urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2498 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 2498
For a month only I remained, taking joy in my children, my wedded wife, and my wealth; and then to Egypt did my spirit bid me voyage with my godlike comrades, when I had fitted out my ships with care.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2497)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2499)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
For For For[1] 1 76697 2498.t1 True
a a a[1] 2 76698 2498.t2 True
month month month[1] 3 76699 2498.t3 True
only only only[1] 4 76700 2498.t4 True
I I I[1] 5 76701 2498.t5 True
remained, remained remained[1] 6 76702 2498.t6 True
taking taking taking[1] 7 76703 2498.t7 True
joy joy joy[1] 8 76704 2498.t8 True
in in in[3] 9 76705 2498.t9 True
my my my[1] 10 76706 2498.t10 True
children, children children[1] 11 76707 2498.t11 True
my my my[2] 12 76708 2498.t12 True
wedded wedded wedded[1] 13 76709 2498.t13 True
wife, wife wife[1] 14 76710 2498.t14 True
and and and[1] 15 76711 2498.t15 True
my my my[3] 16 76712 2498.t16 True
wealth; wealth wealth[1] 17 76713 2498.t17 True
and and and[2] 18 76714 2498.t18 True
then then then[1] 19 76715 2498.t19 True
to to to[1] 20 76716 2498.t20 True
Egypt Egypt Egypt[1] 21 76717 2498.t21 True
did did did[1] 22 76718 2498.t22 True
my my my[4] 23 76719 2498.t23 True
spirit spirit spirit[1] 24 76720 2498.t24 True
bid bid bid[1] 25 76721 2498.t25 True
me me me[1] 26 76722 2498.t26 True
voyage voyage voyage[1] 27 76723 2498.t27 True
with with with[1] 28 76724 2498.t28 True
my my my[5] 29 76725 2498.t29 True
godlike godlike godlike[1] 30 76726 2498.t30 True
comrades, comrades comrades[1] 31 76727 2498.t31 True
when when when[1] 32 76728 2498.t32 True
I I I[2] 33 76729 2498.t33 True
had had had[1] 34 76730 2498.t34 True
fitted fitted fitted[1] 35 76731 2498.t35 True
out out out[1] 36 76732 2498.t36 True
my my my[6] 37 76733 2498.t37 True
ships ships ships[1] 38 76734 2498.t38 True
with with with[2] 39 76735 2498.t39 True
care. care care[1] 40 76736 2498.t40 True