urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:871 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 871
But since it is in no wise possible for any other god to evade or make void the will of Zeus who bears the aegis, let him go his way, if Zeus thus orders and commands, over the unresting sea.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:870)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:872)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
But But But[1] 1 26315 871.t1 True
since since since[1] 2 26316 871.t2 True
it it it[1] 3 26317 871.t3 True
is is is[1] 4 26318 871.t4 True
in in in[2] 5 26319 871.t5 True
no no no[1] 6 26320 871.t6 True
wise wise wise[1] 7 26321 871.t7 True
possible possible possible[1] 8 26322 871.t8 True
for for for[1] 9 26323 871.t9 True
any any any[1] 10 26324 871.t10 True
other other other[1] 11 26325 871.t11 True
god god god[1] 12 26326 871.t12 True
to to to[1] 13 26327 871.t13 True
evade evade evade[1] 14 26328 871.t14 True
or or or[2] 15 26329 871.t15 True
make make make[1] 16 26330 871.t16 True
void void void[1] 17 26331 871.t17 True
the the the[2] 18 26332 871.t18 True
will will will[1] 19 26333 871.t19 True
of of of[1] 20 26334 871.t20 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[1] 21 26335 871.t21 True
who who who[1] 22 26336 871.t22 True
bears bears bears[1] 23 26337 871.t23 True
the the the[3] 24 26338 871.t24 True
aegis, aegis aegis[1] 25 26339 871.t25 True
let let let[1] 26 26340 871.t26 True
him him him[1] 27 26341 871.t27 True
go go go[2] 28 26342 871.t28 True
his his his[1] 29 26343 871.t29 True
way, way way[1] 30 26344 871.t30 True
if if if[1] 31 26345 871.t31 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[2] 32 26346 871.t32 True
thus thus thus[1] 33 26347 871.t33 True
orders orders orders[1] 34 26348 871.t34 True
and and and[1] 35 26349 871.t35 True
commands, commands commands[1] 36 26350 871.t36 True
over over over[1] 37 26351 871.t37 True
the the the[4] 38 26352 871.t38 True
unresting unresting unresting[1] 39 26353 871.t39 True
sea. sea sea[1] 40 26354 871.t40 True