urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:4313 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 1
REF: 4313
Pear-trees thirteen thou gavest me, and ten apple-trees, and forty fig-trees.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
Pear-trees | Peartrees | Peartrees[1] | 1 | 132498 | 4313.t1 | True | |
thirteen | thirteen | thirteen[1] | 2 | 132499 | 4313.t2 | True | |
thou | thou | thou[1] | 3 | 132500 | 4313.t3 | True | |
gavest | gavest | gavest[1] | 4 | 132501 | 4313.t4 | True | |
me, | me | me[1] | 5 | 132502 | 4313.t5 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 6 | 132503 | 4313.t6 | True | |
ten | ten | ten[1] | 7 | 132504 | 4313.t7 | True | |
apple-trees, | appletrees | appletrees[1] | 8 | 132505 | 4313.t8 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 9 | 132506 | 4313.t9 | True | |
forty | forty | forty[1] | 10 | 132507 | 4313.t10 | True | |
fig-trees. | figtrees | figtrees[1] | 11 | 132508 | 4313.t11 | True |