urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:11.616 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 11.616
So spake he, and Patroclus gave ear to his dear comrade, and went running along the huts and the ships of the Achaeans. But when those others were come to the hut of the son of Neleus, they stepped forth upon the bounteous earth, and Eurymedon the squire loosed old Nestor's horses from the car, and the twain dried the sweat from their tunics standing in the breeze by the shore of the sea; and thereafter they went into the hut and sate them down on chairs. And for them fair-tressed Hecamede mixed a potion, she that old Nestor had taken from out of Tenedos, when Achilles sacked it, the daughter of great-hearted Arsinous; for the Achaeans had chosen her out for him, for that in counsel he was ever best of all. She first drew before the twain a table, fair, with feet of cyanus, and well-polished, and set thereon a basket of bronze, and therewith an onion, a relish for their drink, and pale honey, and ground meal of sacred barley; and beside them a beauteous cup, that the old man had brought from home, studded with bosses of gold; four were the handles thereof, and about each twain doves were feeding, while below were two supports. Another man could scarce have availed to lift that cup from the table, when it was full, but old Nestor would raise it right easily. Therein the woman, like to the goddesses, mixed a potion for them with Pramnian wine, and on this she grated cheese of goat's milk with a brazen grater, and sprinkled thereover white barley meal; and she bade them drink, when she had made ready the potion. Then when the twain had drunk, and sent from them parching thirst, they took delight in tales, speaking each to the other; and lo, Patroclus stood at the doors, a godlike man. At sight of him the old man sprang from his bright chair, and took him by the hand and led him in, and bade him be seated. But Patroclus from over against him refused, and spake, saying: I may not sit, old sir, fostered of Zeus, nor wilt thou persuade me. Revered and to be dreaded is he who sent me forth to learn who it is that thou bringest home wounded. But even of myself I know, and behold Machaon, shepherd of the host. And now will I go back again a messenger, to bear word to Achilles. Well knowest thou, old sir, fostered of Zeus, of what sort is he, dread man; lightly would he blame even one in whom was no blame.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:11.575)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:11.655)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
So So So[1] 1 76059 11.616.t1 True
spake spake spake[1] 2 76060 11.616.t2 True
he, he he[1] 3 76061 11.616.t3 True
and and and[1] 4 76062 11.616.t4 True
Patroclus Patroclus Patroclus[1] 5 76063 11.616.t5 True
gave gave gave[1] 6 76064 11.616.t6 True
ear ear ear[1] 7 76065 11.616.t7 True
to to to[1] 8 76066 11.616.t8 True
his his his[1] 9 76067 11.616.t9 True
dear dear dear[1] 10 76068 11.616.t10 True
comrade, comrade comrade[1] 11 76069 11.616.t11 True
and and and[2] 12 76070 11.616.t12 True
went went went[1] 13 76071 11.616.t13 True
running running running[1] 14 76072 11.616.t14 True
along along along[1] 15 76073 11.616.t15 True
the the the[1] 16 76074 11.616.t16 True
huts huts huts[1] 17 76075 11.616.t17 True
and and and[3] 18 76076 11.616.t18 True
the the the[2] 19 76077 11.616.t19 True
ships ships ships[1] 20 76078 11.616.t20 True
of of of[1] 21 76079 11.616.t21 True
the the the[3] 22 76080 11.616.t22 True
Achaeans. Achaeans Achaeans[1] 23 76081 11.616.t23 True
But But But[1] 24 76082 11.616.t24 True
when when when[1] 25 76083 11.616.t25 True
those those those[1] 26 76084 11.616.t26 True
others others others[1] 27 76085 11.616.t27 True
were were were[1] 28 76086 11.616.t28 True
come come come[1] 29 76087 11.616.t29 True
to to to[2] 30 76088 11.616.t30 True
the the the[5] 31 76089 11.616.t31 True
hut hut hut[2] 32 76090 11.616.t32 True
of of of[2] 33 76091 11.616.t33 True
the the the[6] 34 76092 11.616.t34 True
son son son[1] 35 76093 11.616.t35 True
of of of[3] 36 76094 11.616.t36 True
Neleus, Neleus Neleus[1] 37 76095 11.616.t37 True
they they they[1] 38 76096 11.616.t38 True
stepped stepped stepped[1] 39 76097 11.616.t39 True
forth forth forth[1] 40 76098 11.616.t40 True
upon upon upon[1] 41 76099 11.616.t41 True
the the the[8] 42 76100 11.616.t42 True
bounteous bounteous bounteous[1] 43 76101 11.616.t43 True
earth, earth earth[1] 44 76102 11.616.t44 True
and and and[4] 45 76103 11.616.t45 True
Eurymedon Eurymedon Eurymedon[1] 46 76104 11.616.t46 True
the the the[9] 47 76105 11.616.t47 True
squire squire squire[1] 48 76106 11.616.t48 True
loosed loosed loosed[1] 49 76107 11.616.t49 True
old old old[1] 50 76108 11.616.t50 True
Nestor's Nestors Nestors[1] 51 76109 11.616.t51 True
horses horses horses[1] 52 76110 11.616.t52 True
from from from[1] 53 76111 11.616.t53 True
the the the[10] 54 76112 11.616.t54 True
car, car car[1] 55 76113 11.616.t55 True
and and and[5] 56 76114 11.616.t56 True
the the the[11] 57 76115 11.616.t57 True
twain twain twain[1] 58 76116 11.616.t58 True
dried dried dried[1] 59 76117 11.616.t59 True
the the the[12] 60 76118 11.616.t60 True
sweat sweat sweat[1] 61 76119 11.616.t61 True
from from from[2] 62 76120 11.616.t62 True
their their their[1] 63 76121 11.616.t63 True
tunics tunics tunics[1] 64 76122 11.616.t64 True
standing standing standing[1] 65 76123 11.616.t65 True
in in in[4] 66 76124 11.616.t66 True
the the the[14] 67 76125 11.616.t67 True
breeze breeze breeze[1] 68 76126 11.616.t68 True
by by by[1] 69 76127 11.616.t69 True
the the the[15] 70 76128 11.616.t70 True
shore shore shore[1] 71 76129 11.616.t71 True
of of of[4] 72 76130 11.616.t72 True
the the the[16] 73 76131 11.616.t73 True
sea; sea sea[1] 74 76132 11.616.t74 True
and and and[7] 75 76133 11.616.t75 True
thereafter thereafter thereafter[1] 76 76134 11.616.t76 True
they they they[2] 77 76135 11.616.t77 True
went went went[2] 78 76136 11.616.t78 True
into into into[1] 79 76137 11.616.t79 True
the the the[19] 80 76138 11.616.t80 True
hut hut hut[3] 81 76139 11.616.t81 True
and and and[8] 82 76140 11.616.t82 True
sate sate sate[1] 83 76141 11.616.t83 True
them them them[1] 84 76142 11.616.t84 True
down down down[1] 85 76143 11.616.t85 True
on on on[5] 86 76144 11.616.t86 True
chairs. chairs chairs[1] 87 76145 11.616.t87 True
And And And[1] 88 76146 11.616.t88 True
for for for[2] 89 76147 11.616.t89 True
them them them[2] 90 76148 11.616.t90 True
fair-tressed fairtressed fairtressed[1] 91 76149 11.616.t91 True
Hecamede Hecamede Hecamede[1] 92 76150 11.616.t92 True
mixed mixed mixed[1] 93 76151 11.616.t93 True
a a a[28] 94 76152 11.616.t94 True
potion, potion potion[1] 95 76153 11.616.t95 True
she she she[1] 96 76154 11.616.t96 True
that that that[1] 97 76155 11.616.t97 True
old old old[2] 98 76156 11.616.t98 True
Nestor Nestor Nestor[2] 99 76157 11.616.t99 True
had had had[1] 100 76158 11.616.t100 True
taken taken taken[1] 101 76159 11.616.t101 True
from from from[3] 102 76160 11.616.t102 True
out out out[1] 103 76161 11.616.t103 True
of of of[5] 104 76162 11.616.t104 True
Tenedos, Tenedos Tenedos[1] 105 76163 11.616.t105 True
when when when[2] 106 76164 11.616.t106 True
Achilles Achilles Achilles[1] 107 76165 11.616.t107 True
sacked sacked sacked[1] 108 76166 11.616.t108 True
it, it it[1] 109 76167 11.616.t109 True
the the the[22] 110 76168 11.616.t110 True
daughter daughter daughter[1] 111 76169 11.616.t111 True
of of of[6] 112 76170 11.616.t112 True
great-hearted greathearted greathearted[1] 113 76171 11.616.t113 True
Arsinous; Arsinous Arsinous[1] 114 76172 11.616.t114 True
for for for[3] 115 76173 11.616.t115 True
the the the[24] 116 76174 11.616.t116 True
Achaeans Achaeans Achaeans[2] 117 76175 11.616.t117 True
had had had[2] 118 76176 11.616.t118 True
chosen chosen chosen[1] 119 76177 11.616.t119 True
her her her[3] 120 76178 11.616.t120 True
out out out[2] 121 76179 11.616.t121 True
for for for[4] 122 76180 11.616.t122 True
him, him him[1] 123 76181 11.616.t123 True
for for for[5] 124 76182 11.616.t124 True
that that that[2] 125 76183 11.616.t125 True
in in in[7] 126 76184 11.616.t126 True
counsel counsel counsel[1] 127 76185 11.616.t127 True
he he he[30] 128 76186 11.616.t128 True
was was was[1] 129 76187 11.616.t129 True
ever ever ever[1] 130 76188 11.616.t130 True
best best best[1] 131 76189 11.616.t131 True
of of of[7] 132 76190 11.616.t132 True
all. all all[1] 133 76191 11.616.t133 True
She She She[1] 134 76192 11.616.t134 True
first first first[1] 135 76193 11.616.t135 True
drew drew drew[1] 136 76194 11.616.t136 True
before before before[1] 137 76195 11.616.t137 True
the the the[25] 138 76196 11.616.t138 True
twain twain twain[2] 139 76197 11.616.t139 True
a a a[43] 140 76198 11.616.t140 True
table, table table[1] 141 76199 11.616.t141 True
fair, fair fair[2] 142 76200 11.616.t142 True
with with with[1] 143 76201 11.616.t143 True
feet feet feet[1] 144 76202 11.616.t144 True
of of of[8] 145 76203 11.616.t145 True
cyanus, cyanus cyanus[1] 146 76204 11.616.t146 True
and and and[9] 147 76205 11.616.t147 True
well-polished, wellpolished wellpolished[1] 148 76206 11.616.t148 True
and and and[10] 149 76207 11.616.t149 True
set set set[1] 150 76208 11.616.t150 True
thereon thereon thereon[1] 151 76209 11.616.t151 True
a a a[49] 152 76210 11.616.t152 True
basket basket basket[1] 153 76211 11.616.t153 True
of of of[9] 154 76212 11.616.t154 True
bronze, bronze bronze[1] 155 76213 11.616.t155 True
and and and[11] 156 76214 11.616.t156 True
therewith therewith therewith[1] 157 76215 11.616.t157 True
an an an[15] 158 76216 11.616.t158 True
onion, onion onion[1] 159 76217 11.616.t159 True
a a a[53] 160 76218 11.616.t160 True
relish relish relish[1] 161 76219 11.616.t161 True
for for for[7] 162 76220 11.616.t162 True
their their their[2] 163 76221 11.616.t163 True
drink, drink drink[1] 164 76222 11.616.t164 True
and and and[12] 165 76223 11.616.t165 True
pale pale pale[1] 166 76224 11.616.t166 True
honey, honey honey[1] 167 76225 11.616.t167 True
and and and[13] 168 76226 11.616.t168 True
ground ground ground[1] 169 76227 11.616.t169 True
meal meal meal[1] 170 76228 11.616.t170 True
of of of[10] 171 76229 11.616.t171 True
sacred sacred sacred[1] 172 76230 11.616.t172 True
barley; barley barley[1] 173 76231 11.616.t173 True
and and and[14] 174 76232 11.616.t174 True
beside beside beside[1] 175 76233 11.616.t175 True
them them them[3] 176 76234 11.616.t176 True
a a a[61] 177 76235 11.616.t177 True
beauteous beauteous beauteous[1] 178 76236 11.616.t178 True
cup, cup cup[1] 179 76237 11.616.t179 True
that that that[3] 180 76238 11.616.t180 True
the the the[30] 181 76239 11.616.t181 True
old old old[3] 182 76240 11.616.t182 True
man man man[1] 183 76241 11.616.t183 True
had had had[3] 184 76242 11.616.t184 True
brought brought brought[1] 185 76243 11.616.t185 True
from from from[4] 186 76244 11.616.t186 True
home, home home[1] 187 76245 11.616.t187 True
studded studded studded[1] 188 76246 11.616.t188 True
with with with[3] 189 76247 11.616.t189 True
bosses bosses bosses[1] 190 76248 11.616.t190 True
of of of[11] 191 76249 11.616.t191 True
gold; gold gold[1] 192 76250 11.616.t192 True
four four four[1] 193 76251 11.616.t193 True
were were were[2] 194 76252 11.616.t194 True
the the the[31] 195 76253 11.616.t195 True
handles handles handles[1] 196 76254 11.616.t196 True
thereof, thereof thereof[1] 197 76255 11.616.t197 True
and and and[16] 198 76256 11.616.t198 True
about about about[1] 199 76257 11.616.t199 True
each each each[1] 200 76258 11.616.t200 True
twain twain twain[3] 201 76259 11.616.t201 True
doves doves doves[1] 202 76260 11.616.t202 True
were were were[3] 203 76261 11.616.t203 True
feeding, feeding feeding[1] 204 76262 11.616.t204 True
while while while[1] 205 76263 11.616.t205 True
below below below[1] 206 76264 11.616.t206 True
were were were[4] 207 76265 11.616.t207 True
two two two[1] 208 76266 11.616.t208 True
supports. supports supports[1] 209 76267 11.616.t209 True
Another Another Another[1] 210 76268 11.616.t210 True
man man man[2] 211 76269 11.616.t211 True
could could could[1] 212 76270 11.616.t212 True
scarce scarce scarce[1] 213 76271 11.616.t213 True
have have have[1] 214 76272 11.616.t214 True
availed availed availed[1] 215 76273 11.616.t215 True
to to to[6] 216 76274 11.616.t216 True
lift lift lift[1] 217 76275 11.616.t217 True
that that that[4] 218 76276 11.616.t218 True
cup cup cup[2] 219 76277 11.616.t219 True
from from from[5] 220 76278 11.616.t220 True
the the the[34] 221 76279 11.616.t221 True
table, table table[2] 222 76280 11.616.t222 True
when when when[3] 223 76281 11.616.t223 True
it it it[5] 224 76282 11.616.t224 True
was was was[2] 225 76283 11.616.t225 True
full, full full[1] 226 76284 11.616.t226 True
but but but[1] 227 76285 11.616.t227 True
old old old[5] 228 76286 11.616.t228 True
Nestor Nestor Nestor[3] 229 76287 11.616.t229 True
would would would[1] 230 76288 11.616.t230 True
raise raise raise[1] 231 76289 11.616.t231 True
it it it[6] 232 76290 11.616.t232 True
right right right[1] 233 76291 11.616.t233 True
easily. easily easily[1] 234 76292 11.616.t234 True
Therein Therein Therein[1] 235 76293 11.616.t235 True
the the the[35] 236 76294 11.616.t236 True
woman, woman woman[1] 237 76295 11.616.t237 True
like like like[1] 238 76296 11.616.t238 True
to to to[8] 239 76297 11.616.t239 True
the the the[36] 240 76298 11.616.t240 True
goddesses, goddesses goddesses[1] 241 76299 11.616.t241 True
mixed mixed mixed[2] 242 76300 11.616.t242 True
a a a[82] 243 76301 11.616.t243 True
potion potion potion[2] 244 76302 11.616.t244 True
for for for[8] 245 76303 11.616.t245 True
them them them[4] 246 76304 11.616.t246 True
with with with[4] 247 76305 11.616.t247 True
Pramnian Pramnian Pramnian[1] 248 76306 11.616.t248 True
wine, wine wine[1] 249 76307 11.616.t249 True
and and and[17] 250 76308 11.616.t250 True
on on on[13] 251 76309 11.616.t251 True
this this this[1] 252 76310 11.616.t252 True
she she she[3] 253 76311 11.616.t253 True
grated grated grated[1] 254 76312 11.616.t254 True
cheese cheese cheese[1] 255 76313 11.616.t255 True
of of of[13] 256 76314 11.616.t256 True
goat's goats goats[1] 257 76315 11.616.t257 True
milk milk milk[1] 258 76316 11.616.t258 True
with with with[5] 259 76317 11.616.t259 True
a a a[88] 260 76318 11.616.t260 True
brazen brazen brazen[1] 261 76319 11.616.t261 True
grater, grater grater[1] 262 76320 11.616.t262 True
and and and[18] 263 76321 11.616.t263 True
sprinkled sprinkled sprinkled[1] 264 76322 11.616.t264 True
thereover thereover thereover[1] 265 76323 11.616.t265 True
white white white[1] 266 76324 11.616.t266 True
barley barley barley[2] 267 76325 11.616.t267 True
meal; meal meal[2] 268 76326 11.616.t268 True
and and and[19] 269 76327 11.616.t269 True
she she she[4] 270 76328 11.616.t270 True
bade bade bade[1] 271 76329 11.616.t271 True
them them them[5] 272 76330 11.616.t272 True
drink, drink drink[2] 273 76331 11.616.t273 True
when when when[4] 274 76332 11.616.t274 True
she she she[5] 275 76333 11.616.t275 True
had had had[4] 276 76334 11.616.t276 True
made made made[1] 277 76335 11.616.t277 True
ready ready ready[1] 278 76336 11.616.t278 True
the the the[40] 279 76337 11.616.t279 True
potion. potion potion[3] 280 76338 11.616.t280 True
Then Then Then[1] 281 76339 11.616.t281 True
when when when[5] 282 76340 11.616.t282 True
the the the[41] 283 76341 11.616.t283 True
twain twain twain[4] 284 76342 11.616.t284 True
had had had[5] 285 76343 11.616.t285 True
drunk, drunk drunk[1] 286 76344 11.616.t286 True
and and and[20] 287 76345 11.616.t287 True
sent sent sent[1] 288 76346 11.616.t288 True
from from from[6] 289 76347 11.616.t289 True
them them them[6] 290 76348 11.616.t290 True
parching parching parching[1] 291 76349 11.616.t291 True
thirst, thirst thirst[1] 292 76350 11.616.t292 True
they they they[3] 293 76351 11.616.t293 True
took took took[1] 294 76352 11.616.t294 True
delight delight delight[1] 295 76353 11.616.t295 True
in in in[18] 296 76354 11.616.t296 True
tales, tales tales[1] 297 76355 11.616.t297 True
speaking speaking speaking[1] 298 76356 11.616.t298 True
each each each[2] 299 76357 11.616.t299 True
to to to[10] 300 76358 11.616.t300 True
the the the[44] 301 76359 11.616.t301 True
other; other other[3] 302 76360 11.616.t302 True
and and and[21] 303 76361 11.616.t303 True
lo, lo lo[4] 304 76362 11.616.t304 True
Patroclus Patroclus Patroclus[2] 305 76363 11.616.t305 True
stood stood stood[1] 306 76364 11.616.t306 True
at at at[13] 307 76365 11.616.t307 True
the the the[46] 308 76366 11.616.t308 True
doors, doors doors[1] 309 76367 11.616.t309 True
a a a[109] 310 76368 11.616.t310 True
godlike godlike godlike[1] 311 76369 11.616.t311 True
man. man man[4] 312 76370 11.616.t312 True
At At At[1] 313 76371 11.616.t313 True
sight sight sight[1] 314 76372 11.616.t314 True
of of of[14] 315 76373 11.616.t315 True
him him him[2] 316 76374 11.616.t316 True
the the the[47] 317 76375 11.616.t317 True
old old old[6] 318 76376 11.616.t318 True
man man man[5] 319 76377 11.616.t319 True
sprang sprang sprang[1] 320 76378 11.616.t320 True
from from from[7] 321 76379 11.616.t321 True
his his his[3] 322 76380 11.616.t322 True
bright bright bright[1] 323 76381 11.616.t323 True
chair, chair chair[2] 324 76382 11.616.t324 True
and and and[22] 325 76383 11.616.t325 True
took took took[2] 326 76384 11.616.t326 True
him him him[3] 327 76385 11.616.t327 True
by by by[2] 328 76386 11.616.t328 True
the the the[48] 329 76387 11.616.t329 True
hand hand hand[2] 330 76388 11.616.t330 True
and and and[24] 331 76389 11.616.t331 True
led led led[3] 332 76390 11.616.t332 True
him him him[4] 333 76391 11.616.t333 True
in, in in[20] 334 76392 11.616.t334 True
and and and[25] 335 76393 11.616.t335 True
bade bade bade[2] 336 76394 11.616.t336 True
him him him[5] 337 76395 11.616.t337 True
be be be[6] 338 76396 11.616.t338 True
seated. seated seated[1] 339 76397 11.616.t339 True
But But But[2] 340 76398 11.616.t340 True
Patroclus Patroclus Patroclus[3] 341 76399 11.616.t341 True
from from from[8] 342 76400 11.616.t342 True
over over over[2] 343 76401 11.616.t343 True
against against against[1] 344 76402 11.616.t344 True
him him him[6] 345 76403 11.616.t345 True
refused, refused refused[1] 346 76404 11.616.t346 True
and and and[26] 347 76405 11.616.t347 True
spake, spake spake[2] 348 76406 11.616.t348 True
saying: saying saying[1] 349 76407 11.616.t349 True
I I I[1] 350 76408 11.616.t350 True
may may may[1] 351 76409 11.616.t351 True
not not not[2] 352 76410 11.616.t352 True
sit, sit sit[1] 353 76411 11.616.t353 True
old old old[7] 354 76412 11.616.t354 True
sir, sir sir[1] 355 76413 11.616.t355 True
fostered fostered fostered[1] 356 76414 11.616.t356 True
of of of[15] 357 76415 11.616.t357 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[1] 358 76416 11.616.t358 True
nor nor nor[1] 359 76417 11.616.t359 True
wilt wilt wilt[1] 360 76418 11.616.t360 True
thou thou thou[1] 361 76419 11.616.t361 True
persuade persuade persuade[1] 362 76420 11.616.t362 True
me. me me[7] 363 76421 11.616.t363 True
Revered Revered Revered[1] 364 76422 11.616.t364 True
and and and[27] 365 76423 11.616.t365 True
to to to[13] 366 76424 11.616.t366 True
be be be[7] 367 76425 11.616.t367 True
dreaded dreaded dreaded[1] 368 76426 11.616.t368 True
is is is[7] 369 76427 11.616.t369 True
he he he[66] 370 76428 11.616.t370 True
who who who[1] 371 76429 11.616.t371 True
sent sent sent[2] 372 76430 11.616.t372 True
me me me[8] 373 76431 11.616.t373 True
forth forth forth[2] 374 76432 11.616.t374 True
to to to[14] 375 76433 11.616.t375 True
learn learn learn[1] 376 76434 11.616.t376 True
who who who[2] 377 76435 11.616.t377 True
it it it[11] 378 76436 11.616.t378 True
is is is[8] 379 76437 11.616.t379 True
that that that[5] 380 76438 11.616.t380 True
thou thou thou[2] 381 76439 11.616.t381 True
bringest bringest bringest[1] 382 76440 11.616.t382 True
home home home[2] 383 76441 11.616.t383 True
wounded. wounded wounded[1] 384 76442 11.616.t384 True
But But But[3] 385 76443 11.616.t385 True
even even even[1] 386 76444 11.616.t386 True
of of of[16] 387 76445 11.616.t387 True
myself myself myself[1] 388 76446 11.616.t388 True
I I I[2] 389 76447 11.616.t389 True
know, know know[1] 390 76448 11.616.t390 True
and and and[28] 391 76449 11.616.t391 True
behold behold behold[1] 392 76450 11.616.t392 True
Machaon, Machaon Machaon[1] 393 76451 11.616.t393 True
shepherd shepherd shepherd[1] 394 76452 11.616.t394 True
of of of[17] 395 76453 11.616.t395 True
the the the[49] 396 76454 11.616.t396 True
host. host host[1] 397 76455 11.616.t397 True
And And And[2] 398 76456 11.616.t398 True
now now now[2] 399 76457 11.616.t399 True
will will will[1] 400 76458 11.616.t400 True
I I I[3] 401 76459 11.616.t401 True
go go go[5] 402 76460 11.616.t402 True
back back back[1] 403 76461 11.616.t403 True
again again again[2] 404 76462 11.616.t404 True
a a a[138] 405 76463 11.616.t405 True
messenger, messenger messenger[1] 406 76464 11.616.t406 True
to to to[15] 407 76465 11.616.t407 True
bear bear bear[1] 408 76466 11.616.t408 True
word word word[1] 409 76467 11.616.t409 True
to to to[16] 410 76468 11.616.t410 True
Achilles. Achilles Achilles[2] 411 76469 11.616.t411 True
Well Well Well[1] 412 76470 11.616.t412 True
knowest knowest knowest[1] 413 76471 11.616.t413 True
thou, thou thou[3] 414 76472 11.616.t414 True
old old old[9] 415 76473 11.616.t415 True
sir, sir sir[2] 416 76474 11.616.t416 True
fostered fostered fostered[2] 417 76475 11.616.t417 True
of of of[18] 418 76476 11.616.t418 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[2] 419 76477 11.616.t419 True
of of of[19] 420 76478 11.616.t420 True
what what what[1] 421 76479 11.616.t421 True
sort sort sort[1] 422 76480 11.616.t422 True
is is is[9] 423 76481 11.616.t423 True
he, he he[70] 424 76482 11.616.t424 True
dread dread dread[2] 425 76483 11.616.t425 True
man; man man[6] 426 76484 11.616.t426 True
lightly lightly lightly[1] 427 76485 11.616.t427 True
would would would[2] 428 76486 11.616.t428 True
he he he[71] 429 76487 11.616.t429 True
blame blame blame[1] 430 76488 11.616.t430 True
even even even[2] 431 76489 11.616.t431 True
one one one[2] 432 76490 11.616.t432 True
in in in[25] 433 76491 11.616.t433 True
whom whom whom[1] 434 76492 11.616.t434 True
was was was[3] 435 76493 11.616.t435 True
no no no[8] 436 76494 11.616.t436 True
blame. blame blame[2] 437 76495 11.616.t437 True