urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:4892 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 1
REF: 4892
Whoso of the twain shall first reach the other's fair flesh, and touch the inward parts through armour and dark blood, to him will I give this silver - studded sword — a goodly Thracian sword which I took from Asteropaeus; and these arms let the twain bear away to hold in common; and a goodly banquet shall we set before them in our huts.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
Whoso | Whoso | Whoso[1] | 1 | 168884 | 4892.t1 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 2 | 168885 | 4892.t2 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 3 | 168886 | 4892.t3 | True | |
twain | twain | twain[1] | 4 | 168887 | 4892.t4 | True | |
shall | shall | shall[1] | 5 | 168888 | 4892.t5 | True | |
first | first | first[1] | 6 | 168889 | 4892.t6 | True | |
reach | reach | reach[1] | 7 | 168890 | 4892.t7 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 8 | 168891 | 4892.t8 | True | |
other's | others | others[1] | 9 | 168892 | 4892.t9 | True | |
fair | fair | fair[1] | 10 | 168893 | 4892.t10 | True | |
flesh, | flesh | flesh[1] | 11 | 168894 | 4892.t11 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 12 | 168895 | 4892.t12 | True | |
touch | touch | touch[1] | 13 | 168896 | 4892.t13 | True | |
the | the | the[4] | 14 | 168897 | 4892.t14 | True | |
inward | inward | inward[1] | 15 | 168898 | 4892.t15 | True | |
parts | parts | parts[1] | 16 | 168899 | 4892.t16 | True | |
through | through | through[1] | 17 | 168900 | 4892.t17 | True | |
armour | armour | armour[1] | 18 | 168901 | 4892.t18 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 19 | 168902 | 4892.t19 | True | |
dark | dark | dark[1] | 20 | 168903 | 4892.t20 | True | |
blood, | blood | blood[1] | 21 | 168904 | 4892.t21 | True | |
to | to | to[2] | 22 | 168905 | 4892.t22 | True | |
him | him | him[1] | 23 | 168906 | 4892.t23 | True | |
will | will | will[1] | 24 | 168907 | 4892.t24 | True | |
I | I | I[1] | 25 | 168908 | 4892.t25 | True | |
give | give | give[1] | 26 | 168909 | 4892.t26 | True | |
this | this | this[1] | 27 | 168910 | 4892.t27 | True | |
silver | silver | silver[1] | 28 | 168911 | 4892.t28 | True | |
- | [0] | 29 | 168912 | 4892.t29 | True | ||
studded | studded | studded[1] | 30 | 168913 | 4892.t30 | True | |
sword | sword | sword[1] | 31 | 168914 | 4892.t31 | True | |
— | [0] | 32 | 168915 | 4892.t32 | True | ||
a | a | a[11] | 33 | 168916 | 4892.t33 | True | |
goodly | goodly | goodly[1] | 34 | 168917 | 4892.t34 | True | |
Thracian | Thracian | Thracian[1] | 35 | 168918 | 4892.t35 | True | |
sword | sword | sword[2] | 36 | 168919 | 4892.t36 | True | |
which | which | which[1] | 37 | 168920 | 4892.t37 | True | |
I | I | I[2] | 38 | 168921 | 4892.t38 | True | |
took | took | took[1] | 39 | 168922 | 4892.t39 | True | |
from | from | from[1] | 40 | 168923 | 4892.t40 | True | |
Asteropaeus; | Asteropaeus | Asteropaeus[1] | 41 | 168924 | 4892.t41 | True | |
and | and | and[3] | 42 | 168925 | 4892.t42 | True | |
these | these | these[1] | 43 | 168926 | 4892.t43 | True | |
arms | arms | arms[1] | 44 | 168927 | 4892.t44 | True | |
let | let | let[1] | 45 | 168928 | 4892.t45 | True | |
the | the | the[6] | 46 | 168929 | 4892.t46 | True | |
twain | twain | twain[2] | 47 | 168930 | 4892.t47 | True | |
bear | bear | bear[1] | 48 | 168931 | 4892.t48 | True | |
away | away | away[1] | 49 | 168932 | 4892.t49 | True | |
to | to | to[4] | 50 | 168933 | 4892.t50 | True | |
hold | hold | hold[1] | 51 | 168934 | 4892.t51 | True | |
in | in | in[4] | 52 | 168935 | 4892.t52 | True | |
common; | common | common[1] | 53 | 168936 | 4892.t53 | True | |
and | and | and[4] | 54 | 168937 | 4892.t54 | True | |
a | a | a[22] | 55 | 168938 | 4892.t55 | True | |
goodly | goodly | goodly[2] | 56 | 168939 | 4892.t56 | True | |
banquet | banquet | banquet[1] | 57 | 168940 | 4892.t57 | True | |
shall | shall | shall[2] | 58 | 168941 | 4892.t58 | True | |
we | we | we[1] | 59 | 168942 | 4892.t59 | True | |
set | set | set[1] | 60 | 168943 | 4892.t60 | True | |
before | before | before[1] | 61 | 168944 | 4892.t61 | True | |
them | them | them[1] | 62 | 168945 | 4892.t62 | True | |
in | in | in[5] | 63 | 168946 | 4892.t63 | True | |
our | our | our[2] | 64 | 168947 | 4892.t64 | True | |
huts. | huts | huts[1] | 65 | 168948 | 4892.t65 | True |