urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.560 (card)
Descendant Count: 0
REF: 2.560
with Hermione, and Asine upon the gulf; Trozen, Eionae, and the vineyard lands of Epidaurus; the Achaean youths, moreover, who came from Aegina and Mases; these were led by Diomedes of the loud battle-cry, and Sthenelos son of famed Kapaneus. With them in command was Euryalos, son of king Mekisteus, son of Talaos; but Diomedes was chief over them all. With these there came eighty ships. Those who held the strong city of Mycenae, rich Corinth and Cleonae; Orneae, Araethyrea, and Licyon, where Adrastos reigned of old; Hyperesia, high Gonoessa, and Pellene; Aegium and all the coast-land round about Helike; these sent a hundred ships under the command of King Agamemnon, son of Atreus. His force was far both finest and most numerous, and in their midst was the king himself, all glorious in his armor of gleaming bronze - foremost among the heroes, for he was the greatest king, and had most men under him. And those that dwelt in Lacedaemon, lying low among the hills, Pharis, Sparta, with Messe the haunt of doves; Bryseae, Augeae, Amyclae, and Helos upon the sea; Laas, moreover, and Oetylus; these were led by Menelaos of the loud battle-cry, brother to Agamemnon, and of them there were sixty ships, drawn up apart from the others. Among them went Menelaos himself, strong in zeal, urging his men to fight; for he longed to avenge the toil and sorrow that he had suffered for the sake of Helen. The men of Pylos and Arene, and Thryum where is the ford of the river Alpheus; strong Aipy, Cyparisseis, and Amphigenea; Pteleum, Helos, and Dorium, where the Muses met Thamyris, and stilled his minstrelsy for ever. He was returning from Oechalia, where Eurytos lived and reigned, and boasted that he would surpass even the Muses, daughters of aegis-bearing Zeus, if they should sing against him; whereon they were angry, and maimed him.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
with | with | with[1] | 1 | 11071 | 2.560.t1 | True | |
Hermione, | Hermione | Hermione[1] | 2 | 11072 | 2.560.t2 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 3 | 11073 | 2.560.t3 | True | |
Asine | Asine | Asine[1] | 4 | 11074 | 2.560.t4 | True | |
upon | upon | upon[1] | 5 | 11075 | 2.560.t5 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 6 | 11076 | 2.560.t6 | True | |
gulf; | gulf | gulf[1] | 7 | 11077 | 2.560.t7 | True | |
Trozen, | Trozen | Trozen[1] | 8 | 11078 | 2.560.t8 | True | |
Eionae, | Eionae | Eionae[1] | 9 | 11079 | 2.560.t9 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 10 | 11080 | 2.560.t10 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 11 | 11081 | 2.560.t11 | True | |
vineyard | vineyard | vineyard[1] | 12 | 11082 | 2.560.t12 | True | |
lands | lands | lands[1] | 13 | 11083 | 2.560.t13 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 14 | 11084 | 2.560.t14 | True | |
Epidaurus; | Epidaurus | Epidaurus[1] | 15 | 11085 | 2.560.t15 | True | |
the | the | the[3] | 16 | 11086 | 2.560.t16 | True | |
Achaean | Achaean | Achaean[1] | 17 | 11087 | 2.560.t17 | True | |
youths, | youths | youths[1] | 18 | 11088 | 2.560.t18 | True | |
moreover, | moreover | moreover[1] | 19 | 11089 | 2.560.t19 | True | |
who | who | who[1] | 20 | 11090 | 2.560.t20 | True | |
came | came | came[1] | 21 | 11091 | 2.560.t21 | True | |
from | from | from[1] | 22 | 11092 | 2.560.t22 | True | |
Aegina | Aegina | Aegina[1] | 23 | 11093 | 2.560.t23 | True | |
and | and | and[4] | 24 | 11094 | 2.560.t24 | True | |
Mases; | Mases | Mases[1] | 25 | 11095 | 2.560.t25 | True | |
these | these | these[1] | 26 | 11096 | 2.560.t26 | True | |
were | were | were[1] | 27 | 11097 | 2.560.t27 | True | |
led | led | led[1] | 28 | 11098 | 2.560.t28 | True | |
by | by | by[1] | 29 | 11099 | 2.560.t29 | True | |
Diomedes | Diomedes | Diomedes[1] | 30 | 11100 | 2.560.t30 | True | |
of | of | of[2] | 31 | 11101 | 2.560.t31 | True | |
the | the | the[5] | 32 | 11102 | 2.560.t32 | True | |
loud | loud | loud[1] | 33 | 11103 | 2.560.t33 | True | |
battle-cry, | battlecry | battlecry[1] | 34 | 11104 | 2.560.t34 | True | |
and | and | and[5] | 35 | 11105 | 2.560.t35 | True | |
Sthenelos | Sthenelos | Sthenelos[1] | 36 | 11106 | 2.560.t36 | True | |
son | son | son[1] | 37 | 11107 | 2.560.t37 | True | |
of | of | of[3] | 38 | 11108 | 2.560.t38 | True | |
famed | famed | famed[1] | 39 | 11109 | 2.560.t39 | True | |
Kapaneus. | Kapaneus | Kapaneus[1] | 40 | 11110 | 2.560.t40 | True | |
With | With | With[1] | 41 | 11111 | 2.560.t41 | True | |
them | them | them[1] | 42 | 11112 | 2.560.t42 | True | |
in | in | in[4] | 43 | 11113 | 2.560.t43 | True | |
command | command | command[1] | 44 | 11114 | 2.560.t44 | True | |
was | was | was[1] | 45 | 11115 | 2.560.t45 | True | |
Euryalos, | Euryalos | Euryalos[1] | 46 | 11116 | 2.560.t46 | True | |
son | son | son[2] | 47 | 11117 | 2.560.t47 | True | |
of | of | of[4] | 48 | 11118 | 2.560.t48 | True | |
king | king | king[1] | 49 | 11119 | 2.560.t49 | True | |
Mekisteus, | Mekisteus | Mekisteus[1] | 50 | 11120 | 2.560.t50 | True | |
son | son | son[3] | 51 | 11121 | 2.560.t51 | True | |
of | of | of[5] | 52 | 11122 | 2.560.t52 | True | |
Talaos; | Talaos | Talaos[1] | 53 | 11123 | 2.560.t53 | True | |
but | but | but[1] | 54 | 11124 | 2.560.t54 | True | |
Diomedes | Diomedes | Diomedes[2] | 55 | 11125 | 2.560.t55 | True | |
was | was | was[2] | 56 | 11126 | 2.560.t56 | True | |
chief | chief | chief[1] | 57 | 11127 | 2.560.t57 | True | |
over | over | over[2] | 58 | 11128 | 2.560.t58 | True | |
them | them | them[2] | 59 | 11129 | 2.560.t59 | True | |
all. | all | all[1] | 60 | 11130 | 2.560.t60 | True | |
With | With | With[2] | 61 | 11131 | 2.560.t61 | True | |
these | these | these[2] | 62 | 11132 | 2.560.t62 | True | |
there | there | there[1] | 63 | 11133 | 2.560.t63 | True | |
came | came | came[2] | 64 | 11134 | 2.560.t64 | True | |
eighty | eighty | eighty[1] | 65 | 11135 | 2.560.t65 | True | |
ships. | ships | ships[1] | 66 | 11136 | 2.560.t66 | True | |
Those | Those | Those[1] | 67 | 11137 | 2.560.t67 | True | |
who | who | who[2] | 68 | 11138 | 2.560.t68 | True | |
held | held | held[1] | 69 | 11139 | 2.560.t69 | True | |
the | the | the[11] | 70 | 11140 | 2.560.t70 | True | |
strong | strong | strong[1] | 71 | 11141 | 2.560.t71 | True | |
city | city | city[1] | 72 | 11142 | 2.560.t72 | True | |
of | of | of[6] | 73 | 11143 | 2.560.t73 | True | |
Mycenae, | Mycenae | Mycenae[1] | 74 | 11144 | 2.560.t74 | True | |
rich | rich | rich[1] | 75 | 11145 | 2.560.t75 | True | |
Corinth | Corinth | Corinth[1] | 76 | 11146 | 2.560.t76 | True | |
and | and | and[7] | 77 | 11147 | 2.560.t77 | True | |
Cleonae; | Cleonae | Cleonae[1] | 78 | 11148 | 2.560.t78 | True | |
Orneae, | Orneae | Orneae[1] | 79 | 11149 | 2.560.t79 | True | |
Araethyrea, | Araethyrea | Araethyrea[1] | 80 | 11150 | 2.560.t80 | True | |
and | and | and[8] | 81 | 11151 | 2.560.t81 | True | |
Licyon, | Licyon | Licyon[1] | 82 | 11152 | 2.560.t82 | True | |
where | where | where[1] | 83 | 11153 | 2.560.t83 | True | |
Adrastos | Adrastos | Adrastos[1] | 84 | 11154 | 2.560.t84 | True | |
reigned | reigned | reigned[1] | 85 | 11155 | 2.560.t85 | True | |
of | of | of[7] | 86 | 11156 | 2.560.t86 | True | |
old; | old | old[1] | 87 | 11157 | 2.560.t87 | True | |
Hyperesia, | Hyperesia | Hyperesia[1] | 88 | 11158 | 2.560.t88 | True | |
high | high | high[1] | 89 | 11159 | 2.560.t89 | True | |
Gonoessa, | Gonoessa | Gonoessa[1] | 90 | 11160 | 2.560.t90 | True | |
and | and | and[9] | 91 | 11161 | 2.560.t91 | True | |
Pellene; | Pellene | Pellene[1] | 92 | 11162 | 2.560.t92 | True | |
Aegium | Aegium | Aegium[1] | 93 | 11163 | 2.560.t93 | True | |
and | and | and[10] | 94 | 11164 | 2.560.t94 | True | |
all | all | all[2] | 95 | 11165 | 2.560.t95 | True | |
the | the | the[12] | 96 | 11166 | 2.560.t96 | True | |
coast-land | coastland | coastland[1] | 97 | 11167 | 2.560.t97 | True | |
round | round | round[1] | 98 | 11168 | 2.560.t98 | True | |
about | about | about[1] | 99 | 11169 | 2.560.t99 | True | |
Helike; | Helike | Helike[1] | 100 | 11170 | 2.560.t100 | True | |
these | these | these[3] | 101 | 11171 | 2.560.t101 | True | |
sent | sent | sent[1] | 102 | 11172 | 2.560.t102 | True | |
a | a | a[42] | 103 | 11173 | 2.560.t103 | True | |
hundred | hundred | hundred[1] | 104 | 11174 | 2.560.t104 | True | |
ships | ships | ships[2] | 105 | 11175 | 2.560.t105 | True | |
under | under | under[1] | 106 | 11176 | 2.560.t106 | True | |
the | the | the[14] | 107 | 11177 | 2.560.t107 | True | |
command | command | command[2] | 108 | 11178 | 2.560.t108 | True | |
of | of | of[8] | 109 | 11179 | 2.560.t109 | True | |
King | King | King[1] | 110 | 11180 | 2.560.t110 | True | |
Agamemnon, | Agamemnon | Agamemnon[1] | 111 | 11181 | 2.560.t111 | True | |
son | son | son[4] | 112 | 11182 | 2.560.t112 | True | |
of | of | of[9] | 113 | 11183 | 2.560.t113 | True | |
Atreus. | Atreus | Atreus[1] | 114 | 11184 | 2.560.t114 | True | |
His | His | His[1] | 115 | 11185 | 2.560.t115 | True | |
force | force | force[1] | 116 | 11186 | 2.560.t116 | True | |
was | was | was[3] | 117 | 11187 | 2.560.t117 | True | |
far | far | far[1] | 118 | 11188 | 2.560.t118 | True | |
both | both | both[1] | 119 | 11189 | 2.560.t119 | True | |
finest | finest | finest[1] | 120 | 11190 | 2.560.t120 | True | |
and | and | and[13] | 121 | 11191 | 2.560.t121 | True | |
most | most | most[1] | 122 | 11192 | 2.560.t122 | True | |
numerous, | numerous | numerous[1] | 123 | 11193 | 2.560.t123 | True | |
and | and | and[14] | 124 | 11194 | 2.560.t124 | True | |
in | in | in[9] | 125 | 11195 | 2.560.t125 | True | |
their | their | their[1] | 126 | 11196 | 2.560.t126 | True | |
midst | midst | midst[1] | 127 | 11197 | 2.560.t127 | True | |
was | was | was[4] | 128 | 11198 | 2.560.t128 | True | |
the | the | the[16] | 129 | 11199 | 2.560.t129 | True | |
king | king | king[2] | 130 | 11200 | 2.560.t130 | True | |
himself, | himself | himself[1] | 131 | 11201 | 2.560.t131 | True | |
all | all | all[3] | 132 | 11202 | 2.560.t132 | True | |
glorious | glorious | glorious[1] | 133 | 11203 | 2.560.t133 | True | |
in | in | in[11] | 134 | 11204 | 2.560.t134 | True | |
his | his | his[1] | 135 | 11205 | 2.560.t135 | True | |
armor | armor | armor[1] | 136 | 11206 | 2.560.t136 | True | |
of | of | of[10] | 137 | 11207 | 2.560.t137 | True | |
gleaming | gleaming | gleaming[1] | 138 | 11208 | 2.560.t138 | True | |
bronze | bronze | bronze[1] | 139 | 11209 | 2.560.t139 | True | |
- | [0] | 140 | 11210 | 2.560.t140 | True | ||
foremost | foremost | foremost[1] | 141 | 11211 | 2.560.t141 | True | |
among | among | among[1] | 142 | 11212 | 2.560.t142 | True | |
the | the | the[17] | 143 | 11213 | 2.560.t143 | True | |
heroes, | heroes | heroes[1] | 144 | 11214 | 2.560.t144 | True | |
for | for | for[3] | 145 | 11215 | 2.560.t145 | True | |
he | he | he[21] | 146 | 11216 | 2.560.t146 | True | |
was | was | was[5] | 147 | 11217 | 2.560.t147 | True | |
the | the | the[18] | 148 | 11218 | 2.560.t148 | True | |
greatest | greatest | greatest[1] | 149 | 11219 | 2.560.t149 | True | |
king, | king | king[3] | 150 | 11220 | 2.560.t150 | True | |
and | and | and[15] | 151 | 11221 | 2.560.t151 | True | |
had | had | had[1] | 152 | 11222 | 2.560.t152 | True | |
most | most | most[3] | 153 | 11223 | 2.560.t153 | True | |
men | men | men[1] | 154 | 11224 | 2.560.t154 | True | |
under | under | under[2] | 155 | 11225 | 2.560.t155 | True | |
him. | him | him[2] | 156 | 11226 | 2.560.t156 | True | |
And | And | And[1] | 157 | 11227 | 2.560.t157 | True | |
those | those | those[1] | 158 | 11228 | 2.560.t158 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 159 | 11229 | 2.560.t159 | True | |
dwelt | dwelt | dwelt[1] | 160 | 11230 | 2.560.t160 | True | |
in | in | in[14] | 161 | 11231 | 2.560.t161 | True | |
Lacedaemon, | Lacedaemon | Lacedaemon[1] | 162 | 11232 | 2.560.t162 | True | |
lying | lying | lying[1] | 163 | 11233 | 2.560.t163 | True | |
low | low | low[1] | 164 | 11234 | 2.560.t164 | True | |
among | among | among[2] | 165 | 11235 | 2.560.t165 | True | |
the | the | the[19] | 166 | 11236 | 2.560.t166 | True | |
hills, | hills | hills[1] | 167 | 11237 | 2.560.t167 | True | |
Pharis, | Pharis | Pharis[1] | 168 | 11238 | 2.560.t168 | True | |
Sparta, | Sparta | Sparta[1] | 169 | 11239 | 2.560.t169 | True | |
with | with | with[2] | 170 | 11240 | 2.560.t170 | True | |
Messe | Messe | Messe[1] | 171 | 11241 | 2.560.t171 | True | |
the | the | the[20] | 172 | 11242 | 2.560.t172 | True | |
haunt | haunt | haunt[1] | 173 | 11243 | 2.560.t173 | True | |
of | of | of[11] | 174 | 11244 | 2.560.t174 | True | |
doves; | doves | doves[1] | 175 | 11245 | 2.560.t175 | True | |
Bryseae, | Bryseae | Bryseae[1] | 176 | 11246 | 2.560.t176 | True | |
Augeae, | Augeae | Augeae[1] | 177 | 11247 | 2.560.t177 | True | |
Amyclae, | Amyclae | Amyclae[1] | 178 | 11248 | 2.560.t178 | True | |
and | and | and[16] | 179 | 11249 | 2.560.t179 | True | |
Helos | Helos | Helos[1] | 180 | 11250 | 2.560.t180 | True | |
upon | upon | upon[2] | 181 | 11251 | 2.560.t181 | True | |
the | the | the[21] | 182 | 11252 | 2.560.t182 | True | |
sea; | sea | sea[2] | 183 | 11253 | 2.560.t183 | True | |
Laas, | Laas | Laas[1] | 184 | 11254 | 2.560.t184 | True | |
moreover, | moreover | moreover[2] | 185 | 11255 | 2.560.t185 | True | |
and | and | and[17] | 186 | 11256 | 2.560.t186 | True | |
Oetylus; | Oetylus | Oetylus[1] | 187 | 11257 | 2.560.t187 | True | |
these | these | these[4] | 188 | 11258 | 2.560.t188 | True | |
were | were | were[2] | 189 | 11259 | 2.560.t189 | True | |
led | led | led[2] | 190 | 11260 | 2.560.t190 | True | |
by | by | by[2] | 191 | 11261 | 2.560.t191 | True | |
Menelaos | Menelaos | Menelaos[1] | 192 | 11262 | 2.560.t192 | True | |
of | of | of[12] | 193 | 11263 | 2.560.t193 | True | |
the | the | the[23] | 194 | 11264 | 2.560.t194 | True | |
loud | loud | loud[2] | 195 | 11265 | 2.560.t195 | True | |
battle-cry, | battlecry | battlecry[2] | 196 | 11266 | 2.560.t196 | True | |
brother | brother | brother[1] | 197 | 11267 | 2.560.t197 | True | |
to | to | to[2] | 198 | 11268 | 2.560.t198 | True | |
Agamemnon, | Agamemnon | Agamemnon[2] | 199 | 11269 | 2.560.t199 | True | |
and | and | and[18] | 200 | 11270 | 2.560.t200 | True | |
of | of | of[13] | 201 | 11271 | 2.560.t201 | True | |
them | them | them[3] | 202 | 11272 | 2.560.t202 | True | |
there | there | there[2] | 203 | 11273 | 2.560.t203 | True | |
were | were | were[3] | 204 | 11274 | 2.560.t204 | True | |
sixty | sixty | sixty[1] | 205 | 11275 | 2.560.t205 | True | |
ships, | ships | ships[3] | 206 | 11276 | 2.560.t206 | True | |
drawn | drawn | drawn[1] | 207 | 11277 | 2.560.t207 | True | |
up | up | up[3] | 208 | 11278 | 2.560.t208 | True | |
apart | apart | apart[1] | 209 | 11279 | 2.560.t209 | True | |
from | from | from[2] | 210 | 11280 | 2.560.t210 | True | |
the | the | the[27] | 211 | 11281 | 2.560.t211 | True | |
others. | others | others[1] | 212 | 11282 | 2.560.t212 | True | |
Among | Among | Among[1] | 213 | 11283 | 2.560.t213 | True | |
them | them | them[4] | 214 | 11284 | 2.560.t214 | True | |
went | went | went[1] | 215 | 11285 | 2.560.t215 | True | |
Menelaos | Menelaos | Menelaos[2] | 216 | 11286 | 2.560.t216 | True | |
himself, | himself | himself[2] | 217 | 11287 | 2.560.t217 | True | |
strong | strong | strong[2] | 218 | 11288 | 2.560.t218 | True | |
in | in | in[16] | 219 | 11289 | 2.560.t219 | True | |
zeal, | zeal | zeal[1] | 220 | 11290 | 2.560.t220 | True | |
urging | urging | urging[1] | 221 | 11291 | 2.560.t221 | True | |
his | his | his[2] | 222 | 11292 | 2.560.t222 | True | |
men | men | men[2] | 223 | 11293 | 2.560.t223 | True | |
to | to | to[3] | 224 | 11294 | 2.560.t224 | True | |
fight; | fight | fight[1] | 225 | 11295 | 2.560.t225 | True | |
for | for | for[4] | 226 | 11296 | 2.560.t226 | True | |
he | he | he[34] | 227 | 11297 | 2.560.t227 | True | |
longed | longed | longed[1] | 228 | 11298 | 2.560.t228 | True | |
to | to | to[4] | 229 | 11299 | 2.560.t229 | True | |
avenge | avenge | avenge[1] | 230 | 11300 | 2.560.t230 | True | |
the | the | the[30] | 231 | 11301 | 2.560.t231 | True | |
toil | toil | toil[1] | 232 | 11302 | 2.560.t232 | True | |
and | and | and[19] | 233 | 11303 | 2.560.t233 | True | |
sorrow | sorrow | sorrow[1] | 234 | 11304 | 2.560.t234 | True | |
that | that | that[2] | 235 | 11305 | 2.560.t235 | True | |
he | he | he[36] | 236 | 11306 | 2.560.t236 | True | |
had | had | had[2] | 237 | 11307 | 2.560.t237 | True | |
suffered | suffered | suffered[1] | 238 | 11308 | 2.560.t238 | True | |
for | for | for[5] | 239 | 11309 | 2.560.t239 | True | |
the | the | the[31] | 240 | 11310 | 2.560.t240 | True | |
sake | sake | sake[1] | 241 | 11311 | 2.560.t241 | True | |
of | of | of[14] | 242 | 11312 | 2.560.t242 | True | |
Helen. | Helen | Helen[1] | 243 | 11313 | 2.560.t243 | True | |
The | The | The[1] | 244 | 11314 | 2.560.t244 | True | |
men | men | men[3] | 245 | 11315 | 2.560.t245 | True | |
of | of | of[15] | 246 | 11316 | 2.560.t246 | True | |
Pylos | Pylos | Pylos[1] | 247 | 11317 | 2.560.t247 | True | |
and | and | and[20] | 248 | 11318 | 2.560.t248 | True | |
Arene, | Arene | Arene[1] | 249 | 11319 | 2.560.t249 | True | |
and | and | and[21] | 250 | 11320 | 2.560.t250 | True | |
Thryum | Thryum | Thryum[1] | 251 | 11321 | 2.560.t251 | True | |
where | where | where[2] | 252 | 11322 | 2.560.t252 | True | |
is | is | is[6] | 253 | 11323 | 2.560.t253 | True | |
the | the | the[32] | 254 | 11324 | 2.560.t254 | True | |
ford | ford | ford[1] | 255 | 11325 | 2.560.t255 | True | |
of | of | of[16] | 256 | 11326 | 2.560.t256 | True | |
the | the | the[33] | 257 | 11327 | 2.560.t257 | True | |
river | river | river[1] | 258 | 11328 | 2.560.t258 | True | |
Alpheus; | Alpheus | Alpheus[1] | 259 | 11329 | 2.560.t259 | True | |
strong | strong | strong[3] | 260 | 11330 | 2.560.t260 | True | |
Aipy, | Aipy | Aipy[1] | 261 | 11331 | 2.560.t261 | True | |
Cyparisseis, | Cyparisseis | Cyparisseis[1] | 262 | 11332 | 2.560.t262 | True | |
and | and | and[22] | 263 | 11333 | 2.560.t263 | True | |
Amphigenea; | Amphigenea | Amphigenea[1] | 264 | 11334 | 2.560.t264 | True | |
Pteleum, | Pteleum | Pteleum[1] | 265 | 11335 | 2.560.t265 | True | |
Helos, | Helos | Helos[2] | 266 | 11336 | 2.560.t266 | True | |
and | and | and[23] | 267 | 11337 | 2.560.t267 | True | |
Dorium, | Dorium | Dorium[1] | 268 | 11338 | 2.560.t268 | True | |
where | where | where[3] | 269 | 11339 | 2.560.t269 | True | |
the | the | the[34] | 270 | 11340 | 2.560.t270 | True | |
Muses | Muses | Muses[1] | 271 | 11341 | 2.560.t271 | True | |
met | met | met[1] | 272 | 11342 | 2.560.t272 | True | |
Thamyris, | Thamyris | Thamyris[1] | 273 | 11343 | 2.560.t273 | True | |
and | and | and[24] | 274 | 11344 | 2.560.t274 | True | |
stilled | stilled | stilled[1] | 275 | 11345 | 2.560.t275 | True | |
his | his | his[3] | 276 | 11346 | 2.560.t276 | True | |
minstrelsy | minstrelsy | minstrelsy[1] | 277 | 11347 | 2.560.t277 | True | |
for | for | for[7] | 278 | 11348 | 2.560.t278 | True | |
ever. | ever | ever[1] | 279 | 11349 | 2.560.t279 | True | |
He | He | He[6] | 280 | 11350 | 2.560.t280 | True | |
was | was | was[6] | 281 | 11351 | 2.560.t281 | True | |
returning | returning | returning[1] | 282 | 11352 | 2.560.t282 | True | |
from | from | from[3] | 283 | 11353 | 2.560.t283 | True | |
Oechalia, | Oechalia | Oechalia[1] | 284 | 11354 | 2.560.t284 | True | |
where | where | where[4] | 285 | 11355 | 2.560.t285 | True | |
Eurytos | Eurytos | Eurytos[1] | 286 | 11356 | 2.560.t286 | True | |
lived | lived | lived[1] | 287 | 11357 | 2.560.t287 | True | |
and | and | and[25] | 288 | 11358 | 2.560.t288 | True | |
reigned, | reigned | reigned[2] | 289 | 11359 | 2.560.t289 | True | |
and | and | and[26] | 290 | 11360 | 2.560.t290 | True | |
boasted | boasted | boasted[1] | 291 | 11361 | 2.560.t291 | True | |
that | that | that[3] | 292 | 11362 | 2.560.t292 | True | |
he | he | he[46] | 293 | 11363 | 2.560.t293 | True | |
would | would | would[1] | 294 | 11364 | 2.560.t294 | True | |
surpass | surpass | surpass[1] | 295 | 11365 | 2.560.t295 | True | |
even | even | even[1] | 296 | 11366 | 2.560.t296 | True | |
the | the | the[35] | 297 | 11367 | 2.560.t297 | True | |
Muses, | Muses | Muses[2] | 298 | 11368 | 2.560.t298 | True | |
daughters | daughters | daughters[1] | 299 | 11369 | 2.560.t299 | True | |
of | of | of[17] | 300 | 11370 | 2.560.t300 | True | |
aegis-bearing | aegisbearing | aegisbearing[1] | 301 | 11371 | 2.560.t301 | True | |
Zeus, | Zeus | Zeus[1] | 302 | 11372 | 2.560.t302 | True | |
if | if | if[1] | 303 | 11373 | 2.560.t303 | True | |
they | they | they[1] | 304 | 11374 | 2.560.t304 | True | |
should | should | should[1] | 305 | 11375 | 2.560.t305 | True | |
sing | sing | sing[1] | 306 | 11376 | 2.560.t306 | True | |
against | against | against[1] | 307 | 11377 | 2.560.t307 | True | |
him; | him | him[4] | 308 | 11378 | 2.560.t308 | True | |
whereon | whereon | whereon[1] | 309 | 11379 | 2.560.t309 | True | |
they | they | they[2] | 310 | 11380 | 2.560.t310 | True | |
were | were | were[4] | 311 | 11381 | 2.560.t311 | True | |
angry, | angry | angry[1] | 312 | 11382 | 2.560.t312 | True | |
and | and | and[27] | 313 | 11383 | 2.560.t313 | True | |
maimed | maimed | maimed[1] | 314 | 11384 | 2.560.t314 | True | |
him. | him | him[5] | 315 | 11385 | 2.560.t315 | True |