urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1855 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 1855
But do thou thereafter call to thy comrades, and bid them flay and burn the sheep that lie there, slain by the pitiless bronze, and make prayer to the gods, to mighty Hades and to dread Persephone.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1854)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1856)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
But But But[1] 1 56600 1855.t1 True
do do do[1] 2 56601 1855.t2 True
thou thou thou[1] 3 56602 1855.t3 True
thereafter thereafter thereafter[1] 4 56603 1855.t4 True
call call call[1] 5 56604 1855.t5 True
to to to[1] 6 56605 1855.t6 True
thy thy thy[1] 7 56606 1855.t7 True
comrades, comrades comrades[1] 8 56607 1855.t8 True
and and and[1] 9 56608 1855.t9 True
bid bid bid[1] 10 56609 1855.t10 True
them them them[1] 11 56610 1855.t11 True
flay flay flay[1] 12 56611 1855.t12 True
and and and[2] 13 56612 1855.t13 True
burn burn burn[1] 14 56613 1855.t14 True
the the the[3] 15 56614 1855.t15 True
sheep sheep sheep[1] 16 56615 1855.t16 True
that that that[1] 17 56616 1855.t17 True
lie lie lie[1] 18 56617 1855.t18 True
there, there there[2] 19 56618 1855.t19 True
slain slain slain[1] 20 56619 1855.t20 True
by by by[1] 21 56620 1855.t21 True
the the the[5] 22 56621 1855.t22 True
pitiless pitiless pitiless[1] 23 56622 1855.t23 True
bronze, bronze bronze[1] 24 56623 1855.t24 True
and and and[3] 25 56624 1855.t25 True
make make make[1] 26 56625 1855.t26 True
prayer prayer prayer[1] 27 56626 1855.t27 True
to to to[2] 28 56627 1855.t28 True
the the the[6] 29 56628 1855.t29 True
gods, gods gods[1] 30 56629 1855.t30 True
to to to[3] 31 56630 1855.t31 True
mighty mighty mighty[1] 32 56631 1855.t32 True
Hades Hades Hades[1] 33 56632 1855.t33 True
and and and[4] 34 56633 1855.t34 True
to to to[4] 35 56634 1855.t35 True
dread dread dread[1] 36 56635 1855.t36 True
Persephone. Persephone Persephone[1] 37 56636 1855.t37 True