urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:5115 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 5115
But when goodly Achilles had had his fill of lamenting, and the longing therefor had departed from his heart and limbs, forthwith then he sprang from his seat, and raised the old man by his hand, pitying his hoary head and hoary beard; and he spake and addressed him with winged words:
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:5114)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:5116)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
But But But[1] 1 175946 5115.t1 True
when when when[1] 2 175947 5115.t2 True
goodly goodly goodly[1] 3 175948 5115.t3 True
Achilles Achilles Achilles[1] 4 175949 5115.t4 True
had had had[1] 5 175950 5115.t5 True
had had had[2] 6 175951 5115.t6 True
his his his[1] 7 175952 5115.t7 True
fill fill fill[1] 8 175953 5115.t8 True
of of of[1] 9 175954 5115.t9 True
lamenting, lamenting lamenting[1] 10 175955 5115.t10 True
and and and[1] 11 175956 5115.t11 True
the the the[1] 12 175957 5115.t12 True
longing longing longing[1] 13 175958 5115.t13 True
therefor therefor therefor[1] 14 175959 5115.t14 True
had had had[3] 15 175960 5115.t15 True
departed departed departed[1] 16 175961 5115.t16 True
from from from[1] 17 175962 5115.t17 True
his his his[2] 18 175963 5115.t18 True
heart heart heart[1] 19 175964 5115.t19 True
and and and[2] 20 175965 5115.t20 True
limbs, limbs limbs[1] 21 175966 5115.t21 True
forthwith forthwith forthwith[1] 22 175967 5115.t22 True
then then then[1] 23 175968 5115.t23 True
he he he[6] 24 175969 5115.t24 True
sprang sprang sprang[1] 25 175970 5115.t25 True
from from from[2] 26 175971 5115.t26 True
his his his[3] 27 175972 5115.t27 True
seat, seat seat[1] 28 175973 5115.t28 True
and and and[3] 29 175974 5115.t29 True
raised raised raised[1] 30 175975 5115.t30 True
the the the[4] 31 175976 5115.t31 True
old old old[1] 32 175977 5115.t32 True
man man man[1] 33 175978 5115.t33 True
by by by[1] 34 175979 5115.t34 True
his his his[4] 35 175980 5115.t35 True
hand, hand hand[1] 36 175981 5115.t36 True
pitying pitying pitying[1] 37 175982 5115.t37 True
his his his[5] 38 175983 5115.t38 True
hoary hoary hoary[1] 39 175984 5115.t39 True
head head head[1] 40 175985 5115.t40 True
and and and[5] 41 175986 5115.t41 True
hoary hoary hoary[2] 42 175987 5115.t42 True
beard; beard beard[1] 43 175988 5115.t43 True
and and and[6] 44 175989 5115.t44 True
he he he[9] 45 175990 5115.t45 True
spake spake spake[1] 46 175991 5115.t46 True
and and and[7] 47 175992 5115.t47 True
addressed addressed addressed[1] 48 175993 5115.t48 True
him him him[1] 49 175994 5115.t49 True
with with with[2] 50 175995 5115.t50 True
winged winged winged[1] 51 175996 5115.t51 True
words: words words[1] 52 175997 5115.t52 True