urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2868 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 3
REF: 2868
But if they should overwhelm me by their numbers, alone as I was, far rather would I die, slain in my own halls, than behold continually these shameful deeds, strangers mishandled, and men dragging the handmaidens in shameful fashion through the fair halls, and wine drawn to waste, and men devouring my bread all heedlessly, without limit, with no end to the business.”
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
But | But | But[1] | 1 | 87326 | 2868.t1 | True | |
if | if | if[1] | 2 | 87327 | 2868.t2 | True | |
they | they | they[1] | 3 | 87328 | 2868.t3 | True | |
should | should | should[1] | 4 | 87329 | 2868.t4 | True | |
overwhelm | overwhelm | overwhelm[1] | 5 | 87330 | 2868.t5 | True | |
me | me | me[1] | 6 | 87331 | 2868.t6 | True | |
by | by | by[1] | 7 | 87332 | 2868.t7 | True | |
their | their | their[1] | 8 | 87333 | 2868.t8 | True | |
numbers, | numbers | numbers[1] | 9 | 87334 | 2868.t9 | True | |
alone | alone | alone[1] | 10 | 87335 | 2868.t10 | True | |
as | as | as[1] | 11 | 87336 | 2868.t11 | True | |
I | I | I[1] | 12 | 87337 | 2868.t12 | True | |
was, | was | was[1] | 13 | 87338 | 2868.t13 | True | |
far | far | far[1] | 14 | 87339 | 2868.t14 | True | |
rather | rather | rather[1] | 15 | 87340 | 2868.t15 | True | |
would | would | would[1] | 16 | 87341 | 2868.t16 | True | |
I | I | I[2] | 17 | 87342 | 2868.t17 | True | |
die, | die | die[1] | 18 | 87343 | 2868.t18 | True | |
slain | slain | slain[1] | 19 | 87344 | 2868.t19 | True | |
in | in | in[2] | 20 | 87345 | 2868.t20 | True | |
my | my | my[1] | 21 | 87346 | 2868.t21 | True | |
own | own | own[1] | 22 | 87347 | 2868.t22 | True | |
halls, | halls | halls[1] | 23 | 87348 | 2868.t23 | True | |
than | than | than[1] | 24 | 87349 | 2868.t24 | True | |
behold | behold | behold[1] | 25 | 87350 | 2868.t25 | True | |
continually | continually | continually[1] | 26 | 87351 | 2868.t26 | True | |
these | these | these[1] | 27 | 87352 | 2868.t27 | True | |
shameful | shameful | shameful[1] | 28 | 87353 | 2868.t28 | True | |
deeds, | deeds | deeds[1] | 29 | 87354 | 2868.t29 | True | |
strangers | strangers | strangers[1] | 30 | 87355 | 2868.t30 | True | |
mishandled, | mishandled | mishandled[1] | 31 | 87356 | 2868.t31 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 32 | 87357 | 2868.t32 | True | |
men | men | men[1] | 33 | 87358 | 2868.t33 | True | |
dragging | dragging | dragging[1] | 34 | 87359 | 2868.t34 | True | |
the | the | the[5] | 35 | 87360 | 2868.t35 | True | |
handmaidens | handmaidens | handmaidens[1] | 36 | 87361 | 2868.t36 | True | |
in | in | in[5] | 37 | 87362 | 2868.t37 | True | |
shameful | shameful | shameful[2] | 38 | 87363 | 2868.t38 | True | |
fashion | fashion | fashion[1] | 39 | 87364 | 2868.t39 | True | |
through | through | through[1] | 40 | 87365 | 2868.t40 | True | |
the | the | the[6] | 41 | 87366 | 2868.t41 | True | |
fair | fair | fair[1] | 42 | 87367 | 2868.t42 | True | |
halls, | halls | halls[2] | 43 | 87368 | 2868.t43 | True | |
and | and | and[4] | 44 | 87369 | 2868.t44 | True | |
wine | wine | wine[1] | 45 | 87370 | 2868.t45 | True | |
drawn | drawn | drawn[1] | 46 | 87371 | 2868.t46 | True | |
to | to | to[1] | 47 | 87372 | 2868.t47 | True | |
waste, | waste | waste[1] | 48 | 87373 | 2868.t48 | True | |
and | and | and[5] | 49 | 87374 | 2868.t49 | True | |
men | men | men[2] | 50 | 87375 | 2868.t50 | True | |
devouring | devouring | devouring[1] | 51 | 87376 | 2868.t51 | True | |
my | my | my[2] | 52 | 87377 | 2868.t52 | True | |
bread | bread | bread[1] | 53 | 87378 | 2868.t53 | True | |
all | all | all[4] | 54 | 87379 | 2868.t54 | True | |
heedlessly, | heedlessly | heedlessly[1] | 55 | 87380 | 2868.t55 | True | |
without | without | without[1] | 56 | 87381 | 2868.t56 | True | |
limit, | limit | limit[1] | 57 | 87382 | 2868.t57 | True | |
with | with | with[2] | 58 | 87383 | 2868.t58 | True | |
no | no | no[1] | 59 | 87384 | 2868.t59 | True | |
end | end | end[1] | 60 | 87385 | 2868.t60 | True | |
to | to | to[2] | 61 | 87386 | 2868.t61 | True | |
the | the | the[7] | 62 | 87387 | 2868.t62 | True | |
business.” | business | business[1] | 63 | 87388 | 2868.t63 | True |