And when we had beached the ships we lowered all the sails and ourselves went forth on the shore of the sea, and there we fell asleep and waited for the bright Dawn. “As soon as early Dawn appeared, the rosy-fingered, we roamed throughout the isle marvelling at it; and the nymphs, the daughters of Zeus who bears the aegis, roused the mountain goats, that my comrades might have whereof to make their meal. Straightway we took from the ships our curved bows and long javelins, and arrayed in three bands we fell to smiting; and the god soon gave us game to satisfy our hearts. The ships that followed me were twelve, and to each nine goats fell by lot, but for me alone they chose out ten.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3:9.82)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3:9.161)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
“Now Now Now[1] 1 44746 9.116.t1 True
there there there[1] 2 44747 9.116.t2 True
is is is[1] 3 44748 9.116.t3 True
a a a[1] 4 44749 9.116.t4 True
level level level[1] 5 44750 9.116.t5 True
isle isle isle[1] 6 44751 9.116.t6 True
that that that[1] 7 44752 9.116.t7 True
stretches stretches stretches[1] 8 44753 9.116.t8 True
aslant aslant aslant[1] 9 44754 9.116.t9 True
outside outside outside[1] 10 44755 9.116.t10 True
the the the[2] 11 44756 9.116.t11 True
harbor, harbor harbor[1] 12 44757 9.116.t12 True
neither neither neither[1] 13 44758 9.116.t13 True
close close close[1] 14 44759 9.116.t14 True
to to to[1] 15 44760 9.116.t15 True
the the the[4] 16 44761 9.116.t16 True
shore shore shore[1] 17 44762 9.116.t17 True
of of of[1] 18 44763 9.116.t18 True
the the the[5] 19 44764 9.116.t19 True
land land land[1] 20 44765 9.116.t20 True
of of of[2] 21 44766 9.116.t21 True
the the the[6] 22 44767 9.116.t22 True
Cyclopes, Cyclopes Cyclopes[1] 23 44768 9.116.t23 True
nor nor nor[1] 24 44769 9.116.t24 True
yet yet yet[1] 25 44770 9.116.t25 True
far far far[1] 26 44771 9.116.t26 True
off, off off[1] 27 44772 9.116.t27 True
a a a[8] 28 44773 9.116.t28 True
wooded wooded wooded[1] 29 44774 9.116.t29 True
isle. isle isle[2] 30 44775 9.116.t30 True
Therein Therein Therein[1] 31 44776 9.116.t31 True
live live live[1] 32 44777 9.116.t32 True
wild wild wild[1] 33 44778 9.116.t33 True
goats goats goats[1] 34 44779 9.116.t34 True
innumerable, innumerable innumerable[1] 35 44780 9.116.t35 True
for for for[1] 36 44781 9.116.t36 True
the the the[7] 37 44782 9.116.t37 True
tread tread tread[1] 38 44783 9.116.t38 True
of of of[4] 39 44784 9.116.t39 True
men men men[1] 40 44785 9.116.t40 True
scares scares scares[1] 41 44786 9.116.t41 True
them them them[1] 42 44787 9.116.t42 True
not not not[1] 43 44788 9.116.t43 True
away, away away[1] 44 44789 9.116.t44 True
nor nor nor[2] 45 44790 9.116.t45 True
are are are[2] 46 44791 9.116.t46 True
hunters hunters hunters[1] 47 44792 9.116.t47 True
wont wont wont[1] 48 44793 9.116.t48 True
to to to[2] 49 44794 9.116.t49 True
come come come[1] 50 44795 9.116.t50 True
thither, thither thither[1] 51 44796 9.116.t51 True
men men men[2] 52 44797 9.116.t52 True
who who who[1] 53 44798 9.116.t53 True
endure endure endure[1] 54 44799 9.116.t54 True
toils toils toils[1] 55 44800 9.116.t55 True
in in in[3] 56 44801 9.116.t56 True
the the the[10] 57 44802 9.116.t57 True
woodland woodland woodland[1] 58 44803 9.116.t58 True
as as as[2] 59 44804 9.116.t59 True
they they they[1] 60 44805 9.116.t60 True
course course course[1] 61 44806 9.116.t61 True
over over over[1] 62 44807 9.116.t62 True
the the the[12] 63 44808 9.116.t63 True
peaks peaks peaks[1] 64 44809 9.116.t64 True
of of of[5] 65 44810 9.116.t65 True
the the the[13] 66 44811 9.116.t66 True
mountains. mountains mountains[1] 67 44812 9.116.t67 True
Neither Neither Neither[1] 68 44813 9.116.t68 True
with with with[1] 69 44814 9.116.t69 True
flocks flocks flocks[1] 70 44815 9.116.t70 True
is is is[4] 71 44816 9.116.t71 True
it it it[5] 72 44817 9.116.t72 True
held, held held[1] 73 44818 9.116.t73 True
nor nor nor[3] 74 44819 9.116.t74 True
with with with[2] 75 44820 9.116.t75 True
ploughed ploughed ploughed[1] 76 44821 9.116.t76 True
lands, lands lands[1] 77 44822 9.116.t77 True
but but but[1] 78 44823 9.116.t78 True
unsown unsown unsown[1] 79 44824 9.116.t79 True
and and and[4] 80 44825 9.116.t80 True
untilled untilled untilled[1] 81 44826 9.116.t81 True
all all all[1] 82 44827 9.116.t82 True
the the the[15] 83 44828 9.116.t83 True
days days days[1] 84 44829 9.116.t84 True
it it it[7] 85 44830 9.116.t85 True
knows knows knows[1] 86 44831 9.116.t86 True
naught naught naught[1] 87 44832 9.116.t87 True
of of of[6] 88 44833 9.116.t88 True
men, men men[3] 89 44834 9.116.t89 True
but but but[2] 90 44835 9.116.t90 True
feeds feeds feeds[1] 91 44836 9.116.t91 True
the the the[16] 92 44837 9.116.t92 True
bleating bleating bleating[1] 93 44838 9.116.t93 True
goats. goats goats[2] 94 44839 9.116.t94 True
For For For[1] 95 44840 9.116.t95 True
the the the[17] 96 44841 9.116.t96 True
Cyclopes Cyclopes Cyclopes[2] 97 44842 9.116.t97 True
have have have[1] 98 44843 9.116.t98 True
at at at[5] 99 44844 9.116.t99 True
hand hand hand[1] 100 44845 9.116.t100 True
no no no[6] 101 44846 9.116.t101 True
ships ships ships[1] 102 44847 9.116.t102 True
with with with[3] 103 44848 9.116.t103 True
vermilion vermilion vermilion[1] 104 44849 9.116.t104 True
cheeks, cheeks cheeks[1] 105 44850 9.116.t105 True
nor nor nor[4] 106 44851 9.116.t106 True
are are are[3] 107 44852 9.116.t107 True
there there there[2] 108 44853 9.116.t108 True
ship-wrights shipwrights shipwrights[1] 109 44854 9.116.t109 True
in in in[6] 110 44855 9.116.t110 True
their their their[1] 111 44856 9.116.t111 True
land land land[4] 112 44857 9.116.t112 True
who who who[2] 113 44858 9.116.t113 True
might might might[1] 114 44859 9.116.t114 True
build build build[1] 115 44860 9.116.t115 True
them them them[2] 116 44861 9.116.t116 True
well-benched wellbenched wellbenched[1] 117 44862 9.116.t117 True
ships, ships ships[2] 118 44863 9.116.t118 True
which which which[1] 119 44864 9.116.t119 True
should should should[1] 120 44865 9.116.t120 True
perform perform perform[1] 121 44866 9.116.t121 True
all all all[2] 122 44867 9.116.t122 True
their their their[2] 123 44868 9.116.t123 True
wants, wants wants[1] 124 44869 9.116.t124 True
passing passing passing[1] 125 44870 9.116.t125 True
to to to[4] 126 44871 9.116.t126 True
the the the[22] 127 44872 9.116.t127 True
cities cities cities[1] 128 44873 9.116.t128 True
of of of[7] 129 44874 9.116.t129 True
other other other[1] 130 44875 9.116.t130 True
folk, folk folk[1] 131 44876 9.116.t131 True
as as as[4] 132 44877 9.116.t132 True
men men men[4] 133 44878 9.116.t133 True
often often often[1] 134 44879 9.116.t134 True
cross cross cross[1] 135 44880 9.116.t135 True
the the the[24] 136 44881 9.116.t136 True
sea sea sea[1] 137 44882 9.116.t137 True
in in in[8] 138 44883 9.116.t138 True
ships ships ships[3] 139 44884 9.116.t139 True
to to to[5] 140 44885 9.116.t140 True
visit visit visit[1] 141 44886 9.116.t141 True
one one one[1] 142 44887 9.116.t142 True
another— another another[1] 143 44888 9.116.t143 True
craftsmen, craftsmen craftsmen[1] 144 44889 9.116.t144 True
who who who[3] 145 44890 9.116.t145 True
would would would[1] 146 44891 9.116.t146 True
have have have[2] 147 44892 9.116.t147 True
made made made[1] 148 44893 9.116.t148 True
of of of[9] 149 44894 9.116.t149 True
this this this[1] 150 44895 9.116.t150 True
isle isle isle[3] 151 44896 9.116.t151 True
also also also[1] 152 44897 9.116.t152 True
a a a[42] 153 44898 9.116.t153 True
fair fair fair[1] 154 44899 9.116.t154 True
settlement. settlement settlement[1] 155 44900 9.116.t155 True
For For For[2] 156 44901 9.116.t156 True
the the the[26] 157 44902 9.116.t157 True
isle isle isle[4] 158 44903 9.116.t158 True
is is is[9] 159 44904 9.116.t159 True
nowise nowise nowise[1] 160 44905 9.116.t160 True
poor, poor poor[1] 161 44906 9.116.t161 True
but but but[3] 162 44907 9.116.t162 True
would would would[2] 163 44908 9.116.t163 True
bear bear bear[1] 164 44909 9.116.t164 True
all all all[3] 165 44910 9.116.t165 True
things things things[1] 166 44911 9.116.t166 True
in in in[10] 167 44912 9.116.t167 True
season. season season[1] 168 44913 9.116.t168 True
In In In[1] 169 44914 9.116.t169 True
it it it[11] 170 44915 9.116.t170 True
are are are[4] 171 44916 9.116.t171 True
meadows meadows meadows[1] 172 44917 9.116.t172 True
by by by[1] 173 44918 9.116.t173 True
the the the[27] 174 44919 9.116.t174 True
shores shores shores[1] 175 44920 9.116.t175 True
of of of[10] 176 44921 9.116.t176 True
the the the[28] 177 44922 9.116.t177 True
grey grey grey[1] 178 44923 9.116.t178 True
sea, sea sea[3] 179 44924 9.116.t179 True
well-watered wellwatered wellwatered[1] 180 44925 9.116.t180 True
meadows meadows meadows[2] 181 44926 9.116.t181 True
and and and[7] 182 44927 9.116.t182 True
soft, soft soft[1] 183 44928 9.116.t183 True
where where where[1] 184 44929 9.116.t184 True
vines vines vines[1] 185 44930 9.116.t185 True
would would would[3] 186 44931 9.116.t186 True
never never never[1] 187 44932 9.116.t187 True
fail, fail fail[1] 188 44933 9.116.t188 True
and and and[8] 189 44934 9.116.t189 True
in in in[12] 190 44935 9.116.t190 True
it it it[12] 191 44936 9.116.t191 True
level level level[2] 192 44937 9.116.t192 True
ploughland, ploughland ploughland[1] 193 44938 9.116.t193 True
whence whence whence[1] 194 44939 9.116.t194 True
they they they[2] 195 44940 9.116.t195 True
might might might[2] 196 44941 9.116.t196 True
reap reap reap[1] 197 44942 9.116.t197 True
from from from[1] 198 44943 9.116.t198 True
season season season[2] 199 44944 9.116.t199 True
to to to[6] 200 44945 9.116.t200 True
season season season[3] 201 44946 9.116.t201 True
harvests harvests harvests[1] 202 44947 9.116.t202 True
exceeding exceeding exceeding[1] 203 44948 9.116.t203 True
deep, deep deep[1] 204 44949 9.116.t204 True
so so so[7] 205 44950 9.116.t205 True
rich rich rich[1] 206 44951 9.116.t206 True
is is is[11] 207 44952 9.116.t207 True
the the the[30] 208 44953 9.116.t208 True
soil soil soil[1] 209 44954 9.116.t209 True
beneath; beneath beneath[1] 210 44955 9.116.t210 True
and and and[10] 211 44956 9.116.t211 True
in in in[14] 212 44957 9.116.t212 True
it, it it[13] 213 44958 9.116.t213 True
too, too too[1] 214 44959 9.116.t214 True
is is is[12] 215 44960 9.116.t215 True
a a a[62] 216 44961 9.116.t216 True
harbor harbor harbor[2] 217 44962 9.116.t217 True
giving giving giving[1] 218 44963 9.116.t218 True
safe safe safe[1] 219 44964 9.116.t219 True
anchorage, anchorage anchorage[1] 220 44965 9.116.t220 True
where where where[2] 221 44966 9.116.t221 True
there there there[3] 222 44967 9.116.t222 True
is is is[13] 223 44968 9.116.t223 True
no no no[10] 224 44969 9.116.t224 True
need need need[1] 225 44970 9.116.t225 True
of of of[12] 226 44971 9.116.t226 True
moorings, moorings moorings[1] 227 44972 9.116.t227 True
either either either[3] 228 44973 9.116.t228 True
to to to[8] 229 44974 9.116.t229 True
throw throw throw[1] 230 44975 9.116.t230 True
out out out[2] 231 44976 9.116.t231 True
anchor-stones anchorstones anchorstones[1] 232 44977 9.116.t232 True
or or or[17] 233 44978 9.116.t233 True
to to to[10] 234 44979 9.116.t234 True
make make make[1] 235 44980 9.116.t235 True
fast fast fast[1] 236 44981 9.116.t236 True
stern stern stern[1] 237 44982 9.116.t237 True
cables, cables cables[1] 238 44983 9.116.t238 True
but but but[4] 239 44984 9.116.t239 True
one one one[3] 240 44985 9.116.t240 True
may may may[1] 241 44986 9.116.t241 True
beach beach beach[1] 242 44987 9.116.t242 True
one's ones ones[2] 243 44988 9.116.t243 True
ship ship ship[5] 244 44989 9.116.t244 True
and and and[11] 245 44990 9.116.t245 True
wait wait wait[1] 246 44991 9.116.t246 True
until until until[2] 247 44992 9.116.t247 True
the the the[33] 248 44993 9.116.t248 True
sailors' sailors sailors[1] 249 44994 9.116.t249 True
minds minds minds[1] 250 44995 9.116.t250 True
bid bid bid[1] 251 44996 9.116.t251 True
them them them[3] 252 44997 9.116.t252 True
put put put[1] 253 44998 9.116.t253 True
out, out out[3] 254 44999 9.116.t254 True
and and and[12] 255 45000 9.116.t255 True
the the the[35] 256 45001 9.116.t256 True
breezes breezes breezes[1] 257 45002 9.116.t257 True
blow blow blow[1] 258 45003 9.116.t258 True
fair. fair fair[2] 259 45004 9.116.t259 True
Now Now Now[2] 260 45005 9.116.t260 True
at at at[8] 261 45006 9.116.t261 True
the the the[36] 262 45007 9.116.t262 True
head head head[1] 263 45008 9.116.t263 True
of of of[13] 264 45009 9.116.t264 True
the the the[37] 265 45010 9.116.t265 True
harbor harbor harbor[3] 266 45011 9.116.t266 True
a a a[81] 267 45012 9.116.t267 True
spring spring spring[1] 268 45013 9.116.t268 True
of of of[14] 269 45014 9.116.t269 True
bright bright bright[1] 270 45015 9.116.t270 True
water water water[2] 271 45016 9.116.t271 True
flows flows flows[1] 272 45017 9.116.t272 True
forth forth forth[1] 273 45018 9.116.t273 True
from from from[2] 274 45019 9.116.t274 True
beneath beneath beneath[2] 275 45020 9.116.t275 True
a a a[84] 276 45021 9.116.t276 True
cave, cave cave[1] 277 45022 9.116.t277 True
and and and[13] 278 45023 9.116.t278 True
round round round[1] 279 45024 9.116.t279 True
about about about[1] 280 45025 9.116.t280 True
it it it[16] 281 45026 9.116.t281 True
poplars poplars poplars[1] 282 45027 9.116.t282 True
grow. grow grow[1] 283 45028 9.116.t283 True
Thither Thither Thither[1] 284 45029 9.116.t284 True
we we we[3] 285 45030 9.116.t285 True
sailed sailed sailed[1] 286 45031 9.116.t286 True
in, in in[19] 287 45032 9.116.t287 True
and and and[14] 288 45033 9.116.t288 True
some some some[1] 289 45034 9.116.t289 True
god god god[1] 290 45035 9.116.t290 True
guided guided guided[1] 291 45036 9.116.t291 True
us us us[1] 292 45037 9.116.t292 True
through through through[1] 293 45038 9.116.t293 True
the the the[39] 294 45039 9.116.t294 True
murky murky murky[1] 295 45040 9.116.t295 True
night; night night[1] 296 45041 9.116.t296 True
for for for[4] 297 45042 9.116.t297 True
there there there[4] 298 45043 9.116.t298 True
was was was[1] 299 45044 9.116.t299 True
no no no[11] 300 45045 9.116.t300 True
light light light[1] 301 45046 9.116.t301 True
to to to[11] 302 45047 9.116.t302 True
see, see see[1] 303 45048 9.116.t303 True
but but but[5] 304 45049 9.116.t304 True
a a a[92] 305 45050 9.116.t305 True
mist mist mist[1] 306 45051 9.116.t306 True
lay lay lay[1] 307 45052 9.116.t307 True
deep deep deep[2] 308 45053 9.116.t308 True
about about about[2] 309 45054 9.116.t309 True
the the the[41] 310 45055 9.116.t310 True
ships ships ships[4] 311 45056 9.116.t311 True
and and and[15] 312 45057 9.116.t312 True
the the the[42] 313 45058 9.116.t313 True
moon moon moon[1] 314 45059 9.116.t314 True
showed showed showed[1] 315 45060 9.116.t315 True
no no no[12] 316 45061 9.116.t316 True
light light light[2] 317 45062 9.116.t317 True
from from from[3] 318 45063 9.116.t318 True
heaven, heaven heaven[1] 319 45064 9.116.t319 True
but but but[6] 320 45065 9.116.t320 True
was was was[2] 321 45066 9.116.t321 True
shut shut shut[1] 322 45067 9.116.t322 True
in in in[20] 323 45068 9.116.t323 True
by by by[2] 324 45069 9.116.t324 True
clouds. clouds clouds[1] 325 45070 9.116.t325 True
Then Then Then[1] 326 45071 9.116.t326 True
no no no[13] 327 45072 9.116.t327 True
man's mans mans[1] 328 45073 9.116.t328 True
eyes eyes eyes[1] 329 45074 9.116.t329 True
beheld beheld beheld[1] 330 45075 9.116.t330 True
that that that[2] 331 45076 9.116.t331 True
island, island island[1] 332 45077 9.116.t332 True
nor nor nor[5] 333 45078 9.116.t333 True
did did did[1] 334 45079 9.116.t334 True
we we we[5] 335 45080 9.116.t335 True
see see see[2] 336 45081 9.116.t336 True
the the the[43] 337 45082 9.116.t337 True
long long long[1] 338 45083 9.116.t338 True
waves waves waves[1] 339 45084 9.116.t339 True
rolling rolling rolling[1] 340 45085 9.116.t340 True
on on on[12] 341 45086 9.116.t341 True
the the the[44] 342 45087 9.116.t342 True
beach, beach beach[2] 343 45088 9.116.t343 True
until until until[3] 344 45089 9.116.t344 True
we we we[6] 345 45090 9.116.t345 True
ran ran ran[1] 346 45091 9.116.t346 True
our our our[2] 347 45092 9.116.t347 True
well-benched wellbenched wellbenched[2] 348 45093 9.116.t348 True
ships ships ships[5] 349 45094 9.116.t349 True
on on on[13] 350 45095 9.116.t350 True
shore. shore shore[3] 351 45096 9.116.t351 True
And And And[1] 352 45097 9.116.t352 True
when when when[2] 353 45098 9.116.t353 True
we we we[8] 354 45099 9.116.t354 True
had had had[1] 355 45100 9.116.t355 True
beached beached beached[1] 356 45101 9.116.t356 True
the the the[45] 357 45102 9.116.t357 True
ships ships ships[6] 358 45103 9.116.t358 True
we we we[9] 359 45104 9.116.t359 True
lowered lowered lowered[1] 360 45105 9.116.t360 True
all all all[4] 361 45106 9.116.t361 True
the the the[46] 362 45107 9.116.t362 True
sails sails sails[1] 363 45108 9.116.t363 True
and and and[17] 364 45109 9.116.t364 True
ourselves ourselves ourselves[1] 365 45110 9.116.t365 True
went went went[1] 366 45111 9.116.t366 True
forth forth forth[2] 367 45112 9.116.t367 True
on on on[14] 368 45113 9.116.t368 True
the the the[47] 369 45114 9.116.t369 True
shore shore shore[4] 370 45115 9.116.t370 True
of of of[15] 371 45116 9.116.t371 True
the the the[48] 372 45117 9.116.t372 True
sea, sea sea[6] 373 45118 9.116.t373 True
and and and[18] 374 45119 9.116.t374 True
there there there[5] 375 45120 9.116.t375 True
we we we[12] 376 45121 9.116.t376 True
fell fell fell[1] 377 45122 9.116.t377 True
asleep asleep asleep[1] 378 45123 9.116.t378 True
and and and[19] 379 45124 9.116.t379 True
waited waited waited[1] 380 45125 9.116.t380 True
for for for[6] 381 45126 9.116.t381 True
the the the[50] 382 45127 9.116.t382 True
bright bright bright[2] 383 45128 9.116.t383 True
Dawn. Dawn Dawn[1] 384 45129 9.116.t384 True
“As As As[1] 385 45130 9.116.t385 True
soon soon soon[1] 386 45131 9.116.t386 True
as as as[12] 387 45132 9.116.t387 True
early early early[1] 388 45133 9.116.t388 True
Dawn Dawn Dawn[2] 389 45134 9.116.t389 True
appeared, appeared appeared[1] 390 45135 9.116.t390 True
the the the[51] 391 45136 9.116.t391 True
rosy-fingered, rosyfingered rosyfingered[1] 392 45137 9.116.t392 True
we we we[13] 393 45138 9.116.t393 True
roamed roamed roamed[1] 394 45139 9.116.t394 True
throughout throughout throughout[1] 395 45140 9.116.t395 True
the the the[52] 396 45141 9.116.t396 True
isle isle isle[5] 397 45142 9.116.t397 True
marvelling marvelling marvelling[1] 398 45143 9.116.t398 True
at at at[12] 399 45144 9.116.t399 True
it; it it[19] 400 45145 9.116.t400 True
and and and[20] 401 45146 9.116.t401 True
the the the[53] 402 45147 9.116.t402 True
nymphs, nymphs nymphs[1] 403 45148 9.116.t403 True
the the the[54] 404 45149 9.116.t404 True
daughters daughters daughters[1] 405 45150 9.116.t405 True
of of of[16] 406 45151 9.116.t406 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[1] 407 45152 9.116.t407 True
who who who[4] 408 45153 9.116.t408 True
bears bears bears[1] 409 45154 9.116.t409 True
the the the[55] 410 45155 9.116.t410 True
aegis, aegis aegis[1] 411 45156 9.116.t411 True
roused roused roused[1] 412 45157 9.116.t412 True
the the the[56] 413 45158 9.116.t413 True
mountain mountain mountain[2] 414 45159 9.116.t414 True
goats, goats goats[3] 415 45160 9.116.t415 True
that that that[3] 416 45161 9.116.t416 True
my my my[1] 417 45162 9.116.t417 True
comrades comrades comrades[1] 418 45163 9.116.t418 True
might might might[3] 419 45164 9.116.t419 True
have have have[3] 420 45165 9.116.t420 True
whereof whereof whereof[1] 421 45166 9.116.t421 True
to to to[12] 422 45167 9.116.t422 True
make make make[2] 423 45168 9.116.t423 True
their their their[3] 424 45169 9.116.t424 True
meal. meal meal[1] 425 45170 9.116.t425 True
Straightway Straightway Straightway[1] 426 45171 9.116.t426 True
we we we[14] 427 45172 9.116.t427 True
took took took[1] 428 45173 9.116.t428 True
from from from[4] 429 45174 9.116.t429 True
the the the[58] 430 45175 9.116.t430 True
ships ships ships[7] 431 45176 9.116.t431 True
our our our[4] 432 45177 9.116.t432 True
curved curved curved[1] 433 45178 9.116.t433 True
bows bows bows[1] 434 45179 9.116.t434 True
and and and[21] 435 45180 9.116.t435 True
long long long[2] 436 45181 9.116.t436 True
javelins, javelins javelins[1] 437 45182 9.116.t437 True
and and and[22] 438 45183 9.116.t438 True
arrayed arrayed arrayed[1] 439 45184 9.116.t439 True
in in in[26] 440 45185 9.116.t440 True
three three three[1] 441 45186 9.116.t441 True
bands bands bands[1] 442 45187 9.116.t442 True
we we we[15] 443 45188 9.116.t443 True
fell fell fell[2] 444 45189 9.116.t444 True
to to to[14] 445 45190 9.116.t445 True
smiting; smiting smiting[1] 446 45191 9.116.t446 True
and and and[24] 447 45192 9.116.t447 True
the the the[59] 448 45193 9.116.t448 True
god god god[2] 449 45194 9.116.t449 True
soon soon soon[2] 450 45195 9.116.t450 True
gave gave gave[1] 451 45196 9.116.t451 True
us us us[4] 452 45197 9.116.t452 True
game game game[1] 453 45198 9.116.t453 True
to to to[15] 454 45199 9.116.t454 True
satisfy satisfy satisfy[1] 455 45200 9.116.t455 True
our our our[5] 456 45201 9.116.t456 True
hearts. hearts hearts[1] 457 45202 9.116.t457 True
The The The[3] 458 45203 9.116.t458 True
ships ships ships[8] 459 45204 9.116.t459 True
that that that[4] 460 45205 9.116.t460 True
followed followed followed[1] 461 45206 9.116.t461 True
me me me[15] 462 45207 9.116.t462 True
were were were[2] 463 45208 9.116.t463 True
twelve, twelve twelve[1] 464 45209 9.116.t464 True
and and and[25] 465 45210 9.116.t465 True
to to to[16] 466 45211 9.116.t466 True
each each each[4] 467 45212 9.116.t467 True
nine nine nine[1] 468 45213 9.116.t468 True
goats goats goats[4] 469 45214 9.116.t469 True
fell fell fell[3] 470 45215 9.116.t470 True
by by by[3] 471 45216 9.116.t471 True
lot, lot lot[1] 472 45217 9.116.t472 True
but but but[7] 473 45218 9.116.t473 True
for for for[7] 474 45219 9.116.t474 True
me me me[16] 475 45220 9.116.t475 True
alone alone alone[1] 476 45221 9.116.t476 True
they they they[3] 477 45222 9.116.t477 True
chose chose chose[1] 478 45223 9.116.t478 True
out out out[7] 479 45224 9.116.t479 True
ten. ten ten[2] 480 45225 9.116.t480 True