urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1425 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 1425
And as a woman wails and flings herself about her dear husband, who has fallen in front of his city and his people, seeking toward off from his city and his children the pitiless day; and as she beholds him dying and gasping for breath, she clings to him and shrieks aloud, while the foe behind her smite her back and shoulders with their spears, and lead her away to captivity to bear toil and woe, while with most pitiful grief her cheeks are wasted: even so did Odysseus let fall pitiful tears from beneath his brows.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1424)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg002.perseus-eng3-trees:1426)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
And And And[1] 1 43623 1425.t1 True
as as as[1] 2 43624 1425.t2 True
a a a[2] 3 43625 1425.t3 True
woman woman woman[1] 4 43626 1425.t4 True
wails wails wails[1] 5 43627 1425.t5 True
and and and[1] 6 43628 1425.t6 True
flings flings flings[1] 7 43629 1425.t7 True
herself herself herself[1] 8 43630 1425.t8 True
about about about[1] 9 43631 1425.t9 True
her her her[2] 10 43632 1425.t10 True
dear dear dear[1] 11 43633 1425.t11 True
husband, husband husband[1] 12 43634 1425.t12 True
who who who[1] 13 43635 1425.t13 True
has has has[1] 14 43636 1425.t14 True
fallen fallen fallen[1] 15 43637 1425.t15 True
in in in[2] 16 43638 1425.t16 True
front front front[1] 17 43639 1425.t17 True
of of of[1] 18 43640 1425.t18 True
his his his[1] 19 43641 1425.t19 True
city city city[1] 20 43642 1425.t20 True
and and and[3] 21 43643 1425.t21 True
his his his[2] 22 43644 1425.t22 True
people, people people[1] 23 43645 1425.t23 True
seeking seeking seeking[1] 24 43646 1425.t24 True
toward toward toward[1] 25 43647 1425.t25 True
off off off[1] 26 43648 1425.t26 True
from from from[1] 27 43649 1425.t27 True
his his his[3] 28 43650 1425.t28 True
city city city[2] 29 43651 1425.t29 True
and and and[4] 30 43652 1425.t30 True
his his his[4] 31 43653 1425.t31 True
children children children[1] 32 43654 1425.t32 True
the the the[1] 33 43655 1425.t33 True
pitiless pitiless pitiless[1] 34 43656 1425.t34 True
day; day day[1] 35 43657 1425.t35 True
and and and[5] 36 43658 1425.t36 True
as as as[3] 37 43659 1425.t37 True
she she she[1] 38 43660 1425.t38 True
beholds beholds beholds[1] 39 43661 1425.t39 True
him him him[1] 40 43662 1425.t40 True
dying dying dying[1] 41 43663 1425.t41 True
and and and[6] 42 43664 1425.t42 True
gasping gasping gasping[1] 43 43665 1425.t43 True
for for for[1] 44 43666 1425.t44 True
breath, breath breath[1] 45 43667 1425.t45 True
she she she[2] 46 43668 1425.t46 True
clings clings clings[1] 47 43669 1425.t47 True
to to to[2] 48 43670 1425.t48 True
him him him[2] 49 43671 1425.t49 True
and and and[7] 50 43672 1425.t50 True
shrieks shrieks shrieks[1] 51 43673 1425.t51 True
aloud, aloud aloud[1] 52 43674 1425.t52 True
while while while[1] 53 43675 1425.t53 True
the the the[2] 54 43676 1425.t54 True
foe foe foe[1] 55 43677 1425.t55 True
behind behind behind[1] 56 43678 1425.t56 True
her her her[3] 57 43679 1425.t57 True
smite smite smite[1] 58 43680 1425.t58 True
her her her[4] 59 43681 1425.t59 True
back back back[1] 60 43682 1425.t60 True
and and and[8] 61 43683 1425.t61 True
shoulders shoulders shoulders[1] 62 43684 1425.t62 True
with with with[1] 63 43685 1425.t63 True
their their their[1] 64 43686 1425.t64 True
spears, spears spears[1] 65 43687 1425.t65 True
and and and[9] 66 43688 1425.t66 True
lead lead lead[1] 67 43689 1425.t67 True
her her her[5] 68 43690 1425.t68 True
away away away[1] 69 43691 1425.t69 True
to to to[3] 70 43692 1425.t70 True
captivity captivity captivity[1] 71 43693 1425.t71 True
to to to[4] 72 43694 1425.t72 True
bear bear bear[1] 73 43695 1425.t73 True
toil toil toil[1] 74 43696 1425.t74 True
and and and[10] 75 43697 1425.t75 True
woe, woe woe[1] 76 43698 1425.t76 True
while while while[2] 77 43699 1425.t77 True
with with with[2] 78 43700 1425.t78 True
most most most[1] 79 43701 1425.t79 True
pitiful pitiful pitiful[1] 80 43702 1425.t80 True
grief grief grief[1] 81 43703 1425.t81 True
her her her[6] 82 43704 1425.t82 True
cheeks cheeks cheeks[1] 83 43705 1425.t83 True
are are are[1] 84 43706 1425.t84 True
wasted: wasted wasted[1] 85 43707 1425.t85 True
even even even[1] 86 43708 1425.t86 True
so so so[1] 87 43709 1425.t87 True
did did did[1] 88 43710 1425.t88 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[1] 89 43711 1425.t89 True
let let let[1] 90 43712 1425.t90 True
fall fall fall[2] 91 43713 1425.t91 True
pitiful pitiful pitiful[2] 92 43714 1425.t92 True
tears tears tears[1] 93 43715 1425.t93 True
from from from[2] 94 43716 1425.t94 True
beneath beneath beneath[1] 95 43717 1425.t95 True
his his his[5] 96 43718 1425.t96 True
brows. brows brows[1] 97 43719 1425.t97 True