urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:540 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 540
But when Menelaus, dear to Ares, was ware of him as he came forth before the throng with long strides, then even as a lion is glad when he lighteth on a great carcase, having found a horned stag or a wild goat when he is hungry; for greedily doth he devour it, even though swift dogs and lusty youths set upon him: even so was Menelaus glad when his eyes beheld godlike Alexander; for he thought that he had gotten him vengeance on the sinner.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:539)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:541)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
But But But[1] 1 16690 540.t1 True
when when when[1] 2 16691 540.t2 True
Menelaus, Menelaus Menelaus[1] 3 16692 540.t3 True
dear dear dear[1] 4 16693 540.t4 True
to to to[1] 5 16694 540.t5 True
Ares, Ares Ares[1] 6 16695 540.t6 True
was was was[1] 7 16696 540.t7 True
ware ware ware[1] 8 16697 540.t8 True
of of of[1] 9 16698 540.t9 True
him him him[1] 10 16699 540.t10 True
as as as[2] 11 16700 540.t11 True
he he he[2] 12 16701 540.t12 True
came came came[1] 13 16702 540.t13 True
forth forth forth[1] 14 16703 540.t14 True
before before before[1] 15 16704 540.t15 True
the the the[1] 16 16705 540.t16 True
throng throng throng[1] 17 16706 540.t17 True
with with with[1] 18 16707 540.t18 True
long long long[1] 19 16708 540.t19 True
strides, strides strides[1] 20 16709 540.t20 True
then then then[1] 21 16710 540.t21 True
even even even[1] 22 16711 540.t22 True
as as as[3] 23 16712 540.t23 True
a a a[8] 24 16713 540.t24 True
lion lion lion[1] 25 16714 540.t25 True
is is is[1] 26 16715 540.t26 True
glad glad glad[1] 27 16716 540.t27 True
when when when[2] 28 16717 540.t28 True
he he he[6] 29 16718 540.t29 True
lighteth lighteth lighteth[1] 30 16719 540.t30 True
on on on[4] 31 16720 540.t31 True
a a a[10] 32 16721 540.t32 True
great great great[1] 33 16722 540.t33 True
carcase, carcase carcase[1] 34 16723 540.t34 True
having having having[1] 35 16724 540.t35 True
found found found[1] 36 16725 540.t36 True
a a a[15] 37 16726 540.t37 True
horned horned horned[1] 38 16727 540.t38 True
stag stag stag[1] 39 16728 540.t39 True
or or or[4] 40 16729 540.t40 True
a a a[17] 41 16730 540.t41 True
wild wild wild[1] 42 16731 540.t42 True
goat goat goat[1] 43 16732 540.t43 True
when when when[3] 44 16733 540.t44 True
he he he[8] 45 16734 540.t45 True
is is is[2] 46 16735 540.t46 True
hungry; hungry hungry[1] 47 16736 540.t47 True
for for for[3] 48 16737 540.t48 True
greedily greedily greedily[1] 49 16738 540.t49 True
doth doth doth[1] 50 16739 540.t50 True
he he he[9] 51 16740 540.t51 True
devour devour devour[1] 52 16741 540.t52 True
it, it it[2] 53 16742 540.t53 True
even even even[2] 54 16743 540.t54 True
though though though[1] 55 16744 540.t55 True
swift swift swift[1] 56 16745 540.t56 True
dogs dogs dogs[1] 57 16746 540.t57 True
and and and[1] 58 16747 540.t58 True
lusty lusty lusty[1] 59 16748 540.t59 True
youths youths youths[1] 60 16749 540.t60 True
set set set[1] 61 16750 540.t61 True
upon upon upon[1] 62 16751 540.t62 True
him: him him[2] 63 16752 540.t63 True
even even even[3] 64 16753 540.t64 True
so so so[1] 65 16754 540.t65 True
was was was[2] 66 16755 540.t66 True
Menelaus Menelaus Menelaus[2] 67 16756 540.t67 True
glad glad glad[2] 68 16757 540.t68 True
when when when[4] 69 16758 540.t69 True
his his his[1] 70 16759 540.t70 True
eyes eyes eyes[1] 71 16760 540.t71 True
beheld beheld beheld[1] 72 16761 540.t72 True
godlike godlike godlike[1] 73 16762 540.t73 True
Alexander; Alexander Alexander[1] 74 16763 540.t74 True
for for for[4] 75 16764 540.t75 True
he he he[12] 76 16765 540.t76 True
thought thought thought[1] 77 16766 540.t77 True
that that that[1] 78 16767 540.t78 True
he he he[13] 79 16768 540.t79 True
had had had[1] 80 16769 540.t80 True
gotten gotten gotten[1] 81 16770 540.t81 True
him him him[3] 82 16771 540.t82 True
vengeance vengeance vengeance[1] 83 16772 540.t83 True
on on on[6] 84 16773 540.t84 True
the the the[3] 85 16774 540.t85 True
sinner. sinner sinner[1] 86 16775 540.t86 True