urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:23.262 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 23.262
For swift charioteers first he set forth goodly prizes, a woman to lead away, one skilled in goodly handiwork, and an eared tripod of two and twenty measures for him that should be first; and for the second he appointed a mare of six years, unbroken, with a mule foal in her womb; and for the third he set forth a cauldron untouched of fire, a fair cauldron that held four measures, white even as the first; and for the fourth he appointed two talents of gold; and for the fifth a two-handled urn, yet untouched of fire. Then he stood up, and spake among the Argives, saying: Son of Atreus, and ye other well-greaved Achaeans, for the charioteers these prizes lie waiting in the lists. If for some other's honour we Achaeans were now holding contests, surely it were I that should win the first prize, and bear it to my hut; for ye know how far my horses twain surpass in excellence, seeing they are immortal, and it was Poseidon that gave them to my father Peleus, and he gave them to me. Howbeit I verily will abide, I and my single-hooved horses, so valiant and glorious a charioteer have they lost, and one so kind, who full often would pour upon their manes soft soil when he had washed them in bright water. For him they stand and mourn, and on the ground their manes are trailing, and the twain stand there, grieving at heart. But do ye others make yourselves ready throughout the host, whosoever of the Achaeans hath trust in his horses and his jointed car.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:23.226)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:23.287)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
For For For[1] 1 159699 23.262.t1 True
swift swift swift[1] 2 159700 23.262.t2 True
charioteers charioteers charioteers[1] 3 159701 23.262.t3 True
first first first[1] 4 159702 23.262.t4 True
he he he[1] 5 159703 23.262.t5 True
set set set[1] 6 159704 23.262.t6 True
forth forth forth[1] 7 159705 23.262.t7 True
goodly goodly goodly[1] 8 159706 23.262.t8 True
prizes, prizes prizes[1] 9 159707 23.262.t9 True
a a a[2] 10 159708 23.262.t10 True
woman woman woman[1] 11 159709 23.262.t11 True
to to to[1] 12 159710 23.262.t12 True
lead lead lead[1] 13 159711 23.262.t13 True
away, away away[1] 14 159712 23.262.t14 True
one one one[1] 15 159713 23.262.t15 True
skilled skilled skilled[1] 16 159714 23.262.t16 True
in in in[1] 17 159715 23.262.t17 True
goodly goodly goodly[2] 18 159716 23.262.t18 True
handiwork, handiwork handiwork[1] 19 159717 23.262.t19 True
and and and[2] 20 159718 23.262.t20 True
an an an[4] 21 159719 23.262.t21 True
eared eared eared[1] 22 159720 23.262.t22 True
tripod tripod tripod[1] 23 159721 23.262.t23 True
of of of[1] 24 159722 23.262.t24 True
two two two[1] 25 159723 23.262.t25 True
and and and[3] 26 159724 23.262.t26 True
twenty twenty twenty[1] 27 159725 23.262.t27 True
measures measures measures[1] 28 159726 23.262.t28 True
for for for[2] 29 159727 23.262.t29 True
him him him[1] 30 159728 23.262.t30 True
that that that[1] 31 159729 23.262.t31 True
should should should[1] 32 159730 23.262.t32 True
be be be[1] 33 159731 23.262.t33 True
first; first first[2] 34 159732 23.262.t34 True
and and and[4] 35 159733 23.262.t35 True
for for for[3] 36 159734 23.262.t36 True
the the the[1] 37 159735 23.262.t37 True
second second second[1] 38 159736 23.262.t38 True
he he he[3] 39 159737 23.262.t39 True
appointed appointed appointed[1] 40 159738 23.262.t40 True
a a a[16] 41 159739 23.262.t41 True
mare mare mare[1] 42 159740 23.262.t42 True
of of of[2] 43 159741 23.262.t43 True
six six six[1] 44 159742 23.262.t44 True
years, years years[1] 45 159743 23.262.t45 True
unbroken, unbroken unbroken[1] 46 159744 23.262.t46 True
with with with[1] 47 159745 23.262.t47 True
a a a[19] 48 159746 23.262.t48 True
mule mule mule[1] 49 159747 23.262.t49 True
foal foal foal[1] 50 159748 23.262.t50 True
in in in[3] 51 159749 23.262.t51 True
her her her[1] 52 159750 23.262.t52 True
womb; womb womb[1] 53 159751 23.262.t53 True
and and and[5] 54 159752 23.262.t54 True
for for for[4] 55 159753 23.262.t55 True
the the the[2] 56 159754 23.262.t56 True
third third third[1] 57 159755 23.262.t57 True
he he he[6] 58 159756 23.262.t58 True
set set set[2] 59 159757 23.262.t59 True
forth forth forth[2] 60 159758 23.262.t60 True
a a a[22] 61 159759 23.262.t61 True
cauldron cauldron cauldron[1] 62 159760 23.262.t62 True
untouched untouched untouched[1] 63 159761 23.262.t63 True
of of of[3] 64 159762 23.262.t64 True
fire, fire fire[1] 65 159763 23.262.t65 True
a a a[24] 66 159764 23.262.t66 True
fair fair fair[1] 67 159765 23.262.t67 True
cauldron cauldron cauldron[2] 68 159766 23.262.t68 True
that that that[2] 69 159767 23.262.t69 True
held held held[1] 70 159768 23.262.t70 True
four four four[1] 71 159769 23.262.t71 True
measures, measures measures[2] 72 159770 23.262.t72 True
white white white[1] 73 159771 23.262.t73 True
even even even[1] 74 159772 23.262.t74 True
as as as[3] 75 159773 23.262.t75 True
the the the[3] 76 159774 23.262.t76 True
first; first first[3] 77 159775 23.262.t77 True
and and and[6] 78 159776 23.262.t78 True
for for for[6] 79 159777 23.262.t79 True
the the the[4] 80 159778 23.262.t80 True
fourth fourth fourth[1] 81 159779 23.262.t81 True
he he he[11] 82 159780 23.262.t82 True
appointed appointed appointed[2] 83 159781 23.262.t83 True
two two two[2] 84 159782 23.262.t84 True
talents talents talents[1] 85 159783 23.262.t85 True
of of of[4] 86 159784 23.262.t86 True
gold; gold gold[1] 87 159785 23.262.t87 True
and and and[7] 88 159786 23.262.t88 True
for for for[7] 89 159787 23.262.t89 True
the the the[5] 90 159788 23.262.t90 True
fifth fifth fifth[1] 91 159789 23.262.t91 True
a a a[34] 92 159790 23.262.t92 True
two-handled twohandled twohandled[1] 93 159791 23.262.t93 True
urn, urn urn[1] 94 159792 23.262.t94 True
yet yet yet[1] 95 159793 23.262.t95 True
untouched untouched untouched[2] 96 159794 23.262.t96 True
of of of[5] 97 159795 23.262.t97 True
fire. fire fire[2] 98 159796 23.262.t98 True
Then Then Then[1] 99 159797 23.262.t99 True
he he he[15] 100 159798 23.262.t100 True
stood stood stood[1] 101 159799 23.262.t101 True
up, up up[1] 102 159800 23.262.t102 True
and and and[9] 103 159801 23.262.t103 True
spake spake spake[1] 104 159802 23.262.t104 True
among among among[1] 105 159803 23.262.t105 True
the the the[6] 106 159804 23.262.t106 True
Argives, Argives Argives[1] 107 159805 23.262.t107 True
saying: saying saying[1] 108 159806 23.262.t108 True
Son Son Son[1] 109 159807 23.262.t109 True
of of of[6] 110 159808 23.262.t110 True
Atreus, Atreus Atreus[1] 111 159809 23.262.t111 True
and and and[10] 112 159810 23.262.t112 True
ye ye ye[3] 113 159811 23.262.t113 True
other other other[1] 114 159812 23.262.t114 True
well-greaved wellgreaved wellgreaved[1] 115 159813 23.262.t115 True
Achaeans, Achaeans Achaeans[1] 116 159814 23.262.t116 True
for for for[8] 117 159815 23.262.t117 True
the the the[8] 118 159816 23.262.t118 True
charioteers charioteers charioteers[2] 119 159817 23.262.t119 True
these these these[1] 120 159818 23.262.t120 True
prizes prizes prizes[2] 121 159819 23.262.t121 True
lie lie lie[1] 122 159820 23.262.t122 True
waiting waiting waiting[1] 123 159821 23.262.t123 True
in in in[7] 124 159822 23.262.t124 True
the the the[10] 125 159823 23.262.t125 True
lists. lists lists[1] 126 159824 23.262.t126 True
If If If[1] 127 159825 23.262.t127 True
for for for[9] 128 159826 23.262.t128 True
some some some[1] 129 159827 23.262.t129 True
other's others others[1] 130 159828 23.262.t130 True
honour honour honour[1] 131 159829 23.262.t131 True
we we we[3] 132 159830 23.262.t132 True
Achaeans Achaeans Achaeans[2] 133 159831 23.262.t133 True
were were were[1] 134 159832 23.262.t134 True
now now now[1] 135 159833 23.262.t135 True
holding holding holding[1] 136 159834 23.262.t136 True
contests, contests contests[1] 137 159835 23.262.t137 True
surely surely surely[1] 138 159836 23.262.t138 True
it it it[4] 139 159837 23.262.t139 True
were were were[2] 140 159838 23.262.t140 True
I I I[2] 141 159839 23.262.t141 True
that that that[3] 142 159840 23.262.t142 True
should should should[2] 143 159841 23.262.t143 True
win win win[1] 144 159842 23.262.t144 True
the the the[12] 145 159843 23.262.t145 True
first first first[4] 146 159844 23.262.t146 True
prize, prize prize[3] 147 159845 23.262.t147 True
and and and[11] 148 159846 23.262.t148 True
bear bear bear[1] 149 159847 23.262.t149 True
it it it[5] 150 159848 23.262.t150 True
to to to[5] 151 159849 23.262.t151 True
my my my[1] 152 159850 23.262.t152 True
hut; hut hut[1] 153 159851 23.262.t153 True
for for for[10] 154 159852 23.262.t154 True
ye ye ye[4] 155 159853 23.262.t155 True
know know know[1] 156 159854 23.262.t156 True
how how how[1] 157 159855 23.262.t157 True
far far far[1] 158 159856 23.262.t158 True
my my my[2] 159 159857 23.262.t159 True
horses horses horses[1] 160 159858 23.262.t160 True
twain twain twain[1] 161 159859 23.262.t161 True
surpass surpass surpass[1] 162 159860 23.262.t162 True
in in in[11] 163 159861 23.262.t163 True
excellence, excellence excellence[1] 164 159862 23.262.t164 True
seeing seeing seeing[1] 165 159863 23.262.t165 True
they they they[1] 166 159864 23.262.t166 True
are are are[3] 167 159865 23.262.t167 True
immortal, immortal immortal[1] 168 159866 23.262.t168 True
and and and[12] 169 159867 23.262.t169 True
it it it[6] 170 159868 23.262.t170 True
was was was[1] 171 159869 23.262.t171 True
Poseidon Poseidon Poseidon[1] 172 159870 23.262.t172 True
that that that[4] 173 159871 23.262.t173 True
gave gave gave[1] 174 159872 23.262.t174 True
them them them[1] 175 159873 23.262.t175 True
to to to[6] 176 159874 23.262.t176 True
my my my[3] 177 159875 23.262.t177 True
father father father[1] 178 159876 23.262.t178 True
Peleus, Peleus Peleus[1] 179 159877 23.262.t179 True
and and and[13] 180 159878 23.262.t180 True
he he he[26] 181 159879 23.262.t181 True
gave gave gave[2] 182 159880 23.262.t182 True
them them them[2] 183 159881 23.262.t183 True
to to to[7] 184 159882 23.262.t184 True
me. me me[4] 185 159883 23.262.t185 True
Howbeit Howbeit Howbeit[1] 186 159884 23.262.t186 True
I I I[3] 187 159885 23.262.t187 True
verily verily verily[1] 188 159886 23.262.t188 True
will will will[1] 189 159887 23.262.t189 True
abide, abide abide[1] 190 159888 23.262.t190 True
I I I[4] 191 159889 23.262.t191 True
and and and[14] 192 159890 23.262.t192 True
my my my[4] 193 159891 23.262.t193 True
single-hooved singlehooved singlehooved[1] 194 159892 23.262.t194 True
horses, horses horses[2] 195 159893 23.262.t195 True
so so so[2] 196 159894 23.262.t196 True
valiant valiant valiant[1] 197 159895 23.262.t197 True
and and and[15] 198 159896 23.262.t198 True
glorious glorious glorious[1] 199 159897 23.262.t199 True
a a a[68] 200 159898 23.262.t200 True
charioteer charioteer charioteer[3] 201 159899 23.262.t201 True
have have have[1] 202 159900 23.262.t202 True
they they they[2] 203 159901 23.262.t203 True
lost, lost lost[1] 204 159902 23.262.t204 True
and and and[16] 205 159903 23.262.t205 True
one one one[2] 206 159904 23.262.t206 True
so so so[3] 207 159905 23.262.t207 True
kind, kind kind[1] 208 159906 23.262.t208 True
who who who[1] 209 159907 23.262.t209 True
full full full[1] 210 159908 23.262.t210 True
often often often[1] 211 159909 23.262.t211 True
would would would[1] 212 159910 23.262.t212 True
pour pour pour[1] 213 159911 23.262.t213 True
upon upon upon[1] 214 159912 23.262.t214 True
their their their[1] 215 159913 23.262.t215 True
manes manes manes[1] 216 159914 23.262.t216 True
soft soft soft[1] 217 159915 23.262.t217 True
soil soil soil[1] 218 159916 23.262.t218 True
when when when[1] 219 159917 23.262.t219 True
he he he[31] 220 159918 23.262.t220 True
had had had[1] 221 159919 23.262.t221 True
washed washed washed[1] 222 159920 23.262.t222 True
them them them[3] 223 159921 23.262.t223 True
in in in[15] 224 159922 23.262.t224 True
bright bright bright[1] 225 159923 23.262.t225 True
water. water water[1] 226 159924 23.262.t226 True
For For For[2] 227 159925 23.262.t227 True
him him him[2] 228 159926 23.262.t228 True
they they they[3] 229 159927 23.262.t229 True
stand stand stand[1] 230 159928 23.262.t230 True
and and and[18] 231 159929 23.262.t231 True
mourn, mourn mourn[1] 232 159930 23.262.t232 True
and and and[19] 233 159931 23.262.t233 True
on on on[12] 234 159932 23.262.t234 True
the the the[21] 235 159933 23.262.t235 True
ground ground ground[1] 236 159934 23.262.t236 True
their their their[2] 237 159935 23.262.t237 True
manes manes manes[2] 238 159936 23.262.t238 True
are are are[4] 239 159937 23.262.t239 True
trailing, trailing trailing[1] 240 159938 23.262.t240 True
and and and[20] 241 159939 23.262.t241 True
the the the[23] 242 159940 23.262.t242 True
twain twain twain[2] 243 159941 23.262.t243 True
stand stand stand[2] 244 159942 23.262.t244 True
there, there there[1] 245 159943 23.262.t245 True
grieving grieving grieving[1] 246 159944 23.262.t246 True
at at at[7] 247 159945 23.262.t247 True
heart. heart heart[1] 248 159946 23.262.t248 True
But But But[1] 249 159947 23.262.t249 True
do do do[2] 250 159948 23.262.t250 True
ye ye ye[5] 251 159949 23.262.t251 True
others others others[2] 252 159950 23.262.t252 True
make make make[1] 253 159951 23.262.t253 True
yourselves yourselves yourselves[1] 254 159952 23.262.t254 True
ready ready ready[1] 255 159953 23.262.t255 True
throughout throughout throughout[1] 256 159954 23.262.t256 True
the the the[26] 257 159955 23.262.t257 True
host, host host[1] 258 159956 23.262.t258 True
whosoever whosoever whosoever[1] 259 159957 23.262.t259 True
of of of[9] 260 159958 23.262.t260 True
the the the[27] 261 159959 23.262.t261 True
Achaeans Achaeans Achaeans[3] 262 159960 23.262.t262 True
hath hath hath[1] 263 159961 23.262.t263 True
trust trust trust[1] 264 159962 23.262.t264 True
in in in[19] 265 159963 23.262.t265 True
his his his[1] 266 159964 23.262.t266 True
horses horses horses[3] 267 159965 23.262.t267 True
and and and[22] 268 159966 23.262.t268 True
his his his[2] 269 159967 23.262.t269 True
jointed jointed jointed[1] 270 159968 23.262.t270 True
car. car car[1] 271 159969 23.262.t271 True