urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:49a.3 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 49a.3
Socrates. Ought we in no way to do wrong intentionally, or should we do wrong in some ways but not in others?
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:49a.2)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0059.tlg003.perseus-eng1:49a.4)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
Socrates. Socrates Socrates[1] 1 2783 49a.3.t1 True
Ought Ought Ought[1] 2 2784 49a.3.t2 True
we we we[1] 3 2785 49a.3.t3 True
in in in[1] 4 2786 49a.3.t4 True
no no no[1] 5 2787 49a.3.t5 True
way way way[1] 6 2788 49a.3.t6 True
to to to[1] 7 2789 49a.3.t7 True
do do do[1] 8 2790 49a.3.t8 True
wrong wrong wrong[1] 9 2791 49a.3.t9 True
intentionally, intentionally intentionally[1] 10 2792 49a.3.t10 True
or or or[1] 11 2793 49a.3.t11 True
should should should[1] 12 2794 49a.3.t12 True
we we we[2] 13 2795 49a.3.t13 True
do do do[2] 14 2796 49a.3.t14 True
wrong wrong wrong[2] 15 2797 49a.3.t15 True
in in in[3] 16 2798 49a.3.t16 True
some some some[1] 17 2799 49a.3.t17 True
ways ways ways[1] 18 2800 49a.3.t18 True
but but but[1] 19 2801 49a.3.t19 True
not not not[1] 20 2802 49a.3.t20 True
in in in[4] 21 2803 49a.3.t21 True
others? others others[1] 22 2804 49a.3.t22 True