urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng4:24.463 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 24.463
This was what he said, and more than half raised a loud shout, and at once left the assembly. But the rest stayed where they were, for the speech of Halitherses displeased them, and they sided with Eupeithes; they therefore hurried off for their armor, and when they had armed themselves, they met together in front of the city, and Eupeithes led them on in their folly. He thought he was going to avenge the murder of his son, whereas in truth he was never to return, but was himself to perish in his attempt. Then Athena said to Zeus, "Father, son of Kronos, king of kings, answer me this question - What does your noos bid you? Will you set them fighting still further, or will you make peace between them?" And Zeus answered, "My child, why should you ask me? Was it not by your own arrangement [noos] that Odysseus came home and took his revenge upon the suitors? Do whatever you like, but I will tell you what I think will be the most reasonable arrangement. Now that Odysseus is revenged, let them swear to a solemn covenant, in virtue of which he shall continue to rule, while we cause the others to forgive and forget the massacre of their sons and brothers. Let them then all become friends as heretofore, and let peace and plenty reign." This was what Athena was already eager to bring about, so down she darted from off the topmost summits of Olympus.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng4:24.412)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng4:24.489)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
This This This[1] 1 117585 24.463.t1 True
was was was[1] 2 117586 24.463.t2 True
what what what[1] 3 117587 24.463.t3 True
he he he[1] 4 117588 24.463.t4 True
said, said said[1] 5 117589 24.463.t5 True
and and and[1] 6 117590 24.463.t6 True
more more more[1] 7 117591 24.463.t7 True
than than than[1] 8 117592 24.463.t8 True
half half half[1] 9 117593 24.463.t9 True
raised raised raised[1] 10 117594 24.463.t10 True
a a a[8] 11 117595 24.463.t11 True
loud loud loud[1] 12 117596 24.463.t12 True
shout, shout shout[1] 13 117597 24.463.t13 True
and and and[2] 14 117598 24.463.t14 True
at at at[2] 15 117599 24.463.t15 True
once once once[1] 16 117600 24.463.t16 True
left left left[1] 17 117601 24.463.t17 True
the the the[1] 18 117602 24.463.t18 True
assembly. assembly assembly[1] 19 117603 24.463.t19 True
But But But[1] 20 117604 24.463.t20 True
the the the[2] 21 117605 24.463.t21 True
rest rest rest[1] 22 117606 24.463.t22 True
stayed stayed stayed[1] 23 117607 24.463.t23 True
where where where[1] 24 117608 24.463.t24 True
they they they[1] 25 117609 24.463.t25 True
were, were were[1] 26 117610 24.463.t26 True
for for for[1] 27 117611 24.463.t27 True
the the the[4] 28 117612 24.463.t28 True
speech speech speech[1] 29 117613 24.463.t29 True
of of of[1] 30 117614 24.463.t30 True
Halitherses Halitherses Halitherses[1] 31 117615 24.463.t31 True
displeased displeased displeased[1] 32 117616 24.463.t32 True
them, them them[1] 33 117617 24.463.t33 True
and and and[3] 34 117618 24.463.t34 True
they they they[2] 35 117619 24.463.t35 True
sided sided sided[1] 36 117620 24.463.t36 True
with with with[1] 37 117621 24.463.t37 True
Eupeithes; Eupeithes Eupeithes[1] 38 117622 24.463.t38 True
they they they[3] 39 117623 24.463.t39 True
therefore therefore therefore[1] 40 117624 24.463.t40 True
hurried hurried hurried[1] 41 117625 24.463.t41 True
off off off[1] 42 117626 24.463.t42 True
for for for[3] 43 117627 24.463.t43 True
their their their[1] 44 117628 24.463.t44 True
armor, armor armor[1] 45 117629 24.463.t45 True
and and and[4] 46 117630 24.463.t46 True
when when when[1] 47 117631 24.463.t47 True
they they they[4] 48 117632 24.463.t48 True
had had had[1] 49 117633 24.463.t49 True
armed armed armed[1] 50 117634 24.463.t50 True
themselves, themselves themselves[1] 51 117635 24.463.t51 True
they they they[5] 52 117636 24.463.t52 True
met met met[1] 53 117637 24.463.t53 True
together together together[1] 54 117638 24.463.t54 True
in in in[1] 55 117639 24.463.t55 True
front front front[1] 56 117640 24.463.t56 True
of of of[3] 57 117641 24.463.t57 True
the the the[16] 58 117642 24.463.t58 True
city, city city[1] 59 117643 24.463.t59 True
and and and[5] 60 117644 24.463.t60 True
Eupeithes Eupeithes Eupeithes[2] 61 117645 24.463.t61 True
led led led[1] 62 117646 24.463.t62 True
them them them[3] 63 117647 24.463.t63 True
on on on[3] 64 117648 24.463.t64 True
in in in[2] 65 117649 24.463.t65 True
their their their[2] 66 117650 24.463.t66 True
folly. folly folly[1] 67 117651 24.463.t67 True
He He He[1] 68 117652 24.463.t68 True
thought thought thought[1] 69 117653 24.463.t69 True
he he he[23] 70 117654 24.463.t70 True
was was was[2] 71 117655 24.463.t71 True
going going going[1] 72 117656 24.463.t72 True
to to to[2] 73 117657 24.463.t73 True
avenge avenge avenge[1] 74 117658 24.463.t74 True
the the the[20] 75 117659 24.463.t75 True
murder murder murder[1] 76 117660 24.463.t76 True
of of of[4] 77 117661 24.463.t77 True
his his his[2] 78 117662 24.463.t78 True
son, son son[1] 79 117663 24.463.t79 True
whereas whereas whereas[1] 80 117664 24.463.t80 True
in in in[4] 81 117665 24.463.t81 True
truth truth truth[1] 82 117666 24.463.t82 True
he he he[26] 83 117667 24.463.t83 True
was was was[3] 84 117668 24.463.t84 True
never never never[1] 85 117669 24.463.t85 True
to to to[3] 86 117670 24.463.t86 True
return, return return[1] 87 117671 24.463.t87 True
but but but[1] 88 117672 24.463.t88 True
was was was[4] 89 117673 24.463.t89 True
himself himself himself[1] 90 117674 24.463.t90 True
to to to[4] 91 117675 24.463.t91 True
perish perish perish[1] 92 117676 24.463.t92 True
in in in[5] 93 117677 24.463.t93 True
his his his[3] 94 117678 24.463.t94 True
attempt. attempt attempt[1] 95 117679 24.463.t95 True
Then Then Then[1] 96 117680 24.463.t96 True
Athena Athena Athena[1] 97 117681 24.463.t97 True
said said said[2] 98 117682 24.463.t98 True
to to to[5] 99 117683 24.463.t99 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[1] 100 117684 24.463.t100 True
"Father, Father Father[1] 101 117685 24.463.t101 True
son son son[2] 102 117686 24.463.t102 True
of of of[5] 103 117687 24.463.t103 True
Kronos, Kronos Kronos[1] 104 117688 24.463.t104 True
king king king[1] 105 117689 24.463.t105 True
of of of[6] 106 117690 24.463.t106 True
kings, kings kings[1] 107 117691 24.463.t107 True
answer answer answer[1] 108 117692 24.463.t108 True
me me me[3] 109 117693 24.463.t109 True
this this this[1] 110 117694 24.463.t110 True
question question question[1] 111 117695 24.463.t111 True
- [0] 112 117696 24.463.t112 True
What What What[1] 113 117697 24.463.t113 True
does does does[1] 114 117698 24.463.t114 True
your your your[1] 115 117699 24.463.t115 True
noos noos noos[1] 116 117700 24.463.t116 True
bid bid bid[1] 117 117701 24.463.t117 True
you? you you[2] 118 117702 24.463.t118 True
Will Will Will[1] 119 117703 24.463.t119 True
you you you[3] 120 117704 24.463.t120 True
set set set[1] 121 117705 24.463.t121 True
them them them[4] 122 117706 24.463.t122 True
fighting fighting fighting[1] 123 117707 24.463.t123 True
still still still[1] 124 117708 24.463.t124 True
further, further further[1] 125 117709 24.463.t125 True
or or or[6] 126 117710 24.463.t126 True
will will will[1] 127 117711 24.463.t127 True
you you you[4] 128 117712 24.463.t128 True
make make make[1] 129 117713 24.463.t129 True
peace peace peace[1] 130 117714 24.463.t130 True
between between between[1] 131 117715 24.463.t131 True
them?" them them[5] 132 117716 24.463.t132 True
And And And[1] 133 117717 24.463.t133 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[2] 134 117718 24.463.t134 True
answered, answered answered[1] 135 117719 24.463.t135 True
"My My My[1] 136 117720 24.463.t136 True
child, child child[1] 137 117721 24.463.t137 True
why why why[1] 138 117722 24.463.t138 True
should should should[1] 139 117723 24.463.t139 True
you you you[5] 140 117724 24.463.t140 True
ask ask ask[1] 141 117725 24.463.t141 True
me? me me[4] 142 117726 24.463.t142 True
Was Was Was[1] 143 117727 24.463.t143 True
it it it[6] 144 117728 24.463.t144 True
not not not[1] 145 117729 24.463.t145 True
by by by[1] 146 117730 24.463.t146 True
your your your[2] 147 117731 24.463.t147 True
own own own[1] 148 117732 24.463.t148 True
arrangement arrangement arrangement[1] 149 117733 24.463.t149 True
[noos] noos noos[2] 150 117734 24.463.t150 True
that that that[1] 151 117735 24.463.t151 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[1] 152 117736 24.463.t152 True
came came came[1] 153 117737 24.463.t153 True
home home home[1] 154 117738 24.463.t154 True
and and and[6] 155 117739 24.463.t155 True
took took took[1] 156 117740 24.463.t156 True
his his his[5] 157 117741 24.463.t157 True
revenge revenge revenge[1] 158 117742 24.463.t158 True
upon upon upon[1] 159 117743 24.463.t159 True
the the the[26] 160 117744 24.463.t160 True
suitors? suitors suitors[1] 161 117745 24.463.t161 True
Do Do Do[1] 162 117746 24.463.t162 True
whatever whatever whatever[1] 163 117747 24.463.t163 True
you you you[7] 164 117748 24.463.t164 True
like, like like[1] 165 117749 24.463.t165 True
but but but[2] 166 117750 24.463.t166 True
I I I[1] 167 117751 24.463.t167 True
will will will[2] 168 117752 24.463.t168 True
tell tell tell[1] 169 117753 24.463.t169 True
you you you[8] 170 117754 24.463.t170 True
what what what[3] 171 117755 24.463.t171 True
I I I[2] 172 117756 24.463.t172 True
think think think[1] 173 117757 24.463.t173 True
will will will[3] 174 117758 24.463.t174 True
be be be[2] 175 117759 24.463.t175 True
the the the[27] 176 117760 24.463.t176 True
most most most[1] 177 117761 24.463.t177 True
reasonable reasonable reasonable[1] 178 117762 24.463.t178 True
arrangement. arrangement arrangement[2] 179 117763 24.463.t179 True
Now Now Now[1] 180 117764 24.463.t180 True
that that that[2] 181 117765 24.463.t181 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[2] 182 117766 24.463.t182 True
is is is[9] 183 117767 24.463.t183 True
revenged, revenged revenged[1] 184 117768 24.463.t184 True
let let let[1] 185 117769 24.463.t185 True
them them them[6] 186 117770 24.463.t186 True
swear swear swear[1] 187 117771 24.463.t187 True
to to to[8] 188 117772 24.463.t188 True
a a a[50] 189 117773 24.463.t189 True
solemn solemn solemn[1] 190 117774 24.463.t190 True
covenant, covenant covenant[1] 191 117775 24.463.t191 True
in in in[10] 192 117776 24.463.t192 True
virtue virtue virtue[1] 193 117777 24.463.t193 True
of of of[7] 194 117778 24.463.t194 True
which which which[1] 195 117779 24.463.t195 True
he he he[36] 196 117780 24.463.t196 True
shall shall shall[1] 197 117781 24.463.t197 True
continue continue continue[1] 198 117782 24.463.t198 True
to to to[9] 199 117783 24.463.t199 True
rule, rule rule[1] 200 117784 24.463.t200 True
while while while[1] 201 117785 24.463.t201 True
we we we[6] 202 117786 24.463.t202 True
cause cause cause[1] 203 117787 24.463.t203 True
the the the[29] 204 117788 24.463.t204 True
others others others[1] 205 117789 24.463.t205 True
to to to[10] 206 117790 24.463.t206 True
forgive forgive forgive[1] 207 117791 24.463.t207 True
and and and[7] 208 117792 24.463.t208 True
forget forget forget[1] 209 117793 24.463.t209 True
the the the[31] 210 117794 24.463.t210 True
massacre massacre massacre[1] 211 117795 24.463.t211 True
of of of[8] 212 117796 24.463.t212 True
their their their[3] 213 117797 24.463.t213 True
sons sons sons[1] 214 117798 24.463.t214 True
and and and[8] 215 117799 24.463.t215 True
brothers. brothers brothers[1] 216 117800 24.463.t216 True
Let Let Let[1] 217 117801 24.463.t217 True
them them them[7] 218 117802 24.463.t218 True
then then then[2] 219 117803 24.463.t219 True
all all all[2] 220 117804 24.463.t220 True
become become become[1] 221 117805 24.463.t221 True
friends friends friends[1] 222 117806 24.463.t222 True
as as as[12] 223 117807 24.463.t223 True
heretofore, heretofore heretofore[1] 224 117808 24.463.t224 True
and and and[9] 225 117809 24.463.t225 True
let let let[2] 226 117810 24.463.t226 True
peace peace peace[2] 227 117811 24.463.t227 True
and and and[10] 228 117812 24.463.t228 True
plenty plenty plenty[1] 229 117813 24.463.t229 True
reign." reign reign[1] 230 117814 24.463.t230 True
This This This[2] 231 117815 24.463.t231 True
was was was[5] 232 117816 24.463.t232 True
what what what[4] 233 117817 24.463.t233 True
Athena Athena Athena[2] 234 117818 24.463.t234 True
was was was[6] 235 117819 24.463.t235 True
already already already[1] 236 117820 24.463.t236 True
eager eager eager[1] 237 117821 24.463.t237 True
to to to[12] 238 117822 24.463.t238 True
bring bring bring[1] 239 117823 24.463.t239 True
about, about about[1] 240 117824 24.463.t240 True
so so so[6] 241 117825 24.463.t241 True
down down down[1] 242 117826 24.463.t242 True
she she she[1] 243 117827 24.463.t243 True
darted darted darted[1] 244 117828 24.463.t244 True
from from from[1] 245 117829 24.463.t245 True
off off off[2] 246 117830 24.463.t246 True
the the the[37] 247 117831 24.463.t247 True
topmost topmost topmost[1] 248 117832 24.463.t248 True
summits summits summits[1] 249 117833 24.463.t249 True
of of of[11] 250 117834 24.463.t250 True
Olympus. Olympus Olympus[1] 251 117835 24.463.t251 True