urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:852 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 852
For this cause they called him Simoeisius; yet paid he not back to his dear parents the recompense of his upbringing, and but brief was the span of his life, for that he was laid low by the spear of great-souled Aias.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:851)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:853)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
For For For[1] 1 27027 852.t1 True
this this this[1] 2 27028 852.t2 True
cause cause cause[1] 3 27029 852.t3 True
they they they[1] 4 27030 852.t4 True
called called called[1] 5 27031 852.t5 True
him him him[1] 6 27032 852.t6 True
Simoeisius; Simoeisius Simoeisius[1] 7 27033 852.t7 True
yet yet yet[1] 8 27034 852.t8 True
paid paid paid[1] 9 27035 852.t9 True
he he he[2] 10 27036 852.t10 True
not not not[1] 11 27037 852.t11 True
back back back[1] 12 27038 852.t12 True
to to to[1] 13 27039 852.t13 True
his his his[2] 14 27040 852.t14 True
dear dear dear[1] 15 27041 852.t15 True
parents parents parents[1] 16 27042 852.t16 True
the the the[2] 17 27043 852.t17 True
recompense recompense recompense[1] 18 27044 852.t18 True
of of of[1] 19 27045 852.t19 True
his his his[3] 20 27046 852.t20 True
upbringing, upbringing upbringing[1] 21 27047 852.t21 True
and and and[1] 22 27048 852.t22 True
but but but[1] 23 27049 852.t23 True
brief brief brief[1] 24 27050 852.t24 True
was was was[1] 25 27051 852.t25 True
the the the[3] 26 27052 852.t26 True
span span span[1] 27 27053 852.t27 True
of of of[2] 28 27054 852.t28 True
his his his[4] 29 27055 852.t29 True
life, life life[1] 30 27056 852.t30 True
for for for[1] 31 27057 852.t31 True
that that that[1] 32 27058 852.t32 True
he he he[5] 33 27059 852.t33 True
was was was[2] 34 27060 852.t34 True
laid laid laid[1] 35 27061 852.t35 True
low low low[1] 36 27062 852.t36 True
by by by[1] 37 27063 852.t37 True
the the the[4] 38 27064 852.t38 True
spear spear spear[1] 39 27065 852.t39 True
of of of[3] 40 27066 852.t40 True
great-souled greatsouled greatsouled[1] 41 27067 852.t41 True
Aias. Aias Aias[1] 42 27068 852.t42 True