urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:52a.1 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 52a.1
But we say that whoever of you stays here, seeing how we administer justice and how we govern the state in other respects, has thereby entered into an agreement with us to do what we command; and we say that he who does not obey does threefold wrong, because he disobeys us who are his parents, because he disobeys us who nurtured him, and because after agreeing to obey us he neither obeys us nor convinces us that we are wrong, though we give him the opportunity and do not roughly order him to do what we command, but when we allow him a choice of two things, either to convince us of error or to do our bidding, he does neither of these things.”
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:52a.2)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
But But But[1] 1 4229 52a.1.t1 True
we we we[1] 2 4230 52a.1.t2 True
say say say[1] 3 4231 52a.1.t3 True
that that that[1] 4 4232 52a.1.t4 True
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justice justice justice[1] 14 4242 52a.1.t14 True
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the the the[1] 19 4247 52a.1.t19 True
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respects, respects respects[1] 23 4251 52a.1.t23 True
has has has[1] 24 4252 52a.1.t24 True
thereby thereby thereby[1] 25 4253 52a.1.t25 True
entered entered entered[1] 26 4254 52a.1.t26 True
into into into[1] 27 4255 52a.1.t27 True
an an an[2] 28 4256 52a.1.t28 True
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threefold threefold threefold[1] 47 4275 52a.1.t47 True
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nor nor nor[1] 75 4303 52a.1.t75 True
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are are are[3] 80 4308 52a.1.t80 True
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though though though[1] 82 4310 52a.1.t82 True
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him him him[2] 85 4313 52a.1.t85 True
the the the[5] 86 4314 52a.1.t86 True
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but but but[1] 99 4327 52a.1.t99 True
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we we we[9] 101 4329 52a.1.t101 True
allow allow allow[1] 102 4330 52a.1.t102 True
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two two two[1] 107 4335 52a.1.t107 True
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