urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2299 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 2299
For I but now declared that Odysseus should suffer many woes ere he reached his home, though I did not wholly rob him of his return when once thou hadst promised it and confirmed it with thy nod; yet in his sleep these men have borne him in a swift ship over the sea and set him down in Ithaca, and have given him gifts past telling, stores of bronze and gold and woven raiment, more than Odysseus would ever have won for himself from Troy, if he had returned unscathed with his due share of the spoil.”
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2298)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2300)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
For For For[1] 1 70458 2299.t1 True
I I I[1] 2 70459 2299.t2 True
but but but[1] 3 70460 2299.t3 True
now now now[1] 4 70461 2299.t4 True
declared declared declared[1] 5 70462 2299.t5 True
that that that[1] 6 70463 2299.t6 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[1] 7 70464 2299.t7 True
should should should[1] 8 70465 2299.t8 True
suffer suffer suffer[1] 9 70466 2299.t9 True
many many many[1] 10 70467 2299.t10 True
woes woes woes[1] 11 70468 2299.t11 True
ere ere ere[1] 12 70469 2299.t12 True
he he he[1] 13 70470 2299.t13 True
reached reached reached[1] 14 70471 2299.t14 True
his his his[1] 15 70472 2299.t15 True
home, home home[1] 16 70473 2299.t16 True
though though though[1] 17 70474 2299.t17 True
I I I[2] 18 70475 2299.t18 True
did did did[1] 19 70476 2299.t19 True
not not not[1] 20 70477 2299.t20 True
wholly wholly wholly[1] 21 70478 2299.t21 True
rob rob rob[1] 22 70479 2299.t22 True
him him him[1] 23 70480 2299.t23 True
of of of[1] 24 70481 2299.t24 True
his his his[2] 25 70482 2299.t25 True
return return return[1] 26 70483 2299.t26 True
when when when[1] 27 70484 2299.t27 True
once once once[1] 28 70485 2299.t28 True
thou thou thou[2] 29 70486 2299.t29 True
hadst hadst hadst[1] 30 70487 2299.t30 True
promised promised promised[1] 31 70488 2299.t31 True
it it it[1] 32 70489 2299.t32 True
and and and[1] 33 70490 2299.t33 True
confirmed confirmed confirmed[1] 34 70491 2299.t34 True
it it it[2] 35 70492 2299.t35 True
with with with[1] 36 70493 2299.t36 True
thy thy thy[1] 37 70494 2299.t37 True
nod; nod nod[1] 38 70495 2299.t38 True
yet yet yet[1] 39 70496 2299.t39 True
in in in[1] 40 70497 2299.t40 True
his his his[3] 41 70498 2299.t41 True
sleep sleep sleep[1] 42 70499 2299.t42 True
these these these[1] 43 70500 2299.t43 True
men men men[1] 44 70501 2299.t44 True
have have have[1] 45 70502 2299.t45 True
borne borne borne[1] 46 70503 2299.t46 True
him him him[2] 47 70504 2299.t47 True
in in in[2] 48 70505 2299.t48 True
a a a[8] 49 70506 2299.t49 True
swift swift swift[1] 50 70507 2299.t50 True
ship ship ship[1] 51 70508 2299.t51 True
over over over[1] 52 70509 2299.t52 True
the the the[2] 53 70510 2299.t53 True
sea sea sea[1] 54 70511 2299.t54 True
and and and[2] 55 70512 2299.t55 True
set set set[1] 56 70513 2299.t56 True
him him him[3] 57 70514 2299.t57 True
down down down[1] 58 70515 2299.t58 True
in in in[3] 59 70516 2299.t59 True
Ithaca, Ithaca Ithaca[1] 60 70517 2299.t60 True
and and and[3] 61 70518 2299.t61 True
have have have[2] 62 70519 2299.t62 True
given given given[1] 63 70520 2299.t63 True
him him him[4] 64 70521 2299.t64 True
gifts gifts gifts[1] 65 70522 2299.t65 True
past past past[1] 66 70523 2299.t66 True
telling, telling telling[1] 67 70524 2299.t67 True
stores stores stores[1] 68 70525 2299.t68 True
of of of[2] 69 70526 2299.t69 True
bronze bronze bronze[1] 70 70527 2299.t70 True
and and and[4] 71 70528 2299.t71 True
gold gold gold[1] 72 70529 2299.t72 True
and and and[5] 73 70530 2299.t73 True
woven woven woven[1] 74 70531 2299.t74 True
raiment, raiment raiment[1] 75 70532 2299.t75 True
more more more[1] 76 70533 2299.t76 True
than than than[1] 77 70534 2299.t77 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[2] 78 70535 2299.t78 True
would would would[1] 79 70536 2299.t79 True
ever ever ever[1] 80 70537 2299.t80 True
have have have[3] 81 70538 2299.t81 True
won won won[1] 82 70539 2299.t82 True
for for for[1] 83 70540 2299.t83 True
himself himself himself[1] 84 70541 2299.t84 True
from from from[1] 85 70542 2299.t85 True
Troy, Troy Troy[1] 86 70543 2299.t86 True
if if if[3] 87 70544 2299.t87 True
he he he[6] 88 70545 2299.t88 True
had had had[2] 89 70546 2299.t89 True
returned returned returned[1] 90 70547 2299.t90 True
unscathed unscathed unscathed[1] 91 70548 2299.t91 True
with with with[2] 92 70549 2299.t92 True
his his his[4] 93 70550 2299.t93 True
due due due[1] 94 70551 2299.t94 True
share share share[1] 95 70552 2299.t95 True
of of of[3] 96 70553 2299.t96 True
the the the[4] 97 70554 2299.t97 True
spoil.” spoil spoil[1] 98 70555 2299.t98 True