urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:11.248 (card)

Descendant Count: 0
REF: 11.248
But when Coön, pre-eminent among warriors, eldest son of Antenor, marked him, strong grief enfolded his eyes for his brother's fall, and he took his stand on one side with his spear, unseen of goodly Agamemnon, and stabbed him full upon the arm below the elbow, and clean through went the point of the shining spear. Thereat shuddered Agamemnon king of men, yet even so he ceased not from battle and war, but, wind-nurtured spear in hand, leapt upon Coön. Now he was eagerly drawing by the foot Iphidamas, his own brother, begotten of the one father, and was calling upon all the bravest, but even as he dragged him through the throng Agamemnon smote him with a thrust of his bronze-shod spear beneath his bossed shield, and loosed his limbs; and he drew near and struck off his head over Iphidamas. There then the sons of Antenor beneath the hands of the king, the son of Atreus, fulfilled the measure of their fate, and went down to the house of Hades. But Agamemnon ranged along the ranks of the other warriors with spear and sword and great stones, so long as the blood welled yet warm from his wound. But when the wound waxed dry, and the blood ceased to flow, then sharp pains came upon the mighty son of Atreus. And even as when the sharp dart striketh a woman in travail, the piercing dart that the Eilithyiae, the goddesses of childbirth, send—even the daughters of Hera that have in their keeping bitter pangs; even so sharp pains came upon the mighty son of Atreus. Then he leapt upon his chariot and bade his charioteer drive to the hollow ships, for he was sore pained at heart. And he uttered a piercing shout, and called to the Danaans: My friends, leaders and rulers of the Argives, do ye now ward from the seafaring ships the grievous din of battle, for Zeus the counsellor suffereth me not to war the whole day through against the Trojans. So spake he, and the charioteer lashed the fair-maned horses towards the hollow ships, and nothing loath the pair sped onward. With foam were their breasts flecked, and with dust their bellies stained beneath them as they bore the wounded king forth from the battle. But when Hector saw Agamemnon departing, to Trojans and Lycians he called with a loud shout: Ye Trojans and Lycians and Dardanians that fight in close combat, be men, my friends, and bethink you of furious valour. Gone is the best of the men, and to me hath Zeus, son of Cronos granted great glory. Nay, drive your single-hooved horses straight towards the valiant Danaans, that ye may win the glory of victory.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:11.210)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3:11.291)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
But But But[1] 1 71945 11.248.t1 True
when when when[1] 2 71946 11.248.t2 True
Coön, Coön Coön[1] 3 71947 11.248.t3 True
pre-eminent preeminent preeminent[1] 4 71948 11.248.t4 True
among among among[1] 5 71949 11.248.t5 True
warriors, warriors warriors[1] 6 71950 11.248.t6 True
eldest eldest eldest[1] 7 71951 11.248.t7 True
son son son[1] 8 71952 11.248.t8 True
of of of[1] 9 71953 11.248.t9 True
Antenor, Antenor Antenor[1] 10 71954 11.248.t10 True
marked marked marked[1] 11 71955 11.248.t11 True
him, him him[1] 12 71956 11.248.t12 True
strong strong strong[1] 13 71957 11.248.t13 True
grief grief grief[1] 14 71958 11.248.t14 True
enfolded enfolded enfolded[1] 15 71959 11.248.t15 True
his his his[1] 16 71960 11.248.t16 True
eyes eyes eyes[1] 17 71961 11.248.t17 True
for for for[1] 18 71962 11.248.t18 True
his his his[2] 19 71963 11.248.t19 True
brother's brothers brothers[1] 20 71964 11.248.t20 True
fall, fall fall[1] 21 71965 11.248.t21 True
and and and[1] 22 71966 11.248.t22 True
he he he[3] 23 71967 11.248.t23 True
took took took[1] 24 71968 11.248.t24 True
his his his[3] 25 71969 11.248.t25 True
stand stand stand[1] 26 71970 11.248.t26 True
on on on[4] 27 71971 11.248.t27 True
one one one[1] 28 71972 11.248.t28 True
side side side[1] 29 71973 11.248.t29 True
with with with[1] 30 71974 11.248.t30 True
his his his[4] 31 71975 11.248.t31 True
spear, spear spear[1] 32 71976 11.248.t32 True
unseen unseen unseen[1] 33 71977 11.248.t33 True
of of of[2] 34 71978 11.248.t34 True
goodly goodly goodly[1] 35 71979 11.248.t35 True
Agamemnon, Agamemnon Agamemnon[1] 36 71980 11.248.t36 True
and and and[3] 37 71981 11.248.t37 True
stabbed stabbed stabbed[1] 38 71982 11.248.t38 True
him him him[2] 39 71983 11.248.t39 True
full full full[1] 40 71984 11.248.t40 True
upon upon upon[1] 41 71985 11.248.t41 True
the the the[2] 42 71986 11.248.t42 True
arm arm arm[1] 43 71987 11.248.t43 True
below below below[1] 44 71988 11.248.t44 True
the the the[3] 45 71989 11.248.t45 True
elbow, elbow elbow[1] 46 71990 11.248.t46 True
and and and[4] 47 71991 11.248.t47 True
clean clean clean[1] 48 71992 11.248.t48 True
through through through[1] 49 71993 11.248.t49 True
went went went[1] 50 71994 11.248.t50 True
the the the[4] 51 71995 11.248.t51 True
point point point[1] 52 71996 11.248.t52 True
of of of[3] 53 71997 11.248.t53 True
the the the[5] 54 71998 11.248.t54 True
shining shining shining[1] 55 71999 11.248.t55 True
spear. spear spear[2] 56 72000 11.248.t56 True
Thereat Thereat Thereat[1] 57 72001 11.248.t57 True
shuddered shuddered shuddered[1] 58 72002 11.248.t58 True
Agamemnon Agamemnon Agamemnon[2] 59 72003 11.248.t59 True
king king king[1] 60 72004 11.248.t60 True
of of of[4] 61 72005 11.248.t61 True
men, men men[1] 62 72006 11.248.t62 True
yet yet yet[1] 63 72007 11.248.t63 True
even even even[1] 64 72008 11.248.t64 True
so so so[2] 65 72009 11.248.t65 True
he he he[9] 66 72010 11.248.t66 True
ceased ceased ceased[1] 67 72011 11.248.t67 True
not not not[1] 68 72012 11.248.t68 True
from from from[1] 69 72013 11.248.t69 True
battle battle battle[1] 70 72014 11.248.t70 True
and and and[5] 71 72015 11.248.t71 True
war, war war[2] 72 72016 11.248.t72 True
but, but but[1] 73 72017 11.248.t73 True
wind-nurtured windnurtured windnurtured[1] 74 72018 11.248.t74 True
spear spear spear[3] 75 72019 11.248.t75 True
in in in[7] 76 72020 11.248.t76 True
hand, hand hand[1] 77 72021 11.248.t77 True
leapt leapt leapt[1] 78 72022 11.248.t78 True
upon upon upon[2] 79 72023 11.248.t79 True
Coön. Coön Coön[2] 80 72024 11.248.t80 True
Now Now Now[1] 81 72025 11.248.t81 True
he he he[10] 82 72026 11.248.t82 True
was was was[1] 83 72027 11.248.t83 True
eagerly eagerly eagerly[1] 84 72028 11.248.t84 True
drawing drawing drawing[1] 85 72029 11.248.t85 True
by by by[1] 86 72030 11.248.t86 True
the the the[6] 87 72031 11.248.t87 True
foot foot foot[1] 88 72032 11.248.t88 True
Iphidamas, Iphidamas Iphidamas[1] 89 72033 11.248.t89 True
his his his[5] 90 72034 11.248.t90 True
own own own[1] 91 72035 11.248.t91 True
brother, brother brother[2] 92 72036 11.248.t92 True
begotten begotten begotten[1] 93 72037 11.248.t93 True
of of of[5] 94 72038 11.248.t94 True
the the the[8] 95 72039 11.248.t95 True
one one one[2] 96 72040 11.248.t96 True
father, father father[1] 97 72041 11.248.t97 True
and and and[7] 98 72042 11.248.t98 True
was was was[2] 99 72043 11.248.t99 True
calling calling calling[1] 100 72044 11.248.t100 True
upon upon upon[3] 101 72045 11.248.t101 True
all all all[3] 102 72046 11.248.t102 True
the the the[10] 103 72047 11.248.t103 True
bravest, bravest bravest[1] 104 72048 11.248.t104 True
but but but[2] 105 72049 11.248.t105 True
even even even[2] 106 72050 11.248.t106 True
as as as[5] 107 72051 11.248.t107 True
he he he[16] 108 72052 11.248.t108 True
dragged dragged dragged[1] 109 72053 11.248.t109 True
him him him[3] 110 72054 11.248.t110 True
through through through[2] 111 72055 11.248.t111 True
the the the[11] 112 72056 11.248.t112 True
throng throng throng[1] 113 72057 11.248.t113 True
Agamemnon Agamemnon Agamemnon[3] 114 72058 11.248.t114 True
smote smote smote[1] 115 72059 11.248.t115 True
him him him[4] 116 72060 11.248.t116 True
with with with[2] 117 72061 11.248.t117 True
a a a[38] 118 72062 11.248.t118 True
thrust thrust thrust[1] 119 72063 11.248.t119 True
of of of[6] 120 72064 11.248.t120 True
his his his[6] 121 72065 11.248.t121 True
bronze-shod bronzeshod bronzeshod[1] 122 72066 11.248.t122 True
spear spear spear[4] 123 72067 11.248.t123 True
beneath beneath beneath[1] 124 72068 11.248.t124 True
his his his[7] 125 72069 11.248.t125 True
bossed bossed bossed[1] 126 72070 11.248.t126 True
shield, shield shield[1] 127 72071 11.248.t127 True
and and and[8] 128 72072 11.248.t128 True
loosed loosed loosed[1] 129 72073 11.248.t129 True
his his his[8] 130 72074 11.248.t130 True
limbs; limbs limbs[1] 131 72075 11.248.t131 True
and and and[9] 132 72076 11.248.t132 True
he he he[18] 133 72077 11.248.t133 True
drew drew drew[1] 134 72078 11.248.t134 True
near near near[1] 135 72079 11.248.t135 True
and and and[10] 136 72080 11.248.t136 True
struck struck struck[1] 137 72081 11.248.t137 True
off off off[1] 138 72082 11.248.t138 True
his his his[9] 139 72083 11.248.t139 True
head head head[1] 140 72084 11.248.t140 True
over over over[1] 141 72085 11.248.t141 True
Iphidamas. Iphidamas Iphidamas[2] 142 72086 11.248.t142 True
There There There[2] 143 72087 11.248.t143 True
then then then[1] 144 72088 11.248.t144 True
the the the[13] 145 72089 11.248.t145 True
sons sons sons[1] 146 72090 11.248.t146 True
of of of[8] 147 72091 11.248.t147 True
Antenor Antenor Antenor[2] 148 72092 11.248.t148 True
beneath beneath beneath[2] 149 72093 11.248.t149 True
the the the[14] 150 72094 11.248.t150 True
hands hands hands[1] 151 72095 11.248.t151 True
of of of[9] 152 72096 11.248.t152 True
the the the[15] 153 72097 11.248.t153 True
king, king king[2] 154 72098 11.248.t154 True
the the the[16] 155 72099 11.248.t155 True
son son son[3] 156 72100 11.248.t156 True
of of of[10] 157 72101 11.248.t157 True
Atreus, Atreus Atreus[1] 158 72102 11.248.t158 True
fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled[1] 159 72103 11.248.t159 True
the the the[17] 160 72104 11.248.t160 True
measure measure measure[1] 161 72105 11.248.t161 True
of of of[11] 162 72106 11.248.t162 True
their their their[1] 163 72107 11.248.t163 True
fate, fate fate[1] 164 72108 11.248.t164 True
and and and[12] 165 72109 11.248.t165 True
went went went[2] 166 72110 11.248.t166 True
down down down[1] 167 72111 11.248.t167 True
to to to[2] 168 72112 11.248.t168 True
the the the[19] 169 72113 11.248.t169 True
house house house[1] 170 72114 11.248.t170 True
of of of[12] 171 72115 11.248.t171 True
Hades. Hades Hades[1] 172 72116 11.248.t172 True
But But But[2] 173 72117 11.248.t173 True
Agamemnon Agamemnon Agamemnon[4] 174 72118 11.248.t174 True
ranged ranged ranged[1] 175 72119 11.248.t175 True
along along along[1] 176 72120 11.248.t176 True
the the the[20] 177 72121 11.248.t177 True
ranks ranks ranks[1] 178 72122 11.248.t178 True
of of of[13] 179 72123 11.248.t179 True
the the the[21] 180 72124 11.248.t180 True
other other other[3] 181 72125 11.248.t181 True
warriors warriors warriors[2] 182 72126 11.248.t182 True
with with with[3] 183 72127 11.248.t183 True
spear spear spear[5] 184 72128 11.248.t184 True
and and and[13] 185 72129 11.248.t185 True
sword sword sword[1] 186 72130 11.248.t186 True
and and and[14] 187 72131 11.248.t187 True
great great great[1] 188 72132 11.248.t188 True
stones, stones stones[1] 189 72133 11.248.t189 True
so so so[5] 190 72134 11.248.t190 True
long long long[2] 191 72135 11.248.t191 True
as as as[8] 192 72136 11.248.t192 True
the the the[23] 193 72137 11.248.t193 True
blood blood blood[1] 194 72138 11.248.t194 True
welled welled welled[1] 195 72139 11.248.t195 True
yet yet yet[2] 196 72140 11.248.t196 True
warm warm warm[1] 197 72141 11.248.t197 True
from from from[2] 198 72142 11.248.t198 True
his his his[10] 199 72143 11.248.t199 True
wound. wound wound[1] 200 72144 11.248.t200 True
But But But[3] 201 72145 11.248.t201 True
when when when[2] 202 72146 11.248.t202 True
the the the[24] 203 72147 11.248.t203 True
wound wound wound[2] 204 72148 11.248.t204 True
waxed waxed waxed[1] 205 72149 11.248.t205 True
dry, dry dry[1] 206 72150 11.248.t206 True
and and and[15] 207 72151 11.248.t207 True
the the the[25] 208 72152 11.248.t208 True
blood blood blood[2] 209 72153 11.248.t209 True
ceased ceased ceased[2] 210 72154 11.248.t210 True
to to to[4] 211 72155 11.248.t211 True
flow, flow flow[1] 212 72156 11.248.t212 True
then then then[2] 213 72157 11.248.t213 True
sharp sharp sharp[1] 214 72158 11.248.t214 True
pains pains pains[1] 215 72159 11.248.t215 True
came came came[1] 216 72160 11.248.t216 True
upon upon upon[4] 217 72161 11.248.t217 True
the the the[27] 218 72162 11.248.t218 True
mighty mighty mighty[1] 219 72163 11.248.t219 True
son son son[4] 220 72164 11.248.t220 True
of of of[14] 221 72165 11.248.t221 True
Atreus. Atreus Atreus[2] 222 72166 11.248.t222 True
And And And[1] 223 72167 11.248.t223 True
even even even[3] 224 72168 11.248.t224 True
as as as[10] 225 72169 11.248.t225 True
when when when[3] 226 72170 11.248.t226 True
the the the[28] 227 72171 11.248.t227 True
sharp sharp sharp[2] 228 72172 11.248.t228 True
dart dart dart[1] 229 72173 11.248.t229 True
striketh striketh striketh[1] 230 72174 11.248.t230 True
a a a[74] 231 72175 11.248.t231 True
woman woman woman[1] 232 72176 11.248.t232 True
in in in[12] 233 72177 11.248.t233 True
travail, travail travail[1] 234 72178 11.248.t234 True
the the the[29] 235 72179 11.248.t235 True
piercing piercing piercing[1] 236 72180 11.248.t236 True
dart dart dart[2] 237 72181 11.248.t237 True
that that that[1] 238 72182 11.248.t238 True
the the the[30] 239 72183 11.248.t239 True
Eilithyiae, Eilithyiae Eilithyiae[1] 240 72184 11.248.t240 True
the the the[31] 241 72185 11.248.t241 True
goddesses goddesses goddesses[1] 242 72186 11.248.t242 True
of of of[15] 243 72187 11.248.t243 True
childbirth, childbirth childbirth[1] 244 72188 11.248.t244 True
send—even sendeven sendeven[1] 245 72189 11.248.t245 True
the the the[32] 246 72190 11.248.t246 True
daughters daughters daughters[1] 247 72191 11.248.t247 True
of of of[16] 248 72192 11.248.t248 True
Hera Hera Hera[1] 249 72193 11.248.t249 True
that that that[2] 250 72194 11.248.t250 True
have have have[1] 251 72195 11.248.t251 True
in in in[14] 252 72196 11.248.t252 True
their their their[2] 253 72197 11.248.t253 True
keeping keeping keeping[1] 254 72198 11.248.t254 True
bitter bitter bitter[1] 255 72199 11.248.t255 True
pangs; pangs pangs[1] 256 72200 11.248.t256 True
even even even[5] 257 72201 11.248.t257 True
so so so[7] 258 72202 11.248.t258 True
sharp sharp sharp[3] 259 72203 11.248.t259 True
pains pains pains[2] 260 72204 11.248.t260 True
came came came[2] 261 72205 11.248.t261 True
upon upon upon[5] 262 72206 11.248.t262 True
the the the[34] 263 72207 11.248.t263 True
mighty mighty mighty[2] 264 72208 11.248.t264 True
son son son[5] 265 72209 11.248.t265 True
of of of[17] 266 72210 11.248.t266 True
Atreus. Atreus Atreus[3] 267 72211 11.248.t267 True
Then Then Then[1] 268 72212 11.248.t268 True
he he he[47] 269 72213 11.248.t269 True
leapt leapt leapt[2] 270 72214 11.248.t270 True
upon upon upon[6] 271 72215 11.248.t271 True
his his his[11] 272 72216 11.248.t272 True
chariot chariot chariot[1] 273 72217 11.248.t273 True
and and and[16] 274 72218 11.248.t274 True
bade bade bade[1] 275 72219 11.248.t275 True
his his his[12] 276 72220 11.248.t276 True
charioteer charioteer charioteer[1] 277 72221 11.248.t277 True
drive drive drive[1] 278 72222 11.248.t278 True
to to to[5] 279 72223 11.248.t279 True
the the the[35] 280 72224 11.248.t280 True
hollow hollow hollow[1] 281 72225 11.248.t281 True
ships, ships ships[1] 282 72226 11.248.t282 True
for for for[2] 283 72227 11.248.t283 True
he he he[49] 284 72228 11.248.t284 True
was was was[3] 285 72229 11.248.t285 True
sore sore sore[1] 286 72230 11.248.t286 True
pained pained pained[1] 287 72231 11.248.t287 True
at at at[10] 288 72232 11.248.t288 True
heart. heart heart[1] 289 72233 11.248.t289 True
And And And[2] 290 72234 11.248.t290 True
he he he[51] 291 72235 11.248.t291 True
uttered uttered uttered[1] 292 72236 11.248.t292 True
a a a[98] 293 72237 11.248.t293 True
piercing piercing piercing[2] 294 72238 11.248.t294 True
shout, shout shout[1] 295 72239 11.248.t295 True
and and and[17] 296 72240 11.248.t296 True
called called called[1] 297 72241 11.248.t297 True
to to to[6] 298 72242 11.248.t298 True
the the the[36] 299 72243 11.248.t299 True
Danaans: Danaans Danaans[1] 300 72244 11.248.t300 True
My My My[1] 301 72245 11.248.t301 True
friends, friends friends[1] 302 72246 11.248.t302 True
leaders leaders leaders[1] 303 72247 11.248.t303 True
and and and[18] 304 72248 11.248.t304 True
rulers rulers rulers[1] 305 72249 11.248.t305 True
of of of[18] 306 72250 11.248.t306 True
the the the[37] 307 72251 11.248.t307 True
Argives, Argives Argives[1] 308 72252 11.248.t308 True
do do do[2] 309 72253 11.248.t309 True
ye ye ye[4] 310 72254 11.248.t310 True
now now now[1] 311 72255 11.248.t311 True
ward ward ward[1] 312 72256 11.248.t312 True
from from from[3] 313 72257 11.248.t313 True
the the the[38] 314 72258 11.248.t314 True
seafaring seafaring seafaring[1] 315 72259 11.248.t315 True
ships ships ships[2] 316 72260 11.248.t316 True
the the the[39] 317 72261 11.248.t317 True
grievous grievous grievous[1] 318 72262 11.248.t318 True
din din din[1] 319 72263 11.248.t319 True
of of of[19] 320 72264 11.248.t320 True
battle, battle battle[2] 321 72265 11.248.t321 True
for for for[3] 322 72266 11.248.t322 True
Zeus Zeus Zeus[1] 323 72267 11.248.t323 True
the the the[40] 324 72268 11.248.t324 True
counsellor counsellor counsellor[1] 325 72269 11.248.t325 True
suffereth suffereth suffereth[1] 326 72270 11.248.t326 True
me me me[9] 327 72271 11.248.t327 True
not not not[2] 328 72272 11.248.t328 True
to to to[7] 329 72273 11.248.t329 True
war war war[6] 330 72274 11.248.t330 True
the the the[41] 331 72275 11.248.t331 True
whole whole whole[1] 332 72276 11.248.t332 True
day day day[1] 333 72277 11.248.t333 True
through through through[3] 334 72278 11.248.t334 True
against against against[1] 335 72279 11.248.t335 True
the the the[42] 336 72280 11.248.t336 True
Trojans. Trojans Trojans[1] 337 72281 11.248.t337 True
So So So[1] 338 72282 11.248.t338 True
spake spake spake[1] 339 72283 11.248.t339 True
he, he he[59] 340 72284 11.248.t340 True
and and and[19] 341 72285 11.248.t341 True
the the the[43] 342 72286 11.248.t342 True
charioteer charioteer charioteer[2] 343 72287 11.248.t343 True
lashed lashed lashed[1] 344 72288 11.248.t344 True
the the the[44] 345 72289 11.248.t345 True
fair-maned fairmaned fairmaned[1] 346 72290 11.248.t346 True
horses horses horses[1] 347 72291 11.248.t347 True
towards towards towards[1] 348 72292 11.248.t348 True
the the the[45] 349 72293 11.248.t349 True
hollow hollow hollow[2] 350 72294 11.248.t350 True
ships, ships ships[3] 351 72295 11.248.t351 True
and and and[20] 352 72296 11.248.t352 True
nothing nothing nothing[1] 353 72297 11.248.t353 True
loath loath loath[1] 354 72298 11.248.t354 True
the the the[46] 355 72299 11.248.t355 True
pair pair pair[1] 356 72300 11.248.t356 True
sped sped sped[1] 357 72301 11.248.t357 True
onward. onward onward[1] 358 72302 11.248.t358 True
With With With[1] 359 72303 11.248.t359 True
foam foam foam[1] 360 72304 11.248.t360 True
were were were[1] 361 72305 11.248.t361 True
their their their[3] 362 72306 11.248.t362 True
breasts breasts breasts[1] 363 72307 11.248.t363 True
flecked, flecked flecked[1] 364 72308 11.248.t364 True
and and and[21] 365 72309 11.248.t365 True
with with with[4] 366 72310 11.248.t366 True
dust dust dust[1] 367 72311 11.248.t367 True
their their their[4] 368 72312 11.248.t368 True
bellies bellies bellies[1] 369 72313 11.248.t369 True
stained stained stained[1] 370 72314 11.248.t370 True
beneath beneath beneath[3] 371 72315 11.248.t371 True
them them them[1] 372 72316 11.248.t372 True
as as as[14] 373 72317 11.248.t373 True
they they they[1] 374 72318 11.248.t374 True
bore bore bore[1] 375 72319 11.248.t375 True
the the the[51] 376 72320 11.248.t376 True
wounded wounded wounded[1] 377 72321 11.248.t377 True
king king king[3] 378 72322 11.248.t378 True
forth forth forth[1] 379 72323 11.248.t379 True
from from from[4] 380 72324 11.248.t380 True
the the the[52] 381 72325 11.248.t381 True
battle. battle battle[3] 382 72326 11.248.t382 True
But But But[4] 383 72327 11.248.t383 True
when when when[4] 384 72328 11.248.t384 True
Hector Hector Hector[1] 385 72329 11.248.t385 True
saw saw saw[1] 386 72330 11.248.t386 True
Agamemnon Agamemnon Agamemnon[5] 387 72331 11.248.t387 True
departing, departing departing[1] 388 72332 11.248.t388 True
to to to[10] 389 72333 11.248.t389 True
Trojans Trojans Trojans[2] 390 72334 11.248.t390 True
and and and[22] 391 72335 11.248.t391 True
Lycians Lycians Lycians[1] 392 72336 11.248.t392 True
he he he[72] 393 72337 11.248.t393 True
called called called[2] 394 72338 11.248.t394 True
with with with[5] 395 72339 11.248.t395 True
a a a[140] 396 72340 11.248.t396 True
loud loud loud[1] 397 72341 11.248.t397 True
shout: shout shout[2] 398 72342 11.248.t398 True
Ye Ye Ye[1] 399 72343 11.248.t399 True
Trojans Trojans Trojans[3] 400 72344 11.248.t400 True
and and and[23] 401 72345 11.248.t401 True
Lycians Lycians Lycians[2] 402 72346 11.248.t402 True
and and and[24] 403 72347 11.248.t403 True
Dardanians Dardanians Dardanians[1] 404 72348 11.248.t404 True
that that that[3] 405 72349 11.248.t405 True
fight fight fight[1] 406 72350 11.248.t406 True
in in in[26] 407 72351 11.248.t407 True
close close close[1] 408 72352 11.248.t408 True
combat, combat combat[1] 409 72353 11.248.t409 True
be be be[8] 410 72354 11.248.t410 True
men, men men[2] 411 72355 11.248.t411 True
my my my[1] 412 72356 11.248.t412 True
friends, friends friends[2] 413 72357 11.248.t413 True
and and and[25] 414 72358 11.248.t414 True
bethink bethink bethink[1] 415 72359 11.248.t415 True
you you you[1] 416 72360 11.248.t416 True
of of of[20] 417 72361 11.248.t417 True
furious furious furious[1] 418 72362 11.248.t418 True
valour. valour valour[1] 419 72363 11.248.t419 True
Gone Gone Gone[1] 420 72364 11.248.t420 True
is is is[13] 421 72365 11.248.t421 True
the the the[53] 422 72366 11.248.t422 True
best best best[1] 423 72367 11.248.t423 True
of of of[21] 424 72368 11.248.t424 True
the the the[54] 425 72369 11.248.t425 True
men, men men[3] 426 72370 11.248.t426 True
and and and[26] 427 72371 11.248.t427 True
to to to[11] 428 72372 11.248.t428 True
me me me[13] 429 72373 11.248.t429 True
hath hath hath[1] 430 72374 11.248.t430 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[2] 431 72375 11.248.t431 True
son son son[6] 432 72376 11.248.t432 True
of of of[22] 433 72377 11.248.t433 True
Cronos Cronos Cronos[1] 434 72378 11.248.t434 True
granted granted granted[1] 435 72379 11.248.t435 True
great great great[2] 436 72380 11.248.t436 True
glory. glory glory[1] 437 72381 11.248.t437 True
Nay, Nay Nay[1] 438 72382 11.248.t438 True
drive drive drive[2] 439 72383 11.248.t439 True
your your your[1] 440 72384 11.248.t440 True
single-hooved singlehooved singlehooved[1] 441 72385 11.248.t441 True
horses horses horses[2] 442 72386 11.248.t442 True
straight straight straight[1] 443 72387 11.248.t443 True
towards towards towards[2] 444 72388 11.248.t444 True
the the the[55] 445 72389 11.248.t445 True
valiant valiant valiant[1] 446 72390 11.248.t446 True
Danaans, Danaans Danaans[2] 447 72391 11.248.t447 True
that that that[4] 448 72392 11.248.t448 True
ye ye ye[5] 449 72393 11.248.t449 True
may may may[1] 450 72394 11.248.t450 True
win win win[3] 451 72395 11.248.t451 True
the the the[56] 452 72396 11.248.t452 True
glory glory glory[2] 453 72397 11.248.t453 True
of of of[23] 454 72398 11.248.t454 True
victory. victory victory[1] 455 72399 11.248.t455 True