urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1647 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 3
REF: 1647
So they went on board straightway and sat down upon the benches, and sitting well in order smote the grey sea with their oars.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
So | So | So[1] | 1 | 50688 | 1647.t1 | True | |
they | they | they[1] | 2 | 50689 | 1647.t2 | True | |
went | went | went[1] | 3 | 50690 | 1647.t3 | True | |
on | on | on[1] | 4 | 50691 | 1647.t4 | True | |
board | board | board[1] | 5 | 50692 | 1647.t5 | True | |
straightway | straightway | straightway[1] | 6 | 50693 | 1647.t6 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 7 | 50694 | 1647.t7 | True | |
sat | sat | sat[1] | 8 | 50695 | 1647.t8 | True | |
down | down | down[1] | 9 | 50696 | 1647.t9 | True | |
upon | upon | upon[1] | 10 | 50697 | 1647.t10 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 11 | 50698 | 1647.t11 | True | |
benches, | benches | benches[1] | 12 | 50699 | 1647.t12 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 13 | 50700 | 1647.t13 | True | |
sitting | sitting | sitting[1] | 14 | 50701 | 1647.t14 | True | |
well | well | well[1] | 15 | 50702 | 1647.t15 | True | |
in | in | in[2] | 16 | 50703 | 1647.t16 | True | |
order | order | order[1] | 17 | 50704 | 1647.t17 | True | |
smote | smote | smote[1] | 18 | 50705 | 1647.t18 | True | |
the | the | the[3] | 19 | 50706 | 1647.t19 | True | |
grey | grey | grey[1] | 20 | 50707 | 1647.t20 | True | |
sea | sea | sea[1] | 21 | 50708 | 1647.t21 | True | |
with | with | with[1] | 22 | 50709 | 1647.t22 | True | |
their | their | their[1] | 23 | 50710 | 1647.t23 | True | |
oars. | oars | oars[1] | 24 | 50711 | 1647.t24 | True |