urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:3208 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 3208
Then she called to her the goodly swineherd, and said: “Go, goodly Eumaeus, and bid the stranger come hither, that I may give him greeting, and ask him if haply he has heard of Odysseus of the steadfast heart, or has seen him with his eyes.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:3207)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:3209)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
Then Then Then[1] 1 97097 3208.t1 True
she she she[1] 2 97098 3208.t2 True
called called called[1] 3 97099 3208.t3 True
to to to[1] 4 97100 3208.t4 True
her her her[1] 5 97101 3208.t5 True
the the the[1] 6 97102 3208.t6 True
goodly goodly goodly[1] 7 97103 3208.t7 True
swineherd, swineherd swineherd[1] 8 97104 3208.t8 True
and and and[1] 9 97105 3208.t9 True
said: said said[1] 10 97106 3208.t10 True
“Go, Go Go[1] 11 97107 3208.t11 True
goodly goodly goodly[2] 12 97108 3208.t12 True
Eumaeus, Eumaeus Eumaeus[1] 13 97109 3208.t13 True
and and and[2] 14 97110 3208.t14 True
bid bid bid[1] 15 97111 3208.t15 True
the the the[2] 16 97112 3208.t16 True
stranger stranger stranger[1] 17 97113 3208.t17 True
come come come[1] 18 97114 3208.t18 True
hither, hither hither[1] 19 97115 3208.t19 True
that that that[1] 20 97116 3208.t20 True
I I I[1] 21 97117 3208.t21 True
may may may[1] 22 97118 3208.t22 True
give give give[1] 23 97119 3208.t23 True
him him him[1] 24 97120 3208.t24 True
greeting, greeting greeting[1] 25 97121 3208.t25 True
and and and[3] 26 97122 3208.t26 True
ask ask ask[1] 27 97123 3208.t27 True
him him him[2] 28 97124 3208.t28 True
if if if[1] 29 97125 3208.t29 True
haply haply haply[1] 30 97126 3208.t30 True
he he he[8] 31 97127 3208.t31 True
has has has[1] 32 97128 3208.t32 True
heard heard heard[1] 33 97129 3208.t33 True
of of of[1] 34 97130 3208.t34 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[1] 35 97131 3208.t35 True
of of of[2] 36 97132 3208.t36 True
the the the[4] 37 97133 3208.t37 True
steadfast steadfast steadfast[1] 38 97134 3208.t38 True
heart, heart heart[1] 39 97135 3208.t39 True
or or or[1] 40 97136 3208.t40 True
has has has[2] 41 97137 3208.t41 True
seen seen seen[1] 42 97138 3208.t42 True
him him him[3] 43 97139 3208.t43 True
with with with[1] 44 97140 3208.t44 True
his his his[1] 45 97141 3208.t45 True
eyes. eyes eyes[1] 46 97142 3208.t46 True