urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:4663 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 1
REF: 4663
But when they were come to the place that Achilles had appointed unto them, they set down the dead, and swiftly heaped up for him abundant store of wood.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
But | But | But[1] | 1 | 161081 | 4663.t1 | True | |
when | when | when[1] | 2 | 161082 | 4663.t2 | True | |
they | they | they[1] | 3 | 161083 | 4663.t3 | True | |
were | were | were[1] | 4 | 161084 | 4663.t4 | True | |
come | come | come[1] | 5 | 161085 | 4663.t5 | True | |
to | to | to[1] | 6 | 161086 | 4663.t6 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 7 | 161087 | 4663.t7 | True | |
place | place | place[1] | 8 | 161088 | 4663.t8 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 9 | 161089 | 4663.t9 | True | |
Achilles | Achilles | Achilles[1] | 10 | 161090 | 4663.t10 | True | |
had | had | had[1] | 11 | 161091 | 4663.t11 | True | |
appointed | appointed | appointed[1] | 12 | 161092 | 4663.t12 | True | |
unto | unto | unto[1] | 13 | 161093 | 4663.t13 | True | |
them, | them | them[1] | 14 | 161094 | 4663.t14 | True | |
they | they | they[2] | 15 | 161095 | 4663.t15 | True | |
set | set | set[1] | 16 | 161096 | 4663.t16 | True | |
down | down | down[1] | 17 | 161097 | 4663.t17 | True | |
the | the | the[5] | 18 | 161098 | 4663.t18 | True | |
dead, | dead | dead[1] | 19 | 161099 | 4663.t19 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 20 | 161100 | 4663.t20 | True | |
swiftly | swiftly | swiftly[1] | 21 | 161101 | 4663.t21 | True | |
heaped | heaped | heaped[1] | 22 | 161102 | 4663.t22 | True | |
up | up | up[1] | 23 | 161103 | 4663.t23 | True | |
for | for | for[1] | 24 | 161104 | 4663.t24 | True | |
him | him | him[1] | 25 | 161105 | 4663.t25 | True | |
abundant | abundant | abundant[1] | 26 | 161106 | 4663.t26 | True | |
store | store | store[1] | 27 | 161107 | 4663.t27 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 28 | 161108 | 4663.t28 | True | |
wood. | wood | wood[1] | 29 | 161109 | 4663.t29 | True |