urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:18.219 (card)
Descendant Count: 0
REF: 18.219
Clear as the trumpet's voice when it soundeth aloud beneath the press of murderous foemen that beleaguer a city, so clear was then the voice of the son of Aeacus. And when they heard the brazen voice of the son of Aeacus the hearts of all were dismayed; and the fair-maned horses turned their cars backward, for their spirits boded bane. And the charioteers were stricken with terror when they beheld the unwearied fire blaze in fearsome wise above the head of the great-souled son of Peleus; for the goddess, flashing-eyed Athene, made it blaze. Thrice over the trench shouted mightily the goodly Achilles, and thrice the Trojans and their famed allies were confounded. And there in that hour perished twelve men of their best amid their own chariots and their own spears. But the Achaeans with gladness drew Patroclus forth from out the darts and laid him on a bier, and his dear comrades thronged about him weeping; and amid them followed swift-footed Achilles, shedding hot tears, for that he beheld his trusty comrade lying on the bier, mangled by the sharp bronze. Him verily had he sent forth with horses and chariot into the war, but never again did he welcome his returning. Then was the unwearying sun sent by ox-eyed, queenly Hera to go his way, full loath, to the stream of Ocean. So the sun set and the goodly Achaeans stayed them from the fierce strife and the evil war.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
Clear | Clear | Clear[1] | 1 | 128813 | 18.219.t1 | True | |
as | as | as[1] | 2 | 128814 | 18.219.t2 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 3 | 128815 | 18.219.t3 | True | |
trumpet's | trumpets | trumpets[1] | 4 | 128816 | 18.219.t4 | True | |
voice | voice | voice[1] | 5 | 128817 | 18.219.t5 | True | |
when | when | when[1] | 6 | 128818 | 18.219.t6 | True | |
it | it | it[1] | 7 | 128819 | 18.219.t7 | True | |
soundeth | soundeth | soundeth[1] | 8 | 128820 | 18.219.t8 | True | |
aloud | aloud | aloud[1] | 9 | 128821 | 18.219.t9 | True | |
beneath | beneath | beneath[1] | 10 | 128822 | 18.219.t10 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 11 | 128823 | 18.219.t11 | True | |
press | press | press[1] | 12 | 128824 | 18.219.t12 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 13 | 128825 | 18.219.t13 | True | |
murderous | murderous | murderous[1] | 14 | 128826 | 18.219.t14 | True | |
foemen | foemen | foemen[1] | 15 | 128827 | 18.219.t15 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 16 | 128828 | 18.219.t16 | True | |
beleaguer | beleaguer | beleaguer[1] | 17 | 128829 | 18.219.t17 | True | |
a | a | a[7] | 18 | 128830 | 18.219.t18 | True | |
city, | city | city[1] | 19 | 128831 | 18.219.t19 | True | |
so | so | so[2] | 20 | 128832 | 18.219.t20 | True | |
clear | clear | clear[1] | 21 | 128833 | 18.219.t21 | True | |
was | was | was[1] | 22 | 128834 | 18.219.t22 | True | |
then | then | then[1] | 23 | 128835 | 18.219.t23 | True | |
the | the | the[4] | 24 | 128836 | 18.219.t24 | True | |
voice | voice | voice[2] | 25 | 128837 | 18.219.t25 | True | |
of | of | of[2] | 26 | 128838 | 18.219.t26 | True | |
the | the | the[5] | 27 | 128839 | 18.219.t27 | True | |
son | son | son[1] | 28 | 128840 | 18.219.t28 | True | |
of | of | of[3] | 29 | 128841 | 18.219.t29 | True | |
Aeacus. | Aeacus | Aeacus[1] | 30 | 128842 | 18.219.t30 | True | |
And | And | And[1] | 31 | 128843 | 18.219.t31 | True | |
when | when | when[2] | 32 | 128844 | 18.219.t32 | True | |
they | they | they[1] | 33 | 128845 | 18.219.t33 | True | |
heard | heard | heard[1] | 34 | 128846 | 18.219.t34 | True | |
the | the | the[7] | 35 | 128847 | 18.219.t35 | True | |
brazen | brazen | brazen[1] | 36 | 128848 | 18.219.t36 | True | |
voice | voice | voice[3] | 37 | 128849 | 18.219.t37 | True | |
of | of | of[4] | 38 | 128850 | 18.219.t38 | True | |
the | the | the[8] | 39 | 128851 | 18.219.t39 | True | |
son | son | son[2] | 40 | 128852 | 18.219.t40 | True | |
of | of | of[5] | 41 | 128853 | 18.219.t41 | True | |
Aeacus | Aeacus | Aeacus[2] | 42 | 128854 | 18.219.t42 | True | |
the | the | the[9] | 43 | 128855 | 18.219.t43 | True | |
hearts | hearts | hearts[1] | 44 | 128856 | 18.219.t44 | True | |
of | of | of[6] | 45 | 128857 | 18.219.t45 | True | |
all | all | all[1] | 46 | 128858 | 18.219.t46 | True | |
were | were | were[1] | 47 | 128859 | 18.219.t47 | True | |
dismayed; | dismayed | dismayed[1] | 48 | 128860 | 18.219.t48 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 49 | 128861 | 18.219.t49 | True | |
the | the | the[10] | 50 | 128862 | 18.219.t50 | True | |
fair-maned | fairmaned | fairmaned[1] | 51 | 128863 | 18.219.t51 | True | |
horses | horses | horses[1] | 52 | 128864 | 18.219.t52 | True | |
turned | turned | turned[1] | 53 | 128865 | 18.219.t53 | True | |
their | their | their[1] | 54 | 128866 | 18.219.t54 | True | |
cars | cars | cars[1] | 55 | 128867 | 18.219.t55 | True | |
backward, | backward | backward[1] | 56 | 128868 | 18.219.t56 | True | |
for | for | for[1] | 57 | 128869 | 18.219.t57 | True | |
their | their | their[2] | 58 | 128870 | 18.219.t58 | True | |
spirits | spirits | spirits[1] | 59 | 128871 | 18.219.t59 | True | |
boded | boded | boded[1] | 60 | 128872 | 18.219.t60 | True | |
bane. | bane | bane[1] | 61 | 128873 | 18.219.t61 | True | |
And | And | And[2] | 62 | 128874 | 18.219.t62 | True | |
the | the | the[13] | 63 | 128875 | 18.219.t63 | True | |
charioteers | charioteers | charioteers[1] | 64 | 128876 | 18.219.t64 | True | |
were | were | were[2] | 65 | 128877 | 18.219.t65 | True | |
stricken | stricken | stricken[1] | 66 | 128878 | 18.219.t66 | True | |
with | with | with[1] | 67 | 128879 | 18.219.t67 | True | |
terror | terror | terror[1] | 68 | 128880 | 18.219.t68 | True | |
when | when | when[3] | 69 | 128881 | 18.219.t69 | True | |
they | they | they[2] | 70 | 128882 | 18.219.t70 | True | |
beheld | beheld | beheld[1] | 71 | 128883 | 18.219.t71 | True | |
the | the | the[15] | 72 | 128884 | 18.219.t72 | True | |
unwearied | unwearied | unwearied[1] | 73 | 128885 | 18.219.t73 | True | |
fire | fire | fire[1] | 74 | 128886 | 18.219.t74 | True | |
blaze | blaze | blaze[1] | 75 | 128887 | 18.219.t75 | True | |
in | in | in[1] | 76 | 128888 | 18.219.t76 | True | |
fearsome | fearsome | fearsome[1] | 77 | 128889 | 18.219.t77 | True | |
wise | wise | wise[1] | 78 | 128890 | 18.219.t78 | True | |
above | above | above[1] | 79 | 128891 | 18.219.t79 | True | |
the | the | the[16] | 80 | 128892 | 18.219.t80 | True | |
head | head | head[1] | 81 | 128893 | 18.219.t81 | True | |
of | of | of[7] | 82 | 128894 | 18.219.t82 | True | |
the | the | the[17] | 83 | 128895 | 18.219.t83 | True | |
great-souled | greatsouled | greatsouled[1] | 84 | 128896 | 18.219.t84 | True | |
son | son | son[3] | 85 | 128897 | 18.219.t85 | True | |
of | of | of[8] | 86 | 128898 | 18.219.t86 | True | |
Peleus; | Peleus | Peleus[1] | 87 | 128899 | 18.219.t87 | True | |
for | for | for[2] | 88 | 128900 | 18.219.t88 | True | |
the | the | the[18] | 89 | 128901 | 18.219.t89 | True | |
goddess, | goddess | goddess[1] | 90 | 128902 | 18.219.t90 | True | |
flashing-eyed | flashingeyed | flashingeyed[1] | 91 | 128903 | 18.219.t91 | True | |
Athene, | Athene | Athene[1] | 92 | 128904 | 18.219.t92 | True | |
made | made | made[1] | 93 | 128905 | 18.219.t93 | True | |
it | it | it[5] | 94 | 128906 | 18.219.t94 | True | |
blaze. | blaze | blaze[2] | 95 | 128907 | 18.219.t95 | True | |
Thrice | Thrice | Thrice[1] | 96 | 128908 | 18.219.t96 | True | |
over | over | over[1] | 97 | 128909 | 18.219.t97 | True | |
the | the | the[20] | 98 | 128910 | 18.219.t98 | True | |
trench | trench | trench[1] | 99 | 128911 | 18.219.t99 | True | |
shouted | shouted | shouted[1] | 100 | 128912 | 18.219.t100 | True | |
mightily | mightily | mightily[1] | 101 | 128913 | 18.219.t101 | True | |
the | the | the[21] | 102 | 128914 | 18.219.t102 | True | |
goodly | goodly | goodly[1] | 103 | 128915 | 18.219.t103 | True | |
Achilles, | Achilles | Achilles[1] | 104 | 128916 | 18.219.t104 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 105 | 128917 | 18.219.t105 | True | |
thrice | thrice | thrice[1] | 106 | 128918 | 18.219.t106 | True | |
the | the | the[22] | 107 | 128919 | 18.219.t107 | True | |
Trojans | Trojans | Trojans[1] | 108 | 128920 | 18.219.t108 | True | |
and | and | and[3] | 109 | 128921 | 18.219.t109 | True | |
their | their | their[3] | 110 | 128922 | 18.219.t110 | True | |
famed | famed | famed[1] | 111 | 128923 | 18.219.t111 | True | |
allies | allies | allies[1] | 112 | 128924 | 18.219.t112 | True | |
were | were | were[3] | 113 | 128925 | 18.219.t113 | True | |
confounded. | confounded | confounded[1] | 114 | 128926 | 18.219.t114 | True | |
And | And | And[3] | 115 | 128927 | 18.219.t115 | True | |
there | there | there[1] | 116 | 128928 | 18.219.t116 | True | |
in | in | in[3] | 117 | 128929 | 18.219.t117 | True | |
that | that | that[2] | 118 | 128930 | 18.219.t118 | True | |
hour | hour | hour[1] | 119 | 128931 | 18.219.t119 | True | |
perished | perished | perished[1] | 120 | 128932 | 18.219.t120 | True | |
twelve | twelve | twelve[1] | 121 | 128933 | 18.219.t121 | True | |
men | men | men[2] | 122 | 128934 | 18.219.t122 | True | |
of | of | of[9] | 123 | 128935 | 18.219.t123 | True | |
their | their | their[4] | 124 | 128936 | 18.219.t124 | True | |
best | best | best[1] | 125 | 128937 | 18.219.t125 | True | |
amid | amid | amid[1] | 126 | 128938 | 18.219.t126 | True | |
their | their | their[5] | 127 | 128939 | 18.219.t127 | True | |
own | own | own[1] | 128 | 128940 | 18.219.t128 | True | |
chariots | chariots | chariots[1] | 129 | 128941 | 18.219.t129 | True | |
and | and | and[4] | 130 | 128942 | 18.219.t130 | True | |
their | their | their[6] | 131 | 128943 | 18.219.t131 | True | |
own | own | own[2] | 132 | 128944 | 18.219.t132 | True | |
spears. | spears | spears[1] | 133 | 128945 | 18.219.t133 | True | |
But | But | But[1] | 134 | 128946 | 18.219.t134 | True | |
the | the | the[28] | 135 | 128947 | 18.219.t135 | True | |
Achaeans | Achaeans | Achaeans[1] | 136 | 128948 | 18.219.t136 | True | |
with | with | with[2] | 137 | 128949 | 18.219.t137 | True | |
gladness | gladness | gladness[1] | 138 | 128950 | 18.219.t138 | True | |
drew | drew | drew[1] | 139 | 128951 | 18.219.t139 | True | |
Patroclus | Patroclus | Patroclus[1] | 140 | 128952 | 18.219.t140 | True | |
forth | forth | forth[1] | 141 | 128953 | 18.219.t141 | True | |
from | from | from[1] | 142 | 128954 | 18.219.t142 | True | |
out | out | out[2] | 143 | 128955 | 18.219.t143 | True | |
the | the | the[29] | 144 | 128956 | 18.219.t144 | True | |
darts | darts | darts[1] | 145 | 128957 | 18.219.t145 | True | |
and | and | and[5] | 146 | 128958 | 18.219.t146 | True | |
laid | laid | laid[1] | 147 | 128959 | 18.219.t147 | True | |
him | him | him[1] | 148 | 128960 | 18.219.t148 | True | |
on | on | on[5] | 149 | 128961 | 18.219.t149 | True | |
a | a | a[51] | 150 | 128962 | 18.219.t150 | True | |
bier, | bier | bier[1] | 151 | 128963 | 18.219.t151 | True | |
and | and | and[6] | 152 | 128964 | 18.219.t152 | True | |
his | his | his[1] | 153 | 128965 | 18.219.t153 | True | |
dear | dear | dear[1] | 154 | 128966 | 18.219.t154 | True | |
comrades | comrades | comrades[1] | 155 | 128967 | 18.219.t155 | True | |
thronged | thronged | thronged[1] | 156 | 128968 | 18.219.t156 | True | |
about | about | about[1] | 157 | 128969 | 18.219.t157 | True | |
him | him | him[2] | 158 | 128970 | 18.219.t158 | True | |
weeping; | weeping | weeping[1] | 159 | 128971 | 18.219.t159 | True | |
and | and | and[7] | 160 | 128972 | 18.219.t160 | True | |
amid | amid | amid[2] | 161 | 128973 | 18.219.t161 | True | |
them | them | them[1] | 162 | 128974 | 18.219.t162 | True | |
followed | followed | followed[1] | 163 | 128975 | 18.219.t163 | True | |
swift-footed | swiftfooted | swiftfooted[1] | 164 | 128976 | 18.219.t164 | True | |
Achilles, | Achilles | Achilles[2] | 165 | 128977 | 18.219.t165 | True | |
shedding | shedding | shedding[1] | 166 | 128978 | 18.219.t166 | True | |
hot | hot | hot[1] | 167 | 128979 | 18.219.t167 | True | |
tears, | tears | tears[1] | 168 | 128980 | 18.219.t168 | True | |
for | for | for[4] | 169 | 128981 | 18.219.t169 | True | |
that | that | that[3] | 170 | 128982 | 18.219.t170 | True | |
he | he | he[40] | 171 | 128983 | 18.219.t171 | True | |
beheld | beheld | beheld[2] | 172 | 128984 | 18.219.t172 | True | |
his | his | his[2] | 173 | 128985 | 18.219.t173 | True | |
trusty | trusty | trusty[1] | 174 | 128986 | 18.219.t174 | True | |
comrade | comrade | comrade[2] | 175 | 128987 | 18.219.t175 | True | |
lying | lying | lying[1] | 176 | 128988 | 18.219.t176 | True | |
on | on | on[7] | 177 | 128989 | 18.219.t177 | True | |
the | the | the[31] | 178 | 128990 | 18.219.t178 | True | |
bier, | bier | bier[2] | 179 | 128991 | 18.219.t179 | True | |
mangled | mangled | mangled[1] | 180 | 128992 | 18.219.t180 | True | |
by | by | by[1] | 181 | 128993 | 18.219.t181 | True | |
the | the | the[32] | 182 | 128994 | 18.219.t182 | True | |
sharp | sharp | sharp[1] | 183 | 128995 | 18.219.t183 | True | |
bronze. | bronze | bronze[1] | 184 | 128996 | 18.219.t184 | True | |
Him | Him | Him[1] | 185 | 128997 | 18.219.t185 | True | |
verily | verily | verily[1] | 186 | 128998 | 18.219.t186 | True | |
had | had | had[1] | 187 | 128999 | 18.219.t187 | True | |
he | he | he[44] | 188 | 129000 | 18.219.t188 | True | |
sent | sent | sent[1] | 189 | 129001 | 18.219.t189 | True | |
forth | forth | forth[2] | 190 | 129002 | 18.219.t190 | True | |
with | with | with[3] | 191 | 129003 | 18.219.t191 | True | |
horses | horses | horses[2] | 192 | 129004 | 18.219.t192 | True | |
and | and | and[8] | 193 | 129005 | 18.219.t193 | True | |
chariot | chariot | chariot[3] | 194 | 129006 | 18.219.t194 | True | |
into | into | into[1] | 195 | 129007 | 18.219.t195 | True | |
the | the | the[33] | 196 | 129008 | 18.219.t196 | True | |
war, | war | war[2] | 197 | 129009 | 18.219.t197 | True | |
but | but | but[1] | 198 | 129010 | 18.219.t198 | True | |
never | never | never[1] | 199 | 129011 | 18.219.t199 | True | |
again | again | again[1] | 200 | 129012 | 18.219.t200 | True | |
did | did | did[1] | 201 | 129013 | 18.219.t201 | True | |
he | he | he[46] | 202 | 129014 | 18.219.t202 | True | |
welcome | welcome | welcome[1] | 203 | 129015 | 18.219.t203 | True | |
his | his | his[3] | 204 | 129016 | 18.219.t204 | True | |
returning. | returning | returning[1] | 205 | 129017 | 18.219.t205 | True | |
Then | Then | Then[1] | 206 | 129018 | 18.219.t206 | True | |
was | was | was[2] | 207 | 129019 | 18.219.t207 | True | |
the | the | the[34] | 208 | 129020 | 18.219.t208 | True | |
unwearying | unwearying | unwearying[1] | 209 | 129021 | 18.219.t209 | True | |
sun | sun | sun[1] | 210 | 129022 | 18.219.t210 | True | |
sent | sent | sent[2] | 211 | 129023 | 18.219.t211 | True | |
by | by | by[2] | 212 | 129024 | 18.219.t212 | True | |
ox-eyed, | oxeyed | oxeyed[1] | 213 | 129025 | 18.219.t213 | True | |
queenly | queenly | queenly[1] | 214 | 129026 | 18.219.t214 | True | |
Hera | Hera | Hera[1] | 215 | 129027 | 18.219.t215 | True | |
to | to | to[2] | 216 | 129028 | 18.219.t216 | True | |
go | go | go[3] | 217 | 129029 | 18.219.t217 | True | |
his | his | his[4] | 218 | 129030 | 18.219.t218 | True | |
way, | way | way[1] | 219 | 129031 | 18.219.t219 | True | |
full | full | full[1] | 220 | 129032 | 18.219.t220 | True | |
loath, | loath | loath[1] | 221 | 129033 | 18.219.t221 | True | |
to | to | to[3] | 222 | 129034 | 18.219.t222 | True | |
the | the | the[35] | 223 | 129035 | 18.219.t223 | True | |
stream | stream | stream[1] | 224 | 129036 | 18.219.t224 | True | |
of | of | of[10] | 225 | 129037 | 18.219.t225 | True | |
Ocean. | Ocean | Ocean[1] | 226 | 129038 | 18.219.t226 | True | |
So | So | So[1] | 227 | 129039 | 18.219.t227 | True | |
the | the | the[36] | 228 | 129040 | 18.219.t228 | True | |
sun | sun | sun[2] | 229 | 129041 | 18.219.t229 | True | |
set | set | set[1] | 230 | 129042 | 18.219.t230 | True | |
and | and | and[9] | 231 | 129043 | 18.219.t231 | True | |
the | the | the[37] | 232 | 129044 | 18.219.t232 | True | |
goodly | goodly | goodly[2] | 233 | 129045 | 18.219.t233 | True | |
Achaeans | Achaeans | Achaeans[2] | 234 | 129046 | 18.219.t234 | True | |
stayed | stayed | stayed[1] | 235 | 129047 | 18.219.t235 | True | |
them | them | them[2] | 236 | 129048 | 18.219.t236 | True | |
from | from | from[2] | 237 | 129049 | 18.219.t237 | True | |
the | the | the[39] | 238 | 129050 | 18.219.t238 | True | |
fierce | fierce | fierce[1] | 239 | 129051 | 18.219.t239 | True | |
strife | strife | strife[1] | 240 | 129052 | 18.219.t240 | True | |
and | and | and[10] | 241 | 129053 | 18.219.t241 | True | |
the | the | the[40] | 242 | 129054 | 18.219.t242 | True | |
evil | evil | evil[1] | 243 | 129055 | 18.219.t243 | True | |
war. | war | war[3] | 244 | 129056 | 18.219.t244 | True |