urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:4308 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 4308
So spake he, and forthwith Poseidon and Pallas Athene drew nigh and stood by his side, being likened in form to mortal men, and they clasped his hand in theirs and pledged him in words.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:4307)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:4309)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
So So So[1] 1 149645 4308.t1 True
spake spake spake[1] 2 149646 4308.t2 True
he, he he[1] 3 149647 4308.t3 True
and and and[1] 4 149648 4308.t4 True
forthwith forthwith forthwith[1] 5 149649 4308.t5 True
Poseidon Poseidon Poseidon[1] 6 149650 4308.t6 True
and and and[2] 7 149651 4308.t7 True
Pallas Pallas Pallas[1] 8 149652 4308.t8 True
Athene Athene Athene[1] 9 149653 4308.t9 True
drew drew drew[1] 10 149654 4308.t10 True
nigh nigh nigh[1] 11 149655 4308.t11 True
and and and[3] 12 149656 4308.t12 True
stood stood stood[1] 13 149657 4308.t13 True
by by by[1] 14 149658 4308.t14 True
his his his[1] 15 149659 4308.t15 True
side, side side[1] 16 149660 4308.t16 True
being being being[1] 17 149661 4308.t17 True
likened likened likened[1] 18 149662 4308.t18 True
in in in[2] 19 149663 4308.t19 True
form form form[1] 20 149664 4308.t20 True
to to to[2] 21 149665 4308.t21 True
mortal mortal mortal[1] 22 149666 4308.t22 True
men, men men[1] 23 149667 4308.t23 True
and and and[4] 24 149668 4308.t24 True
they they they[1] 25 149669 4308.t25 True
clasped clasped clasped[1] 26 149670 4308.t26 True
his his his[2] 27 149671 4308.t27 True
hand hand hand[1] 28 149672 4308.t28 True
in in in[3] 29 149673 4308.t29 True
theirs theirs theirs[1] 30 149674 4308.t30 True
and and and[6] 31 149675 4308.t31 True
pledged pledged pledged[1] 32 149676 4308.t32 True
him him him[1] 33 149677 4308.t33 True
in in in[4] 34 149678 4308.t34 True
words. words words[1] 35 149679 4308.t35 True