urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2328 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 2328
Would that I had remained there among the Phaeacians, and had then come to some other of the mighty kings, who would have entertained me and sent me on my homeward way.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2327)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2329)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
Would Would Would[1] 1 71270 2328.t1 True
that that that[1] 2 71271 2328.t2 True
I I I[1] 3 71272 2328.t3 True
had had had[1] 4 71273 2328.t4 True
remained remained remained[1] 5 71274 2328.t5 True
there there there[1] 6 71275 2328.t6 True
among among among[1] 7 71276 2328.t7 True
the the the[2] 8 71277 2328.t8 True
Phaeacians, Phaeacians Phaeacians[1] 9 71278 2328.t9 True
and and and[1] 10 71279 2328.t10 True
had had had[2] 11 71280 2328.t11 True
then then then[1] 12 71281 2328.t12 True
come come come[1] 13 71282 2328.t13 True
to to to[1] 14 71283 2328.t14 True
some some some[1] 15 71284 2328.t15 True
other other other[1] 16 71285 2328.t16 True
of of of[1] 17 71286 2328.t17 True
the the the[5] 18 71287 2328.t18 True
mighty mighty mighty[1] 19 71288 2328.t19 True
kings, kings kings[1] 20 71289 2328.t20 True
who who who[1] 21 71290 2328.t21 True
would would would[1] 22 71291 2328.t22 True
have have have[1] 23 71292 2328.t23 True
entertained entertained entertained[1] 24 71293 2328.t24 True
me me me[3] 25 71294 2328.t25 True
and and and[2] 26 71295 2328.t26 True
sent sent sent[1] 27 71296 2328.t27 True
me me me[4] 28 71297 2328.t28 True
on on on[2] 29 71298 2328.t29 True
my my my[1] 30 71299 2328.t30 True
homeward homeward homeward[1] 31 71300 2328.t31 True
way. way way[1] 32 71301 2328.t32 True