urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:52a.2 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 52a.2
“We say that you, Socrates, will be exposed to these reproaches, if you do what you have in mind, and you not least of the Athenians but more than most others.”
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:52a.1)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:52a.3)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
“We We We[1] 1 4354 52a.2.t1 True
say say say[1] 2 4355 52a.2.t2 True
that that that[1] 3 4356 52a.2.t3 True
you, you you[1] 4 4357 52a.2.t4 True
Socrates, Socrates Socrates[1] 5 4358 52a.2.t5 True
will will will[1] 6 4359 52a.2.t6 True
be be be[1] 7 4360 52a.2.t7 True
exposed exposed exposed[1] 8 4361 52a.2.t8 True
to to to[1] 9 4362 52a.2.t9 True
these these these[1] 10 4363 52a.2.t10 True
reproaches, reproaches reproaches[1] 11 4364 52a.2.t11 True
if if if[1] 12 4365 52a.2.t12 True
you you you[2] 13 4366 52a.2.t13 True
do do do[1] 14 4367 52a.2.t14 True
what what what[1] 15 4368 52a.2.t15 True
you you you[3] 16 4369 52a.2.t16 True
have have have[1] 17 4370 52a.2.t17 True
in in in[1] 18 4371 52a.2.t18 True
mind, mind mind[1] 19 4372 52a.2.t19 True
and and and[1] 20 4373 52a.2.t20 True
you you you[4] 21 4374 52a.2.t21 True
not not not[1] 22 4375 52a.2.t22 True
least least least[1] 23 4376 52a.2.t23 True
of of of[1] 24 4377 52a.2.t24 True
the the the[2] 25 4378 52a.2.t25 True
Athenians Athenians Athenians[1] 26 4379 52a.2.t26 True
but but but[1] 27 4380 52a.2.t27 True
more more more[1] 28 4381 52a.2.t28 True
than than than[1] 29 4382 52a.2.t29 True
most most most[1] 30 4383 52a.2.t30 True
others.” others others[1] 31 4384 52a.2.t31 True