urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.80 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 2.80
if any other man of the Achaeans had told us of this dream we should have declared it false, and would have had nothing to do with it. But he who has seen it is the foremost man among us; we must therefore set about getting the people under arms." With this he led the way from the assembly, and the other sceptered kings rose with him in obedience to the word of Agamemnon; but the people pressed forward to hear. They swarmed like bees that sally from some hollow cave and flit in countless throng among the spring flowers, bunched in knots and clusters; even so did the mighty multitude pour from ships and tents to the assembly, and range themselves upon the wide-watered shore, while among them ran Wildfire Rumor, messenger of Zeus, urging them ever to the fore. Thus they gathered in a pell-mell of mad confusion, and the earth groaned under the tramp of men as the people sought their places. Nine heralds went crying about among them to stay their tumult and bid them listen to the kings, till at last they were got into their several places and ceased their clamor. Then King Agamemnon rose, holding his scepter. This was the work of Hephaistos, who gave it to Zeus the son of Kronos. Zeus gave it to Hermes, slayer of Argos, guide and guardian. King Hermes gave it to Pelops, the mighty charioteer, and Pelops to Atreus, shepherd of his people. Atreus, when he died, left it to Thyestes, rich in flocks, and Thyestes in his turn left it to be borne by Agamemnon, that he might be lord of all Argos and of the isles. Leaning, then, on his scepter, he addressed the Argives. "My friends," he said, "heroes, squires [therapontes] of Ares, Zeus the son of Kronos has tied me down with atê. Cruel, he gave me his solemn promise that I should sack the city of Priam before returning, but he has played me false, and is now bidding me go ingloriously back to Argos with the loss of many people. Such is the will of Zeus, who has laid many a proud city in the dust, as he will yet lay others, for his power is above all. It will be a sorry tale hereafter that an
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.40)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.120)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
if if if[1] 1 6595 2.80.t1 True
any any any[1] 2 6596 2.80.t2 True
other other other[1] 3 6597 2.80.t3 True
man man man[1] 4 6598 2.80.t4 True
of of of[1] 5 6599 2.80.t5 True
the the the[2] 6 6600 2.80.t6 True
Achaeans Achaeans Achaeans[1] 7 6601 2.80.t7 True
had had had[1] 8 6602 2.80.t8 True
told told told[1] 9 6603 2.80.t9 True
us us us[1] 10 6604 2.80.t10 True
of of of[2] 11 6605 2.80.t11 True
this this this[1] 12 6606 2.80.t12 True
dream dream dream[1] 13 6607 2.80.t13 True
we we we[1] 14 6608 2.80.t14 True
should should should[1] 15 6609 2.80.t15 True
have have have[1] 16 6610 2.80.t16 True
declared declared declared[1] 17 6611 2.80.t17 True
it it it[1] 18 6612 2.80.t18 True
false, false false[1] 19 6613 2.80.t19 True
and and and[1] 20 6614 2.80.t20 True
would would would[1] 21 6615 2.80.t21 True
have have have[2] 22 6616 2.80.t22 True
had had had[2] 23 6617 2.80.t23 True
nothing nothing nothing[1] 24 6618 2.80.t24 True
to to to[2] 25 6619 2.80.t25 True
do do do[1] 26 6620 2.80.t26 True
with with with[1] 27 6621 2.80.t27 True
it. it it[3] 28 6622 2.80.t28 True
But But But[1] 29 6623 2.80.t29 True
he he he[3] 30 6624 2.80.t30 True
who who who[1] 31 6625 2.80.t31 True
has has has[1] 32 6626 2.80.t32 True
seen seen seen[1] 33 6627 2.80.t33 True
it it it[4] 34 6628 2.80.t34 True
is is is[2] 35 6629 2.80.t35 True
the the the[3] 36 6630 2.80.t36 True
foremost foremost foremost[1] 37 6631 2.80.t37 True
man man man[2] 38 6632 2.80.t38 True
among among among[1] 39 6633 2.80.t39 True
us; us us[2] 40 6634 2.80.t40 True
we we we[2] 41 6635 2.80.t41 True
must must must[1] 42 6636 2.80.t42 True
therefore therefore therefore[1] 43 6637 2.80.t43 True
set set set[1] 44 6638 2.80.t44 True
about about about[1] 45 6639 2.80.t45 True
getting getting getting[1] 46 6640 2.80.t46 True
the the the[5] 47 6641 2.80.t47 True
people people people[1] 48 6642 2.80.t48 True
under under under[1] 49 6643 2.80.t49 True
arms." arms arms[1] 50 6644 2.80.t50 True
With With With[1] 51 6645 2.80.t51 True
this this this[2] 52 6646 2.80.t52 True
he he he[7] 53 6647 2.80.t53 True
led led led[1] 54 6648 2.80.t54 True
the the the[6] 55 6649 2.80.t55 True
way way way[1] 56 6650 2.80.t56 True
from from from[1] 57 6651 2.80.t57 True
the the the[7] 58 6652 2.80.t58 True
assembly, assembly assembly[1] 59 6653 2.80.t59 True
and and and[2] 60 6654 2.80.t60 True
the the the[8] 61 6655 2.80.t61 True
other other other[2] 62 6656 2.80.t62 True
sceptered sceptered sceptered[1] 63 6657 2.80.t63 True
kings kings kings[1] 64 6658 2.80.t64 True
rose rose rose[1] 65 6659 2.80.t65 True
with with with[2] 66 6660 2.80.t66 True
him him him[1] 67 6661 2.80.t67 True
in in in[4] 68 6662 2.80.t68 True
obedience obedience obedience[1] 69 6663 2.80.t69 True
to to to[3] 70 6664 2.80.t70 True
the the the[10] 71 6665 2.80.t71 True
word word word[1] 72 6666 2.80.t72 True
of of of[3] 73 6667 2.80.t73 True
Agamemnon; Agamemnon Agamemnon[1] 74 6668 2.80.t74 True
but but but[1] 75 6669 2.80.t75 True
the the the[11] 76 6670 2.80.t76 True
people people people[2] 77 6671 2.80.t77 True
pressed pressed pressed[1] 78 6672 2.80.t78 True
forward forward forward[1] 79 6673 2.80.t79 True
to to to[4] 80 6674 2.80.t80 True
hear. hear hear[1] 81 6675 2.80.t81 True
They They They[1] 82 6676 2.80.t82 True
swarmed swarmed swarmed[1] 83 6677 2.80.t83 True
like like like[1] 84 6678 2.80.t84 True
bees bees bees[1] 85 6679 2.80.t85 True
that that that[1] 86 6680 2.80.t86 True
sally sally sally[1] 87 6681 2.80.t87 True
from from from[2] 88 6682 2.80.t88 True
some some some[1] 89 6683 2.80.t89 True
hollow hollow hollow[1] 90 6684 2.80.t90 True
cave cave cave[1] 91 6685 2.80.t91 True
and and and[3] 92 6686 2.80.t92 True
flit flit flit[1] 93 6687 2.80.t93 True
in in in[5] 94 6688 2.80.t94 True
countless countless countless[1] 95 6689 2.80.t95 True
throng throng throng[1] 96 6690 2.80.t96 True
among among among[2] 97 6691 2.80.t97 True
the the the[12] 98 6692 2.80.t98 True
spring spring spring[1] 99 6693 2.80.t99 True
flowers, flowers flowers[1] 100 6694 2.80.t100 True
bunched bunched bunched[1] 101 6695 2.80.t101 True
in in in[7] 102 6696 2.80.t102 True
knots knots knots[1] 103 6697 2.80.t103 True
and and and[4] 104 6698 2.80.t104 True
clusters; clusters clusters[1] 105 6699 2.80.t105 True
even even even[1] 106 6700 2.80.t106 True
so so so[2] 107 6701 2.80.t107 True
did did did[1] 108 6702 2.80.t108 True
the the the[13] 109 6703 2.80.t109 True
mighty mighty mighty[1] 110 6704 2.80.t110 True
multitude multitude multitude[1] 111 6705 2.80.t111 True
pour pour pour[1] 112 6706 2.80.t112 True
from from from[3] 113 6707 2.80.t113 True
ships ships ships[1] 114 6708 2.80.t114 True
and and and[5] 115 6709 2.80.t115 True
tents tents tents[1] 116 6710 2.80.t116 True
to to to[5] 117 6711 2.80.t117 True
the the the[14] 118 6712 2.80.t118 True
assembly, assembly assembly[2] 119 6713 2.80.t119 True
and and and[6] 120 6714 2.80.t120 True
range range range[1] 121 6715 2.80.t121 True
themselves themselves themselves[1] 122 6716 2.80.t122 True
upon upon upon[1] 123 6717 2.80.t123 True
the the the[16] 124 6718 2.80.t124 True
wide-watered widewatered widewatered[1] 125 6719 2.80.t125 True
shore, shore shore[1] 126 6720 2.80.t126 True
while while while[1] 127 6721 2.80.t127 True
among among among[3] 128 6722 2.80.t128 True
them them them[2] 129 6723 2.80.t129 True
ran ran ran[2] 130 6724 2.80.t130 True
Wildfire Wildfire Wildfire[1] 131 6725 2.80.t131 True
Rumor, Rumor Rumor[1] 132 6726 2.80.t132 True
messenger messenger messenger[1] 133 6727 2.80.t133 True
of of of[4] 134 6728 2.80.t134 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[1] 135 6729 2.80.t135 True
urging urging urging[1] 136 6730 2.80.t136 True
them them them[3] 137 6731 2.80.t137 True
ever ever ever[1] 138 6732 2.80.t138 True
to to to[6] 139 6733 2.80.t139 True
the the the[19] 140 6734 2.80.t140 True
fore. fore fore[3] 141 6735 2.80.t141 True
Thus Thus Thus[1] 142 6736 2.80.t142 True
they they they[1] 143 6737 2.80.t143 True
gathered gathered gathered[1] 144 6738 2.80.t144 True
in in in[9] 145 6739 2.80.t145 True
a a a[39] 146 6740 2.80.t146 True
pell-mell pellmell pellmell[1] 147 6741 2.80.t147 True
of of of[5] 148 6742 2.80.t148 True
mad mad mad[1] 149 6743 2.80.t149 True
confusion, confusion confusion[1] 150 6744 2.80.t150 True
and and and[7] 151 6745 2.80.t151 True
the the the[22] 152 6746 2.80.t152 True
earth earth earth[1] 153 6747 2.80.t153 True
groaned groaned groaned[1] 154 6748 2.80.t154 True
under under under[2] 155 6749 2.80.t155 True
the the the[23] 156 6750 2.80.t156 True
tramp tramp tramp[1] 157 6751 2.80.t157 True
of of of[6] 158 6752 2.80.t158 True
men men men[1] 159 6753 2.80.t159 True
as as as[4] 160 6754 2.80.t160 True
the the the[24] 161 6755 2.80.t161 True
people people people[3] 162 6756 2.80.t162 True
sought sought sought[1] 163 6757 2.80.t163 True
their their their[1] 164 6758 2.80.t164 True
places. places places[1] 165 6759 2.80.t165 True
Nine Nine Nine[1] 166 6760 2.80.t166 True
heralds heralds heralds[1] 167 6761 2.80.t167 True
went went went[1] 168 6762 2.80.t168 True
crying crying crying[1] 169 6763 2.80.t169 True
about about about[2] 170 6764 2.80.t170 True
among among among[4] 171 6765 2.80.t171 True
them them them[4] 172 6766 2.80.t172 True
to to to[7] 173 6767 2.80.t173 True
stay stay stay[1] 174 6768 2.80.t174 True
their their their[2] 175 6769 2.80.t175 True
tumult tumult tumult[1] 176 6770 2.80.t176 True
and and and[8] 177 6771 2.80.t177 True
bid bid bid[1] 178 6772 2.80.t178 True
them them them[5] 179 6773 2.80.t179 True
listen listen listen[1] 180 6774 2.80.t180 True
to to to[8] 181 6775 2.80.t181 True
the the the[29] 182 6776 2.80.t182 True
kings, kings kings[2] 183 6777 2.80.t183 True
till till till[1] 184 6778 2.80.t184 True
at at at[4] 185 6779 2.80.t185 True
last last last[1] 186 6780 2.80.t186 True
they they they[2] 187 6781 2.80.t187 True
were were were[1] 188 6782 2.80.t188 True
got got got[1] 189 6783 2.80.t189 True
into into into[1] 190 6784 2.80.t190 True
their their their[3] 191 6785 2.80.t191 True
several several several[1] 192 6786 2.80.t192 True
places places places[2] 193 6787 2.80.t193 True
and and and[9] 194 6788 2.80.t194 True
ceased ceased ceased[1] 195 6789 2.80.t195 True
their their their[4] 196 6790 2.80.t196 True
clamor. clamor clamor[1] 197 6791 2.80.t197 True
Then Then Then[1] 198 6792 2.80.t198 True
King King King[1] 199 6793 2.80.t199 True
Agamemnon Agamemnon Agamemnon[2] 200 6794 2.80.t200 True
rose, rose rose[2] 201 6795 2.80.t201 True
holding holding holding[1] 202 6796 2.80.t202 True
his his his[3] 203 6797 2.80.t203 True
scepter. scepter scepter[2] 204 6798 2.80.t204 True
This This This[1] 205 6799 2.80.t205 True
was was was[1] 206 6800 2.80.t206 True
the the the[33] 207 6801 2.80.t207 True
work work work[1] 208 6802 2.80.t208 True
of of of[7] 209 6803 2.80.t209 True
Hephaistos, Hephaistos Hephaistos[1] 210 6804 2.80.t210 True
who who who[2] 211 6805 2.80.t211 True
gave gave gave[1] 212 6806 2.80.t212 True
it it it[9] 213 6807 2.80.t213 True
to to to[11] 214 6808 2.80.t214 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[2] 215 6809 2.80.t215 True
the the the[34] 216 6810 2.80.t216 True
son son son[1] 217 6811 2.80.t217 True
of of of[8] 218 6812 2.80.t218 True
Kronos. Kronos Kronos[1] 219 6813 2.80.t219 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[3] 220 6814 2.80.t220 True
gave gave gave[2] 221 6815 2.80.t221 True
it it it[10] 222 6816 2.80.t222 True
to to to[12] 223 6817 2.80.t223 True
Hermes, Hermes Hermes[1] 224 6818 2.80.t224 True
slayer slayer slayer[1] 225 6819 2.80.t225 True
of of of[9] 226 6820 2.80.t226 True
Argos, Argos Argos[1] 227 6821 2.80.t227 True
guide guide guide[1] 228 6822 2.80.t228 True
and and and[10] 229 6823 2.80.t229 True
guardian. guardian guardian[1] 230 6824 2.80.t230 True
King King King[2] 231 6825 2.80.t231 True
Hermes Hermes Hermes[2] 232 6826 2.80.t232 True
gave gave gave[3] 233 6827 2.80.t233 True
it it it[11] 234 6828 2.80.t234 True
to to to[13] 235 6829 2.80.t235 True
Pelops, Pelops Pelops[1] 236 6830 2.80.t236 True
the the the[35] 237 6831 2.80.t237 True
mighty mighty mighty[2] 238 6832 2.80.t238 True
charioteer, charioteer charioteer[1] 239 6833 2.80.t239 True
and and and[11] 240 6834 2.80.t240 True
Pelops Pelops Pelops[2] 241 6835 2.80.t241 True
to to to[14] 242 6836 2.80.t242 True
Atreus, Atreus Atreus[1] 243 6837 2.80.t243 True
shepherd shepherd shepherd[1] 244 6838 2.80.t244 True
of of of[10] 245 6839 2.80.t245 True
his his his[5] 246 6840 2.80.t246 True
people. people people[4] 247 6841 2.80.t247 True
Atreus, Atreus Atreus[2] 248 6842 2.80.t248 True
when when when[1] 249 6843 2.80.t249 True
he he he[46] 250 6844 2.80.t250 True
died, died died[1] 251 6845 2.80.t251 True
left left left[1] 252 6846 2.80.t252 True
it it it[12] 253 6847 2.80.t253 True
to to to[15] 254 6848 2.80.t254 True
Thyestes, Thyestes Thyestes[1] 255 6849 2.80.t255 True
rich rich rich[1] 256 6850 2.80.t256 True
in in in[17] 257 6851 2.80.t257 True
flocks, flocks flocks[1] 258 6852 2.80.t258 True
and and and[12] 259 6853 2.80.t259 True
Thyestes Thyestes Thyestes[2] 260 6854 2.80.t260 True
in in in[18] 261 6855 2.80.t261 True
his his his[6] 262 6856 2.80.t262 True
turn turn turn[1] 263 6857 2.80.t263 True
left left left[2] 264 6858 2.80.t264 True
it it it[13] 265 6859 2.80.t265 True
to to to[16] 266 6860 2.80.t266 True
be be be[3] 267 6861 2.80.t267 True
borne borne borne[1] 268 6862 2.80.t268 True
by by by[1] 269 6863 2.80.t269 True
Agamemnon, Agamemnon Agamemnon[3] 270 6864 2.80.t270 True
that that that[2] 271 6865 2.80.t271 True
he he he[47] 272 6866 2.80.t272 True
might might might[3] 273 6867 2.80.t273 True
be be be[4] 274 6868 2.80.t274 True
lord lord lord[1] 275 6869 2.80.t275 True
of of of[11] 276 6870 2.80.t276 True
all all all[2] 277 6871 2.80.t277 True
Argos Argos Argos[2] 278 6872 2.80.t278 True
and and and[13] 279 6873 2.80.t279 True
of of of[12] 280 6874 2.80.t280 True
the the the[36] 281 6875 2.80.t281 True
isles. isles isles[1] 282 6876 2.80.t282 True
Leaning, Leaning Leaning[1] 283 6877 2.80.t283 True
then, then then[1] 284 6878 2.80.t284 True
on on on[14] 285 6879 2.80.t285 True
his his his[7] 286 6880 2.80.t286 True
scepter, scepter scepter[3] 287 6881 2.80.t287 True
he he he[50] 288 6882 2.80.t288 True
addressed addressed addressed[1] 289 6883 2.80.t289 True
the the the[38] 290 6884 2.80.t290 True
Argives. Argives Argives[1] 291 6885 2.80.t291 True
"My My My[1] 292 6886 2.80.t292 True
friends," friends friends[1] 293 6887 2.80.t293 True
he he he[52] 294 6888 2.80.t294 True
said, said said[1] 295 6889 2.80.t295 True
"heroes, heroes heroes[1] 296 6890 2.80.t296 True
squires squires squires[1] 297 6891 2.80.t297 True
[therapontes] therapontes therapontes[1] 298 6892 2.80.t298 True
of of of[13] 299 6893 2.80.t299 True
Ares, Ares Ares[1] 300 6894 2.80.t300 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[4] 301 6895 2.80.t301 True
the the the[40] 302 6896 2.80.t302 True
son son son[2] 303 6897 2.80.t303 True
of of of[14] 304 6898 2.80.t304 True
Kronos Kronos Kronos[2] 305 6899 2.80.t305 True
has has has[2] 306 6900 2.80.t306 True
tied tied tied[1] 307 6901 2.80.t307 True
me me me[11] 308 6902 2.80.t308 True
down down down[1] 309 6903 2.80.t309 True
with with with[3] 310 6904 2.80.t310 True
atê. atê atê[1] 311 6905 2.80.t311 True
Cruel, Cruel Cruel[1] 312 6906 2.80.t312 True
he he he[56] 313 6907 2.80.t313 True
gave gave gave[4] 314 6908 2.80.t314 True
me me me[12] 315 6909 2.80.t315 True
his his his[8] 316 6910 2.80.t316 True
solemn solemn solemn[1] 317 6911 2.80.t317 True
promise promise promise[1] 318 6912 2.80.t318 True
that that that[3] 319 6913 2.80.t319 True
I I I[1] 320 6914 2.80.t320 True
should should should[2] 321 6915 2.80.t321 True
sack sack sack[1] 322 6916 2.80.t322 True
the the the[41] 323 6917 2.80.t323 True
city city city[1] 324 6918 2.80.t324 True
of of of[15] 325 6919 2.80.t325 True
Priam Priam Priam[1] 326 6920 2.80.t326 True
before before before[1] 327 6921 2.80.t327 True
returning, returning returning[1] 328 6922 2.80.t328 True
but but but[2] 329 6923 2.80.t329 True
he he he[58] 330 6924 2.80.t330 True
has has has[3] 331 6925 2.80.t331 True
played played played[1] 332 6926 2.80.t332 True
me me me[13] 333 6927 2.80.t333 True
false, false false[2] 334 6928 2.80.t334 True
and and and[14] 335 6929 2.80.t335 True
is is is[14] 336 6930 2.80.t336 True
now now now[1] 337 6931 2.80.t337 True
bidding bidding bidding[1] 338 6932 2.80.t338 True
me me me[14] 339 6933 2.80.t339 True
go go go[4] 340 6934 2.80.t340 True
ingloriously ingloriously ingloriously[1] 341 6935 2.80.t341 True
back back back[1] 342 6936 2.80.t342 True
to to to[17] 343 6937 2.80.t343 True
Argos Argos Argos[3] 344 6938 2.80.t344 True
with with with[4] 345 6939 2.80.t345 True
the the the[42] 346 6940 2.80.t346 True
loss loss loss[1] 347 6941 2.80.t347 True
of of of[16] 348 6942 2.80.t348 True
many many many[1] 349 6943 2.80.t349 True
people. people people[5] 350 6944 2.80.t350 True
Such Such Such[1] 351 6945 2.80.t351 True
is is is[15] 352 6946 2.80.t352 True
the the the[43] 353 6947 2.80.t353 True
will will will[1] 354 6948 2.80.t354 True
of of of[17] 355 6949 2.80.t355 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[5] 356 6950 2.80.t356 True
who who who[3] 357 6951 2.80.t357 True
has has has[4] 358 6952 2.80.t358 True
laid laid laid[1] 359 6953 2.80.t359 True
many many many[2] 360 6954 2.80.t360 True
a a a[95] 361 6955 2.80.t361 True
proud proud proud[1] 362 6956 2.80.t362 True
city city city[2] 363 6957 2.80.t363 True
in in in[23] 364 6958 2.80.t364 True
the the the[44] 365 6959 2.80.t365 True
dust, dust dust[1] 366 6960 2.80.t366 True
as as as[11] 367 6961 2.80.t367 True
he he he[62] 368 6962 2.80.t368 True
will will will[2] 369 6963 2.80.t369 True
yet yet yet[1] 370 6964 2.80.t370 True
lay lay lay[3] 371 6965 2.80.t371 True
others, others others[1] 372 6966 2.80.t372 True
for for for[6] 373 6967 2.80.t373 True
his his his[9] 374 6968 2.80.t374 True
power power power[1] 375 6969 2.80.t375 True
is is is[17] 376 6970 2.80.t376 True
above above above[1] 377 6971 2.80.t377 True
all. all all[3] 378 6972 2.80.t378 True
It It It[1] 379 6973 2.80.t379 True
will will will[3] 380 6974 2.80.t380 True
be be be[6] 381 6975 2.80.t381 True
a a a[100] 382 6976 2.80.t382 True
sorry sorry sorry[1] 383 6977 2.80.t383 True
tale tale tale[1] 384 6978 2.80.t384 True
hereafter hereafter hereafter[1] 385 6979 2.80.t385 True
that that that[4] 386 6980 2.80.t386 True
an an an[26] 387 6981 2.80.t387 True