urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.120 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 2.120
Achaean host, at once so great and valiant, battled in vain against men fewer in number than themselves; but as yet the end is not in sight. Think that the Achaeans and Trojans have sworn to a solemn covenant, and that they have each been numbered - the Trojans by the roll of their householders, and we by companies of ten; think further that each of our companies desired to have a Trojan householder to pour out their wine; we are so greatly more in number that full many a company would have to go without its cup-bearer. But they have in the town allies from other places, and it is these that hinder me from being able to sack the rich city of Ilion. Nine of Zeus years are gone; the timbers of our ships have rotted; their tackling is sound no longer. Our wives and little ones at home look anxiously for our coming, but the work that we came hither to do has not been done. Now, therefore, let us all do as I say: let us sail back to our own land, for we shall not take Troy." With these words he moved the hearts of the multitude, so many of them as knew not the cunning counsel of Agamemnon. They surged to and fro like the waves of the Ikarian Sea [pontos], when the east and south winds break from heaven's clouds to lash them; or as when the west wind sweeps over a field of grain and the ears bow beneath the blast, even so were they swayed as they flew with loud cries towards the ships, and the dust from under their feet rose heavenward. They cheered each other on to draw the ships into the sea; they cleared the channels in front of them; they began taking away the stays from underneath them, and the welkin rang with their glad cries, so eager were they to return. Then surely the Argives would have had a return [nostos] after a fashion that was not fated. But Hera said to Athena, "Alas, daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus, unweariable, shall the Argives flee home to their own land over the broad sea,
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.80)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng4:2.160)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
Achaean Achaean Achaean[1] 1 6982 2.120.t1 True
host, host host[1] 2 6983 2.120.t2 True
at at at[1] 3 6984 2.120.t3 True
once once once[1] 4 6985 2.120.t4 True
so so so[1] 5 6986 2.120.t5 True
great great great[1] 6 6987 2.120.t6 True
and and and[1] 7 6988 2.120.t7 True
valiant, valiant valiant[1] 8 6989 2.120.t8 True
battled battled battled[1] 9 6990 2.120.t9 True
in in in[1] 10 6991 2.120.t10 True
vain vain vain[1] 11 6992 2.120.t11 True
against against against[1] 12 6993 2.120.t12 True
men men men[1] 13 6994 2.120.t13 True
fewer fewer fewer[1] 14 6995 2.120.t14 True
in in in[4] 15 6996 2.120.t15 True
number number number[1] 16 6997 2.120.t16 True
than than than[1] 17 6998 2.120.t17 True
themselves; themselves themselves[1] 18 6999 2.120.t18 True
but but but[1] 19 7000 2.120.t19 True
as as as[1] 20 7001 2.120.t20 True
yet yet yet[1] 21 7002 2.120.t21 True
the the the[2] 22 7003 2.120.t22 True
end end end[1] 23 7004 2.120.t23 True
is is is[1] 24 7005 2.120.t24 True
not not not[1] 25 7006 2.120.t25 True
in in in[5] 26 7007 2.120.t26 True
sight. sight sight[1] 27 7008 2.120.t27 True
Think Think Think[1] 28 7009 2.120.t28 True
that that that[1] 29 7010 2.120.t29 True
the the the[3] 30 7011 2.120.t30 True
Achaeans Achaeans Achaeans[1] 31 7012 2.120.t31 True
and and and[2] 32 7013 2.120.t32 True
Trojans Trojans Trojans[1] 33 7014 2.120.t33 True
have have have[1] 34 7015 2.120.t34 True
sworn sworn sworn[1] 35 7016 2.120.t35 True
to to to[1] 36 7017 2.120.t36 True
a a a[20] 37 7018 2.120.t37 True
solemn solemn solemn[1] 38 7019 2.120.t38 True
covenant, covenant covenant[1] 39 7020 2.120.t39 True
and and and[3] 40 7021 2.120.t40 True
that that that[2] 41 7022 2.120.t41 True
they they they[1] 42 7023 2.120.t42 True
have have have[2] 43 7024 2.120.t43 True
each each each[1] 44 7025 2.120.t44 True
been been been[1] 45 7026 2.120.t45 True
numbered numbered numbered[1] 46 7027 2.120.t46 True
- [0] 47 7028 2.120.t47 True
the the the[5] 48 7029 2.120.t48 True
Trojans Trojans Trojans[2] 49 7030 2.120.t49 True
by by by[1] 50 7031 2.120.t50 True
the the the[6] 51 7032 2.120.t51 True
roll roll roll[1] 52 7033 2.120.t52 True
of of of[1] 53 7034 2.120.t53 True
their their their[1] 54 7035 2.120.t54 True
householders, householders householders[1] 55 7036 2.120.t55 True
and and and[4] 56 7037 2.120.t56 True
we we we[2] 57 7038 2.120.t57 True
by by by[2] 58 7039 2.120.t58 True
companies companies companies[1] 59 7040 2.120.t59 True
of of of[2] 60 7041 2.120.t60 True
ten; ten ten[1] 61 7042 2.120.t61 True
think think think[1] 62 7043 2.120.t62 True
further further further[1] 63 7044 2.120.t63 True
that that that[3] 64 7045 2.120.t64 True
each each each[2] 65 7046 2.120.t65 True
of of of[3] 66 7047 2.120.t66 True
our our our[1] 67 7048 2.120.t67 True
companies companies companies[2] 68 7049 2.120.t68 True
desired desired desired[1] 69 7050 2.120.t69 True
to to to[2] 70 7051 2.120.t70 True
have have have[3] 71 7052 2.120.t71 True
a a a[33] 72 7053 2.120.t72 True
Trojan Trojan Trojan[3] 73 7054 2.120.t73 True
householder householder householder[2] 74 7055 2.120.t74 True
to to to[3] 75 7056 2.120.t75 True
pour pour pour[1] 76 7057 2.120.t76 True
out out out[1] 77 7058 2.120.t77 True
their their their[2] 78 7059 2.120.t78 True
wine; wine wine[1] 79 7060 2.120.t79 True
we we we[3] 80 7061 2.120.t80 True
are are are[1] 81 7062 2.120.t81 True
so so so[3] 82 7063 2.120.t82 True
greatly greatly greatly[1] 83 7064 2.120.t83 True
more more more[1] 84 7065 2.120.t84 True
in in in[9] 85 7066 2.120.t85 True
number number number[3] 86 7067 2.120.t86 True
that that that[4] 87 7068 2.120.t87 True
full full full[1] 88 7069 2.120.t88 True
many many many[1] 89 7070 2.120.t89 True
a a a[39] 90 7071 2.120.t90 True
company company company[1] 91 7072 2.120.t91 True
would would would[1] 92 7073 2.120.t92 True
have have have[4] 93 7074 2.120.t93 True
to to to[4] 94 7075 2.120.t94 True
go go go[1] 95 7076 2.120.t95 True
without without without[1] 96 7077 2.120.t96 True
its its its[1] 97 7078 2.120.t97 True
cup-bearer. cupbearer cupbearer[1] 98 7079 2.120.t98 True
But But But[1] 99 7080 2.120.t99 True
they they they[2] 100 7081 2.120.t100 True
have have have[5] 101 7082 2.120.t101 True
in in in[10] 102 7083 2.120.t102 True
the the the[11] 103 7084 2.120.t103 True
town town town[1] 104 7085 2.120.t104 True
allies allies allies[1] 105 7086 2.120.t105 True
from from from[1] 106 7087 2.120.t106 True
other other other[1] 107 7088 2.120.t107 True
places, places places[1] 108 7089 2.120.t108 True
and and and[5] 109 7090 2.120.t109 True
it it it[3] 110 7091 2.120.t110 True
is is is[2] 111 7092 2.120.t111 True
these these these[1] 112 7093 2.120.t112 True
that that that[5] 113 7094 2.120.t113 True
hinder hinder hinder[1] 114 7095 2.120.t114 True
me me me[2] 115 7096 2.120.t115 True
from from from[2] 116 7097 2.120.t116 True
being being being[1] 117 7098 2.120.t117 True
able able able[1] 118 7099 2.120.t118 True
to to to[6] 119 7100 2.120.t119 True
sack sack sack[1] 120 7101 2.120.t120 True
the the the[14] 121 7102 2.120.t121 True
rich rich rich[1] 122 7103 2.120.t122 True
city city city[1] 123 7104 2.120.t123 True
of of of[4] 124 7105 2.120.t124 True
Ilion. Ilion Ilion[1] 125 7106 2.120.t125 True
Nine Nine Nine[1] 126 7107 2.120.t126 True
of of of[5] 127 7108 2.120.t127 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[1] 128 7109 2.120.t128 True
years years years[1] 129 7110 2.120.t129 True
are are are[3] 130 7111 2.120.t130 True
gone; gone gone[1] 131 7112 2.120.t131 True
the the the[15] 132 7113 2.120.t132 True
timbers timbers timbers[1] 133 7114 2.120.t133 True
of of of[6] 134 7115 2.120.t134 True
our our our[3] 135 7116 2.120.t135 True
ships ships ships[1] 136 7117 2.120.t136 True
have have have[6] 137 7118 2.120.t137 True
rotted; rotted rotted[1] 138 7119 2.120.t138 True
their their their[3] 139 7120 2.120.t139 True
tackling tackling tackling[1] 140 7121 2.120.t140 True
is is is[3] 141 7122 2.120.t141 True
sound sound sound[1] 142 7123 2.120.t142 True
no no no[2] 143 7124 2.120.t143 True
longer. longer longer[1] 144 7125 2.120.t144 True
Our Our Our[1] 145 7126 2.120.t145 True
wives wives wives[1] 146 7127 2.120.t146 True
and and and[6] 147 7128 2.120.t147 True
little little little[1] 148 7129 2.120.t148 True
ones ones ones[1] 149 7130 2.120.t149 True
at at at[10] 150 7131 2.120.t150 True
home home home[1] 151 7132 2.120.t151 True
look look look[1] 152 7133 2.120.t152 True
anxiously anxiously anxiously[1] 153 7134 2.120.t153 True
for for for[1] 154 7135 2.120.t154 True
our our our[4] 155 7136 2.120.t155 True
coming, coming coming[1] 156 7137 2.120.t156 True
but but but[2] 157 7138 2.120.t157 True
the the the[17] 158 7139 2.120.t158 True
work work work[1] 159 7140 2.120.t159 True
that that that[6] 160 7141 2.120.t160 True
we we we[4] 161 7142 2.120.t161 True
came came came[1] 162 7143 2.120.t162 True
hither hither hither[1] 163 7144 2.120.t163 True
to to to[7] 164 7145 2.120.t164 True
do do do[1] 165 7146 2.120.t165 True
has has has[1] 166 7147 2.120.t166 True
not not not[2] 167 7148 2.120.t167 True
been been been[2] 168 7149 2.120.t168 True
done. done done[1] 169 7150 2.120.t169 True
Now, Now Now[1] 170 7151 2.120.t170 True
therefore, therefore therefore[1] 171 7152 2.120.t171 True
let let let[1] 172 7153 2.120.t172 True
us us us[5] 173 7154 2.120.t173 True
all all all[2] 174 7155 2.120.t174 True
do do do[3] 175 7156 2.120.t175 True
as as as[3] 176 7157 2.120.t176 True
I I I[2] 177 7158 2.120.t177 True
say: say say[1] 178 7159 2.120.t178 True
let let let[2] 179 7160 2.120.t179 True
us us us[6] 180 7161 2.120.t180 True
sail sail sail[1] 181 7162 2.120.t181 True
back back back[1] 182 7163 2.120.t182 True
to to to[8] 183 7164 2.120.t183 True
our our our[5] 184 7165 2.120.t184 True
own own own[2] 185 7166 2.120.t185 True
land, land land[1] 186 7167 2.120.t186 True
for for for[3] 187 7168 2.120.t187 True
we we we[5] 188 7169 2.120.t188 True
shall shall shall[1] 189 7170 2.120.t189 True
not not not[3] 190 7171 2.120.t190 True
take take take[1] 191 7172 2.120.t191 True
Troy." Troy Troy[1] 192 7173 2.120.t192 True
With With With[1] 193 7174 2.120.t193 True
these these these[2] 194 7175 2.120.t194 True
words words words[1] 195 7176 2.120.t195 True
he he he[21] 196 7177 2.120.t196 True
moved moved moved[1] 197 7178 2.120.t197 True
the the the[21] 198 7179 2.120.t198 True
hearts hearts hearts[1] 199 7180 2.120.t199 True
of of of[7] 200 7181 2.120.t200 True
the the the[22] 201 7182 2.120.t201 True
multitude, multitude multitude[1] 202 7183 2.120.t202 True
so so so[5] 203 7184 2.120.t203 True
many many many[2] 204 7185 2.120.t204 True
of of of[8] 205 7186 2.120.t205 True
them them them[2] 206 7187 2.120.t206 True
as as as[4] 207 7188 2.120.t207 True
knew knew knew[1] 208 7189 2.120.t208 True
not not not[4] 209 7190 2.120.t209 True
the the the[24] 210 7191 2.120.t210 True
cunning cunning cunning[1] 211 7192 2.120.t211 True
counsel counsel counsel[1] 212 7193 2.120.t212 True
of of of[9] 213 7194 2.120.t213 True
Agamemnon. Agamemnon Agamemnon[1] 214 7195 2.120.t214 True
They They They[1] 215 7196 2.120.t215 True
surged surged surged[1] 216 7197 2.120.t216 True
to to to[9] 217 7198 2.120.t217 True
and and and[8] 218 7199 2.120.t218 True
fro fro fro[3] 219 7200 2.120.t219 True
like like like[1] 220 7201 2.120.t220 True
the the the[25] 221 7202 2.120.t221 True
waves waves waves[1] 222 7203 2.120.t222 True
of of of[10] 223 7204 2.120.t223 True
the the the[26] 224 7205 2.120.t224 True
Ikarian Ikarian Ikarian[1] 225 7206 2.120.t225 True
Sea Sea Sea[1] 226 7207 2.120.t226 True
[pontos], pontos pontos[1] 227 7208 2.120.t227 True
when when when[1] 228 7209 2.120.t228 True
the the the[27] 229 7210 2.120.t229 True
east east east[1] 230 7211 2.120.t230 True
and and and[9] 231 7212 2.120.t231 True
south south south[1] 232 7213 2.120.t232 True
winds winds winds[1] 233 7214 2.120.t233 True
break break break[1] 234 7215 2.120.t234 True
from from from[3] 235 7216 2.120.t235 True
heaven's heavens heavens[1] 236 7217 2.120.t236 True
clouds clouds clouds[1] 237 7218 2.120.t237 True
to to to[11] 238 7219 2.120.t238 True
lash lash lash[1] 239 7220 2.120.t239 True
them; them them[3] 240 7221 2.120.t240 True
or or or[8] 241 7222 2.120.t241 True
as as as[7] 242 7223 2.120.t242 True
when when when[2] 243 7224 2.120.t243 True
the the the[29] 244 7225 2.120.t244 True
west west west[1] 245 7226 2.120.t245 True
wind wind wind[2] 246 7227 2.120.t246 True
sweeps sweeps sweeps[1] 247 7228 2.120.t247 True
over over over[1] 248 7229 2.120.t248 True
a a a[83] 249 7230 2.120.t249 True
field field field[1] 250 7231 2.120.t250 True
of of of[11] 251 7232 2.120.t251 True
grain grain grain[1] 252 7233 2.120.t252 True
and and and[10] 253 7234 2.120.t253 True
the the the[30] 254 7235 2.120.t254 True
ears ears ears[2] 255 7236 2.120.t255 True
bow bow bow[1] 256 7237 2.120.t256 True
beneath beneath beneath[1] 257 7238 2.120.t257 True
the the the[31] 258 7239 2.120.t258 True
blast, blast blast[1] 259 7240 2.120.t259 True
even even even[1] 260 7241 2.120.t260 True
so so so[7] 261 7242 2.120.t261 True
were were were[1] 262 7243 2.120.t262 True
they they they[3] 263 7244 2.120.t263 True
swayed swayed swayed[1] 264 7245 2.120.t264 True
as as as[9] 265 7246 2.120.t265 True
they they they[4] 266 7247 2.120.t266 True
flew flew flew[1] 267 7248 2.120.t267 True
with with with[2] 268 7249 2.120.t268 True
loud loud loud[2] 269 7250 2.120.t269 True
cries cries cries[1] 270 7251 2.120.t270 True
towards towards towards[1] 271 7252 2.120.t271 True
the the the[34] 272 7253 2.120.t272 True
ships, ships ships[2] 273 7254 2.120.t273 True
and and and[11] 274 7255 2.120.t274 True
the the the[35] 275 7256 2.120.t275 True
dust dust dust[1] 276 7257 2.120.t276 True
from from from[4] 277 7258 2.120.t277 True
under under under[1] 278 7259 2.120.t278 True
their their their[4] 279 7260 2.120.t279 True
feet feet feet[1] 280 7261 2.120.t280 True
rose rose rose[1] 281 7262 2.120.t281 True
heavenward. heavenward heavenward[1] 282 7263 2.120.t282 True
They They They[2] 283 7264 2.120.t283 True
cheered cheered cheered[1] 284 7265 2.120.t284 True
each each each[3] 285 7266 2.120.t285 True
other other other[2] 286 7267 2.120.t286 True
on on on[9] 287 7268 2.120.t287 True
to to to[13] 288 7269 2.120.t288 True
draw draw draw[1] 289 7270 2.120.t289 True
the the the[38] 290 7271 2.120.t290 True
ships ships ships[3] 291 7272 2.120.t291 True
into into into[1] 292 7273 2.120.t292 True
the the the[39] 293 7274 2.120.t293 True
sea; sea sea[1] 294 7275 2.120.t294 True
they they they[5] 295 7276 2.120.t295 True
cleared cleared cleared[1] 296 7277 2.120.t296 True
the the the[41] 297 7278 2.120.t297 True
channels channels channels[1] 298 7279 2.120.t298 True
in in in[21] 299 7280 2.120.t299 True
front front front[1] 300 7281 2.120.t300 True
of of of[12] 301 7282 2.120.t301 True
them; them them[4] 302 7283 2.120.t302 True
they they they[6] 303 7284 2.120.t303 True
began began began[1] 304 7285 2.120.t304 True
taking taking taking[1] 305 7286 2.120.t305 True
away away away[1] 306 7287 2.120.t306 True
the the the[44] 307 7288 2.120.t307 True
stays stays stays[1] 308 7289 2.120.t308 True
from from from[5] 309 7290 2.120.t309 True
underneath underneath underneath[1] 310 7291 2.120.t310 True
them, them them[5] 311 7292 2.120.t311 True
and and and[12] 312 7293 2.120.t312 True
the the the[46] 313 7294 2.120.t313 True
welkin welkin welkin[1] 314 7295 2.120.t314 True
rang rang rang[1] 315 7296 2.120.t315 True
with with with[3] 316 7297 2.120.t316 True
their their their[5] 317 7298 2.120.t317 True
glad glad glad[1] 318 7299 2.120.t318 True
cries, cries cries[2] 319 7300 2.120.t319 True
so so so[8] 320 7301 2.120.t320 True
eager eager eager[1] 321 7302 2.120.t321 True
were were were[2] 322 7303 2.120.t322 True
they they they[7] 323 7304 2.120.t323 True
to to to[15] 324 7305 2.120.t324 True
return. return return[1] 325 7306 2.120.t325 True
Then Then Then[1] 326 7307 2.120.t326 True
surely surely surely[1] 327 7308 2.120.t327 True
the the the[49] 328 7309 2.120.t328 True
Argives Argives Argives[1] 329 7310 2.120.t329 True
would would would[2] 330 7311 2.120.t330 True
have have have[7] 331 7312 2.120.t331 True
had had had[1] 332 7313 2.120.t332 True
a a a[112] 333 7314 2.120.t333 True
return return return[2] 334 7315 2.120.t334 True
[nostos] nostos nostos[1] 335 7316 2.120.t335 True
after after after[1] 336 7317 2.120.t336 True
a a a[114] 337 7318 2.120.t337 True
fashion fashion fashion[1] 338 7319 2.120.t338 True
that that that[7] 339 7320 2.120.t339 True
was was was[1] 340 7321 2.120.t340 True
not not not[5] 341 7322 2.120.t341 True
fated. fated fated[1] 342 7323 2.120.t342 True
But But But[2] 343 7324 2.120.t343 True
Hera Hera Hera[1] 344 7325 2.120.t344 True
said said said[1] 345 7326 2.120.t345 True
to to to[17] 346 7327 2.120.t346 True
Athena, Athena Athena[1] 347 7328 2.120.t347 True
"Alas, Alas Alas[1] 348 7329 2.120.t348 True
daughter daughter daughter[1] 349 7330 2.120.t349 True
of of of[13] 350 7331 2.120.t350 True
aegis-bearing aegisbearing aegisbearing[1] 351 7332 2.120.t351 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[2] 352 7333 2.120.t352 True
unweariable, unweariable unweariable[1] 353 7334 2.120.t353 True
shall shall shall[2] 354 7335 2.120.t354 True
the the the[51] 355 7336 2.120.t355 True
Argives Argives Argives[2] 356 7337 2.120.t356 True
flee flee flee[1] 357 7338 2.120.t357 True
home home home[2] 358 7339 2.120.t358 True
to to to[18] 359 7340 2.120.t359 True
their their their[6] 360 7341 2.120.t360 True
own own own[3] 361 7342 2.120.t361 True
land land land[2] 362 7343 2.120.t362 True
over over over[2] 363 7344 2.120.t363 True
the the the[53] 364 7345 2.120.t364 True
broad broad broad[1] 365 7346 2.120.t365 True
sea, sea sea[2] 366 7347 2.120.t366 True