urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:998 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 998
And as a man hides a brand beneath the dark embers in an outlying farm, a man who has no neighbors, and so saves a seed of fire, that he may not have to kindle it from some other source, so Odysseus covered himself with leaves.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:997)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:999)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
And And And[1] 1 30327 998.t1 True
as as as[1] 2 30328 998.t2 True
a a a[2] 3 30329 998.t3 True
man man man[1] 4 30330 998.t4 True
hides hides hides[1] 5 30331 998.t5 True
a a a[4] 6 30332 998.t6 True
brand brand brand[1] 7 30333 998.t7 True
beneath beneath beneath[1] 8 30334 998.t8 True
the the the[1] 9 30335 998.t9 True
dark dark dark[1] 10 30336 998.t10 True
embers embers embers[1] 11 30337 998.t11 True
in in in[1] 12 30338 998.t12 True
an an an[3] 13 30339 998.t13 True
outlying outlying outlying[1] 14 30340 998.t14 True
farm, farm farm[1] 15 30341 998.t15 True
a a a[10] 16 30342 998.t16 True
man man man[2] 17 30343 998.t17 True
who who who[1] 18 30344 998.t18 True
has has has[1] 19 30345 998.t19 True
no no no[1] 20 30346 998.t20 True
neighbors, neighbors neighbors[1] 21 30347 998.t21 True
and and and[2] 22 30348 998.t22 True
so so so[1] 23 30349 998.t23 True
saves saves saves[1] 24 30350 998.t24 True
a a a[15] 25 30351 998.t25 True
seed seed seed[1] 26 30352 998.t26 True
of of of[1] 27 30353 998.t27 True
fire, fire fire[1] 28 30354 998.t28 True
that that that[1] 29 30355 998.t29 True
he he he[2] 30 30356 998.t30 True
may may may[1] 31 30357 998.t31 True
not not not[1] 32 30358 998.t32 True
have have have[1] 33 30359 998.t33 True
to to to[1] 34 30360 998.t34 True
kindle kindle kindle[1] 35 30361 998.t35 True
it it it[1] 36 30362 998.t36 True
from from from[1] 37 30363 998.t37 True
some some some[1] 38 30364 998.t38 True
other other other[1] 39 30365 998.t39 True
source, source source[1] 40 30366 998.t40 True
so so so[4] 41 30367 998.t41 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[1] 42 30368 998.t42 True
covered covered covered[1] 43 30369 998.t43 True
himself himself himself[1] 44 30370 998.t44 True
with with with[1] 45 30371 998.t45 True
leaves. leaves leaves[1] 46 30372 998.t46 True