urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2080 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 2080
And trees, high and leafy, let stream their fruits above his head, pears, and pomegranates, and apple trees with their bright fruit, and sweet figs, and luxuriant olives.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2079)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:2081)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
And And And[1] 1 63480 2080.t1 True
trees, trees trees[1] 2 63481 2080.t2 True
high high high[1] 3 63482 2080.t3 True
and and and[1] 4 63483 2080.t4 True
leafy, leafy leafy[1] 5 63484 2080.t5 True
let let let[1] 6 63485 2080.t6 True
stream stream stream[1] 7 63486 2080.t7 True
their their their[1] 8 63487 2080.t8 True
fruits fruits fruits[1] 9 63488 2080.t9 True
above above above[1] 10 63489 2080.t10 True
his his his[1] 11 63490 2080.t11 True
head, head head[1] 12 63491 2080.t12 True
pears, pears pears[1] 13 63492 2080.t13 True
and and and[2] 14 63493 2080.t14 True
pomegranates, pomegranates pomegranates[1] 15 63494 2080.t15 True
and and and[3] 16 63495 2080.t16 True
apple apple apple[1] 17 63496 2080.t17 True
trees trees trees[2] 18 63497 2080.t18 True
with with with[1] 19 63498 2080.t19 True
their their their[2] 20 63499 2080.t20 True
bright bright bright[1] 21 63500 2080.t21 True
fruit, fruit fruit[2] 22 63501 2080.t22 True
and and and[4] 23 63502 2080.t23 True
sweet sweet sweet[1] 24 63503 2080.t24 True
figs, figs figs[1] 25 63504 2080.t25 True
and and and[5] 26 63505 2080.t26 True
luxuriant luxuriant luxuriant[1] 27 63506 2080.t27 True
olives. olives olives[1] 28 63507 2080.t28 True