urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:18.388 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 18.388
So saying the bright goddess led her on. Then she made her to sit on a silver-studded chair, a beautiful chair, richly-wrought, and beneath was a footstool for the feet; and she called to Hephaestus, the famed craftsman, and spake to him, saying: Hephaestus, come forth hither; Thetis hath need of thee. And the famous god of the two strong arms answered her: Verily then a dread and honoured goddess is within my halls, even she that saved me when pain was come upon me after I had fallen afar through the will of my shameless mother, that was fain to hide me away by reason of my lameness. Then had I suffered woes in heart, had not Eurynome and Thetis received me into their bosom—Eurynome, daughter of backward-flowing Oceanus. With them then for nine years' space I forged much cunning handiwork, brooches, and spiral arm-bands, and rosettes and necklaces, within their hollow cave; and round about me flowed, murmuring with foam, the stream of Oceanus, a flood unspeakable. Neither did any other know thereof, either of gods or of mortal men, but Thetis knew and Eurynome, even they that saved me. And now is Thetis come to my house; wherefore it verily behoveth me to pay unto fair-tressed Thetis the full price for the saving of my life. But do thou set before her fair entertainment, while I put aside my bellows and all my tools. He spake, and from the anvil rose, a huge, panting bulk, halting the while, but beneath him his slender legs moved nimbly. The bellows he set away from the fire, and gathered all the tools wherewith he wrought into a silver chest; and with a sponge wiped he his face and his two hands withal, and his mighty neck and shaggy breast, and put upon him a tunic, and grasped a stout staff, and went forth halting; but there moved swiftly to support their lord handmaidens wrought of gold in the semblance of living maids. In them is understanding in their hearts, and in them speech and strength, and they know cunning handiwork by gift of the immortal gods. These busily moved to support their lord, and he, limping nigh to where Thetis was, sat him down upon a shining chair; and he clasped her by the hand, and spake, and addressed her: Wherefore, long-robed Thetis, art thou come to our house, an honoured guest and a welcome? Heretofore thou hast not been wont to come. Speak what is in thy mind; my heart bids me fulfill it, if fulfill it I can, and it is a thing that hath fulfillment.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:18.360)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:18.428)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
So So So[1] 1 130790 18.388.t1 True
saying saying saying[1] 2 130791 18.388.t2 True
the the the[1] 3 130792 18.388.t3 True
bright bright bright[1] 4 130793 18.388.t4 True
goddess goddess goddess[1] 5 130794 18.388.t5 True
led led led[1] 6 130795 18.388.t6 True
her her her[1] 7 130796 18.388.t7 True
on. on on[1] 8 130797 18.388.t8 True
Then Then Then[1] 9 130798 18.388.t9 True
she she she[1] 10 130799 18.388.t10 True
made made made[1] 11 130800 18.388.t11 True
her her her[2] 12 130801 18.388.t12 True
to to to[1] 13 130802 18.388.t13 True
sit sit sit[1] 14 130803 18.388.t14 True
on on on[2] 15 130804 18.388.t15 True
a a a[3] 16 130805 18.388.t16 True
silver-studded silverstudded silverstudded[1] 17 130806 18.388.t17 True
chair, chair chair[1] 18 130807 18.388.t18 True
a a a[5] 19 130808 18.388.t19 True
beautiful beautiful beautiful[1] 20 130809 18.388.t20 True
chair, chair chair[2] 21 130810 18.388.t21 True
richly-wrought, richlywrought richlywrought[1] 22 130811 18.388.t22 True
and and and[1] 23 130812 18.388.t23 True
beneath beneath beneath[1] 24 130813 18.388.t24 True
was was was[1] 25 130814 18.388.t25 True
a a a[11] 26 130815 18.388.t26 True
footstool footstool footstool[1] 27 130816 18.388.t27 True
for for for[1] 28 130817 18.388.t28 True
the the the[2] 29 130818 18.388.t29 True
feet; feet feet[1] 30 130819 18.388.t30 True
and and and[2] 31 130820 18.388.t31 True
she she she[2] 32 130821 18.388.t32 True
called called called[1] 33 130822 18.388.t33 True
to to to[3] 34 130823 18.388.t34 True
Hephaestus, Hephaestus Hephaestus[1] 35 130824 18.388.t35 True
the the the[3] 36 130825 18.388.t36 True
famed famed famed[1] 37 130826 18.388.t37 True
craftsman, craftsman craftsman[1] 38 130827 18.388.t38 True
and and and[3] 39 130828 18.388.t39 True
spake spake spake[1] 40 130829 18.388.t40 True
to to to[4] 41 130830 18.388.t41 True
him, him him[1] 42 130831 18.388.t42 True
saying: saying saying[2] 43 130832 18.388.t43 True
Hephaestus, Hephaestus Hephaestus[2] 44 130833 18.388.t44 True
come come come[1] 45 130834 18.388.t45 True
forth forth forth[1] 46 130835 18.388.t46 True
hither; hither hither[1] 47 130836 18.388.t47 True
Thetis Thetis Thetis[1] 48 130837 18.388.t48 True
hath hath hath[1] 49 130838 18.388.t49 True
need need need[1] 50 130839 18.388.t50 True
of of of[1] 51 130840 18.388.t51 True
thee. thee thee[1] 52 130841 18.388.t52 True
And And And[1] 53 130842 18.388.t53 True
the the the[6] 54 130843 18.388.t54 True
famous famous famous[1] 55 130844 18.388.t55 True
god god god[2] 56 130845 18.388.t56 True
of of of[2] 57 130846 18.388.t57 True
the the the[7] 58 130847 18.388.t58 True
two two two[1] 59 130848 18.388.t59 True
strong strong strong[1] 60 130849 18.388.t60 True
arms arms arms[1] 61 130850 18.388.t61 True
answered answered answered[1] 62 130851 18.388.t62 True
her: her her[4] 63 130852 18.388.t63 True
Verily Verily Verily[1] 64 130853 18.388.t64 True
then then then[1] 65 130854 18.388.t65 True
a a a[26] 66 130855 18.388.t66 True
dread dread dread[1] 67 130856 18.388.t67 True
and and and[4] 68 130857 18.388.t68 True
honoured honoured honoured[1] 69 130858 18.388.t69 True
goddess goddess goddess[2] 70 130859 18.388.t70 True
is is is[2] 71 130860 18.388.t71 True
within within within[1] 72 130861 18.388.t72 True
my my my[1] 73 130862 18.388.t73 True
halls, halls halls[1] 74 130863 18.388.t74 True
even even even[1] 75 130864 18.388.t75 True
she she she[3] 76 130865 18.388.t76 True
that that that[1] 77 130866 18.388.t77 True
saved saved saved[1] 78 130867 18.388.t78 True
me me me[3] 79 130868 18.388.t79 True
when when when[1] 80 130869 18.388.t80 True
pain pain pain[1] 81 130870 18.388.t81 True
was was was[2] 82 130871 18.388.t82 True
come come come[2] 83 130872 18.388.t83 True
upon upon upon[1] 84 130873 18.388.t84 True
me me me[5] 85 130874 18.388.t85 True
after after after[1] 86 130875 18.388.t86 True
I I I[1] 87 130876 18.388.t87 True
had had had[1] 88 130877 18.388.t88 True
fallen fallen fallen[1] 89 130878 18.388.t89 True
afar afar afar[1] 90 130879 18.388.t90 True
through through through[1] 91 130880 18.388.t91 True
the the the[9] 92 130881 18.388.t92 True
will will will[1] 93 130882 18.388.t93 True
of of of[3] 94 130883 18.388.t94 True
my my my[2] 95 130884 18.388.t95 True
shameless shameless shameless[1] 96 130885 18.388.t96 True
mother, mother mother[1] 97 130886 18.388.t97 True
that that that[2] 98 130887 18.388.t98 True
was was was[3] 99 130888 18.388.t99 True
fain fain fain[1] 100 130889 18.388.t100 True
to to to[5] 101 130890 18.388.t101 True
hide hide hide[1] 102 130891 18.388.t102 True
me me me[7] 103 130892 18.388.t103 True
away away away[1] 104 130893 18.388.t104 True
by by by[1] 105 130894 18.388.t105 True
reason reason reason[1] 106 130895 18.388.t106 True
of of of[4] 107 130896 18.388.t107 True
my my my[3] 108 130897 18.388.t108 True
lameness. lameness lameness[1] 109 130898 18.388.t109 True
Then Then Then[2] 110 130899 18.388.t110 True
had had had[2] 111 130900 18.388.t111 True
I I I[2] 112 130901 18.388.t112 True
suffered suffered suffered[1] 113 130902 18.388.t113 True
woes woes woes[1] 114 130903 18.388.t114 True
in in in[6] 115 130904 18.388.t115 True
heart, heart heart[1] 116 130905 18.388.t116 True
had had had[3] 117 130906 18.388.t117 True
not not not[1] 118 130907 18.388.t118 True
Eurynome Eurynome Eurynome[1] 119 130908 18.388.t119 True
and and and[5] 120 130909 18.388.t120 True
Thetis Thetis Thetis[2] 121 130910 18.388.t121 True
received received received[1] 122 130911 18.388.t122 True
me me me[10] 123 130912 18.388.t123 True
into into into[1] 124 130913 18.388.t124 True
their their their[1] 125 130914 18.388.t125 True
bosom—Eurynome, bosomEurynome bosomEurynome[1] 126 130915 18.388.t126 True
daughter daughter daughter[1] 127 130916 18.388.t127 True
of of of[5] 128 130917 18.388.t128 True
backward-flowing backwardflowing backwardflowing[1] 129 130918 18.388.t129 True
Oceanus. Oceanus Oceanus[1] 130 130919 18.388.t130 True
With With With[1] 131 130920 18.388.t131 True
them them them[1] 132 130921 18.388.t132 True
then then then[2] 133 130922 18.388.t133 True
for for for[3] 134 130923 18.388.t134 True
nine nine nine[1] 135 130924 18.388.t135 True
years' years years[1] 136 130925 18.388.t136 True
space space space[1] 137 130926 18.388.t137 True
I I I[3] 138 130927 18.388.t138 True
forged forged forged[1] 139 130928 18.388.t139 True
much much much[1] 140 130929 18.388.t140 True
cunning cunning cunning[1] 141 130930 18.388.t141 True
handiwork, handiwork handiwork[1] 142 130931 18.388.t142 True
brooches, brooches brooches[1] 143 130932 18.388.t143 True
and and and[7] 144 130933 18.388.t144 True
spiral spiral spiral[1] 145 130934 18.388.t145 True
arm-bands, armbands armbands[1] 146 130935 18.388.t146 True
and and and[9] 147 130936 18.388.t147 True
rosettes rosettes rosettes[1] 148 130937 18.388.t148 True
and and and[10] 149 130938 18.388.t149 True
necklaces, necklaces necklaces[1] 150 130939 18.388.t150 True
within within within[2] 151 130940 18.388.t151 True
their their their[2] 152 130941 18.388.t152 True
hollow hollow hollow[1] 153 130942 18.388.t153 True
cave; cave cave[1] 154 130943 18.388.t154 True
and and and[11] 155 130944 18.388.t155 True
round round round[1] 156 130945 18.388.t156 True
about about about[1] 157 130946 18.388.t157 True
me me me[12] 158 130947 18.388.t158 True
flowed, flowed flowed[1] 159 130948 18.388.t159 True
murmuring murmuring murmuring[1] 160 130949 18.388.t160 True
with with with[3] 161 130950 18.388.t161 True
foam, foam foam[1] 162 130951 18.388.t162 True
the the the[15] 163 130952 18.388.t163 True
stream stream stream[1] 164 130953 18.388.t164 True
of of of[6] 165 130954 18.388.t165 True
Oceanus, Oceanus Oceanus[2] 166 130955 18.388.t166 True
a a a[71] 167 130956 18.388.t167 True
flood flood flood[1] 168 130957 18.388.t168 True
unspeakable. unspeakable unspeakable[1] 169 130958 18.388.t169 True
Neither Neither Neither[1] 170 130959 18.388.t170 True
did did did[1] 171 130960 18.388.t171 True
any any any[1] 172 130961 18.388.t172 True
other other other[2] 173 130962 18.388.t173 True
know know know[1] 174 130963 18.388.t174 True
thereof, thereof thereof[1] 175 130964 18.388.t175 True
either either either[2] 176 130965 18.388.t176 True
of of of[8] 177 130966 18.388.t177 True
gods gods gods[1] 178 130967 18.388.t178 True
or or or[6] 179 130968 18.388.t179 True
of of of[9] 180 130969 18.388.t180 True
mortal mortal mortal[1] 181 130970 18.388.t181 True
men, men men[2] 182 130971 18.388.t182 True
but but but[1] 183 130972 18.388.t183 True
Thetis Thetis Thetis[3] 184 130973 18.388.t184 True
knew knew knew[1] 185 130974 18.388.t185 True
and and and[12] 186 130975 18.388.t186 True
Eurynome, Eurynome Eurynome[3] 187 130976 18.388.t187 True
even even even[2] 188 130977 18.388.t188 True
they they they[1] 189 130978 18.388.t189 True
that that that[3] 190 130979 18.388.t190 True
saved saved saved[2] 191 130980 18.388.t191 True
me. me me[15] 192 130981 18.388.t192 True
And And And[2] 193 130982 18.388.t193 True
now now now[2] 194 130983 18.388.t194 True
is is is[5] 195 130984 18.388.t195 True
Thetis Thetis Thetis[4] 196 130985 18.388.t196 True
come come come[3] 197 130986 18.388.t197 True
to to to[7] 198 130987 18.388.t198 True
my my my[4] 199 130988 18.388.t199 True
house; house house[1] 200 130989 18.388.t200 True
wherefore wherefore wherefore[1] 201 130990 18.388.t201 True
it it it[9] 202 130991 18.388.t202 True
verily verily verily[1] 203 130992 18.388.t203 True
behoveth behoveth behoveth[1] 204 130993 18.388.t204 True
me me me[17] 205 130994 18.388.t205 True
to to to[8] 206 130995 18.388.t206 True
pay pay pay[1] 207 130996 18.388.t207 True
unto unto unto[1] 208 130997 18.388.t208 True
fair-tressed fairtressed fairtressed[1] 209 130998 18.388.t209 True
Thetis Thetis Thetis[5] 210 130999 18.388.t210 True
the the the[21] 211 131000 18.388.t211 True
full full full[1] 212 131001 18.388.t212 True
price price price[1] 213 131002 18.388.t213 True
for for for[6] 214 131003 18.388.t214 True
the the the[22] 215 131004 18.388.t215 True
saving saving saving[1] 216 131005 18.388.t216 True
of of of[10] 217 131006 18.388.t217 True
my my my[5] 218 131007 18.388.t218 True
life. life life[1] 219 131008 18.388.t219 True
But But But[1] 220 131009 18.388.t220 True
do do do[1] 221 131010 18.388.t221 True
thou thou thou[1] 222 131011 18.388.t222 True
set set set[2] 223 131012 18.388.t223 True
before before before[1] 224 131013 18.388.t224 True
her her her[11] 225 131014 18.388.t225 True
fair fair fair[2] 226 131015 18.388.t226 True
entertainment, entertainment entertainment[1] 227 131016 18.388.t227 True
while while while[1] 228 131017 18.388.t228 True
I I I[4] 229 131018 18.388.t229 True
put put put[1] 230 131019 18.388.t230 True
aside aside aside[1] 231 131020 18.388.t231 True
my my my[6] 232 131021 18.388.t232 True
bellows bellows bellows[1] 233 131022 18.388.t233 True
and and and[13] 234 131023 18.388.t234 True
all all all[4] 235 131024 18.388.t235 True
my my my[7] 236 131025 18.388.t236 True
tools. tools tools[1] 237 131026 18.388.t237 True
He He He[3] 238 131027 18.388.t238 True
spake, spake spake[2] 239 131028 18.388.t239 True
and and and[14] 240 131029 18.388.t240 True
from from from[1] 241 131030 18.388.t241 True
the the the[23] 242 131031 18.388.t242 True
anvil anvil anvil[1] 243 131032 18.388.t243 True
rose, rose rose[2] 244 131033 18.388.t244 True
a a a[90] 245 131034 18.388.t245 True
huge, huge huge[1] 246 131035 18.388.t246 True
panting panting panting[1] 247 131036 18.388.t247 True
bulk, bulk bulk[1] 248 131037 18.388.t248 True
halting halting halting[1] 249 131038 18.388.t249 True
the the the[24] 250 131039 18.388.t250 True
while, while while[2] 251 131040 18.388.t251 True
but but but[2] 252 131041 18.388.t252 True
beneath beneath beneath[2] 253 131042 18.388.t253 True
him him him[2] 254 131043 18.388.t254 True
his his his[1] 255 131044 18.388.t255 True
slender slender slender[1] 256 131045 18.388.t256 True
legs legs legs[1] 257 131046 18.388.t257 True
moved moved moved[1] 258 131047 18.388.t258 True
nimbly. nimbly nimbly[1] 259 131048 18.388.t259 True
The The The[8] 260 131049 18.388.t260 True
bellows bellows bellows[2] 261 131050 18.388.t261 True
he he he[44] 262 131051 18.388.t262 True
set set set[3] 263 131052 18.388.t263 True
away away away[2] 264 131053 18.388.t264 True
from from from[2] 265 131054 18.388.t265 True
the the the[25] 266 131055 18.388.t266 True
fire, fire fire[1] 267 131056 18.388.t267 True
and and and[15] 268 131057 18.388.t268 True
gathered gathered gathered[1] 269 131058 18.388.t269 True
all all all[5] 270 131059 18.388.t270 True
the the the[27] 271 131060 18.388.t271 True
tools tools tools[2] 272 131061 18.388.t272 True
wherewith wherewith wherewith[1] 273 131062 18.388.t273 True
he he he[49] 274 131063 18.388.t274 True
wrought wrought wrought[2] 275 131064 18.388.t275 True
into into into[2] 276 131065 18.388.t276 True
a a a[99] 277 131066 18.388.t277 True
silver silver silver[2] 278 131067 18.388.t278 True
chest; chest chest[1] 279 131068 18.388.t279 True
and and and[16] 280 131069 18.388.t280 True
with with with[5] 281 131070 18.388.t281 True
a a a[101] 282 131071 18.388.t282 True
sponge sponge sponge[1] 283 131072 18.388.t283 True
wiped wiped wiped[1] 284 131073 18.388.t284 True
he he he[51] 285 131074 18.388.t285 True
his his his[2] 286 131075 18.388.t286 True
face face face[1] 287 131076 18.388.t287 True
and and and[17] 288 131077 18.388.t288 True
his his his[3] 289 131078 18.388.t289 True
two two two[2] 290 131079 18.388.t290 True
hands hands hands[1] 291 131080 18.388.t291 True
withal, withal withal[1] 292 131081 18.388.t292 True
and and and[19] 293 131082 18.388.t293 True
his his his[4] 294 131083 18.388.t294 True
mighty mighty mighty[1] 295 131084 18.388.t295 True
neck neck neck[2] 296 131085 18.388.t296 True
and and and[20] 297 131086 18.388.t297 True
shaggy shaggy shaggy[1] 298 131087 18.388.t298 True
breast, breast breast[1] 299 131088 18.388.t299 True
and and and[21] 300 131089 18.388.t300 True
put put put[2] 301 131090 18.388.t301 True
upon upon upon[2] 302 131091 18.388.t302 True
him him him[3] 303 131092 18.388.t303 True
a a a[111] 304 131093 18.388.t304 True
tunic, tunic tunic[1] 305 131094 18.388.t305 True
and and and[22] 306 131095 18.388.t306 True
grasped grasped grasped[1] 307 131096 18.388.t307 True
a a a[114] 308 131097 18.388.t308 True
stout stout stout[1] 309 131098 18.388.t309 True
staff, staff staff[1] 310 131099 18.388.t310 True
and and and[23] 311 131100 18.388.t311 True
went went went[1] 312 131101 18.388.t312 True
forth forth forth[2] 313 131102 18.388.t313 True
halting; halting halting[2] 314 131103 18.388.t314 True
but but but[3] 315 131104 18.388.t315 True
there there there[3] 316 131105 18.388.t316 True
moved moved moved[2] 317 131106 18.388.t317 True
swiftly swiftly swiftly[1] 318 131107 18.388.t318 True
to to to[14] 319 131108 18.388.t319 True
support support support[1] 320 131109 18.388.t320 True
their their their[3] 321 131110 18.388.t321 True
lord lord lord[1] 322 131111 18.388.t322 True
handmaidens handmaidens handmaidens[1] 323 131112 18.388.t323 True
wrought wrought wrought[3] 324 131113 18.388.t324 True
of of of[11] 325 131114 18.388.t325 True
gold gold gold[1] 326 131115 18.388.t326 True
in in in[19] 327 131116 18.388.t327 True
the the the[30] 328 131117 18.388.t328 True
semblance semblance semblance[1] 329 131118 18.388.t329 True
of of of[12] 330 131119 18.388.t330 True
living living living[1] 331 131120 18.388.t331 True
maids. maids maids[1] 332 131121 18.388.t332 True
In In In[1] 333 131122 18.388.t333 True
them them them[2] 334 131123 18.388.t334 True
is is is[12] 335 131124 18.388.t335 True
understanding understanding understanding[1] 336 131125 18.388.t336 True
in in in[22] 337 131126 18.388.t337 True
their their their[4] 338 131127 18.388.t338 True
hearts, hearts hearts[1] 339 131128 18.388.t339 True
and and and[26] 340 131129 18.388.t340 True
in in in[23] 341 131130 18.388.t341 True
them them them[3] 342 131131 18.388.t342 True
speech speech speech[1] 343 131132 18.388.t343 True
and and and[27] 344 131133 18.388.t344 True
strength, strength strength[1] 345 131134 18.388.t345 True
and and and[28] 346 131135 18.388.t346 True
they they they[2] 347 131136 18.388.t347 True
know know know[2] 348 131137 18.388.t348 True
cunning cunning cunning[2] 349 131138 18.388.t349 True
handiwork handiwork handiwork[2] 350 131139 18.388.t350 True
by by by[2] 351 131140 18.388.t351 True
gift gift gift[1] 352 131141 18.388.t352 True
of of of[13] 353 131142 18.388.t353 True
the the the[35] 354 131143 18.388.t354 True
immortal immortal immortal[1] 355 131144 18.388.t355 True
gods. gods gods[2] 356 131145 18.388.t356 True
These These These[1] 357 131146 18.388.t357 True
busily busily busily[1] 358 131147 18.388.t358 True
moved moved moved[3] 359 131148 18.388.t359 True
to to to[15] 360 131149 18.388.t360 True
support support support[2] 361 131150 18.388.t361 True
their their their[5] 362 131151 18.388.t362 True
lord, lord lord[2] 363 131152 18.388.t363 True
and and and[30] 364 131153 18.388.t364 True
he, he he[63] 365 131154 18.388.t365 True
limping limping limping[1] 366 131155 18.388.t366 True
nigh nigh nigh[1] 367 131156 18.388.t367 True
to to to[16] 368 131157 18.388.t368 True
where where where[3] 369 131158 18.388.t369 True
Thetis Thetis Thetis[6] 370 131159 18.388.t370 True
was, was was[4] 371 131160 18.388.t371 True
sat sat sat[1] 372 131161 18.388.t372 True
him him him[4] 373 131162 18.388.t373 True
down down down[1] 374 131163 18.388.t374 True
upon upon upon[3] 375 131164 18.388.t375 True
a a a[132] 376 131165 18.388.t376 True
shining shining shining[1] 377 131166 18.388.t377 True
chair; chair chair[3] 378 131167 18.388.t378 True
and and and[31] 379 131168 18.388.t379 True
he he he[66] 380 131169 18.388.t380 True
clasped clasped clasped[1] 381 131170 18.388.t381 True
her her her[16] 382 131171 18.388.t382 True
by by by[3] 383 131172 18.388.t383 True
the the the[37] 384 131173 18.388.t384 True
hand, hand hand[5] 385 131174 18.388.t385 True
and and and[33] 386 131175 18.388.t386 True
spake, spake spake[3] 387 131176 18.388.t387 True
and and and[34] 388 131177 18.388.t388 True
addressed addressed addressed[1] 389 131178 18.388.t389 True
her: her her[17] 390 131179 18.388.t390 True
Wherefore, Wherefore Wherefore[1] 391 131180 18.388.t391 True
long-robed longrobed longrobed[1] 392 131181 18.388.t392 True
Thetis, Thetis Thetis[7] 393 131182 18.388.t393 True
art art art[3] 394 131183 18.388.t394 True
thou thou thou[2] 395 131184 18.388.t395 True
come come come[4] 396 131185 18.388.t396 True
to to to[17] 397 131186 18.388.t397 True
our our our[2] 398 131187 18.388.t398 True
house, house house[2] 399 131188 18.388.t399 True
an an an[43] 400 131189 18.388.t400 True
honoured honoured honoured[2] 401 131190 18.388.t401 True
guest guest guest[1] 402 131191 18.388.t402 True
and and and[35] 403 131192 18.388.t403 True
a a a[144] 404 131193 18.388.t404 True
welcome? welcome welcome[1] 405 131194 18.388.t405 True
Heretofore Heretofore Heretofore[1] 406 131195 18.388.t406 True
thou thou thou[3] 407 131196 18.388.t407 True
hast hast hast[1] 408 131197 18.388.t408 True
not not not[2] 409 131198 18.388.t409 True
been been been[1] 410 131199 18.388.t410 True
wont wont wont[1] 411 131200 18.388.t411 True
to to to[19] 412 131201 18.388.t412 True
come. come come[6] 413 131202 18.388.t413 True
Speak Speak Speak[1] 414 131203 18.388.t414 True
what what what[1] 415 131204 18.388.t415 True
is is is[15] 416 131205 18.388.t416 True
in in in[28] 417 131206 18.388.t417 True
thy thy thy[1] 418 131207 18.388.t418 True
mind; mind mind[1] 419 131208 18.388.t419 True
my my my[8] 420 131209 18.388.t420 True
heart heart heart[3] 421 131210 18.388.t421 True
bids bids bids[1] 422 131211 18.388.t422 True
me me me[22] 423 131212 18.388.t423 True
fulfill fulfill fulfill[1] 424 131213 18.388.t424 True
it, it it[13] 425 131214 18.388.t425 True
if if if[5] 426 131215 18.388.t426 True
fulfill fulfill fulfill[2] 427 131216 18.388.t427 True
it it it[14] 428 131217 18.388.t428 True
I I I[6] 429 131218 18.388.t429 True
can, can can[1] 430 131219 18.388.t430 True
and and and[36] 431 131220 18.388.t431 True
it it it[15] 432 131221 18.388.t432 True
is is is[16] 433 131222 18.388.t433 True
a a a[151] 434 131223 18.388.t434 True
thing thing thing[1] 435 131224 18.388.t435 True
that that that[4] 436 131225 18.388.t436 True
hath hath hath[2] 437 131226 18.388.t437 True
fulfillment. fulfillment fulfillment[1] 438 131227 18.388.t438 True