urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:4139 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 1
REF: 4139
And having escaped the long spear he stood up, and over his eyes measureless grief was shed, and fear came over him for that the spear was planted so nigh.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
And | And | And[1] | 1 | 143735 | 4139.t1 | True | |
having | having | having[1] | 2 | 143736 | 4139.t2 | True | |
escaped | escaped | escaped[1] | 3 | 143737 | 4139.t3 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 4 | 143738 | 4139.t4 | True | |
long | long | long[1] | 5 | 143739 | 4139.t5 | True | |
spear | spear | spear[1] | 6 | 143740 | 4139.t6 | True | |
he | he | he[2] | 7 | 143741 | 4139.t7 | True | |
stood | stood | stood[1] | 8 | 143742 | 4139.t8 | True | |
up, | up | up[1] | 9 | 143743 | 4139.t9 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 10 | 143744 | 4139.t10 | True | |
over | over | over[1] | 11 | 143745 | 4139.t11 | True | |
his | his | his[1] | 12 | 143746 | 4139.t12 | True | |
eyes | eyes | eyes[1] | 13 | 143747 | 4139.t13 | True | |
measureless | measureless | measureless[1] | 14 | 143748 | 4139.t14 | True | |
grief | grief | grief[1] | 15 | 143749 | 4139.t15 | True | |
was | was | was[1] | 16 | 143750 | 4139.t16 | True | |
shed, | shed | shed[1] | 17 | 143751 | 4139.t17 | True | |
and | and | and[2] | 18 | 143752 | 4139.t18 | True | |
fear | fear | fear[1] | 19 | 143753 | 4139.t19 | True | |
came | came | came[1] | 20 | 143754 | 4139.t20 | True | |
over | over | over[2] | 21 | 143755 | 4139.t21 | True | |
him | him | him[1] | 22 | 143756 | 4139.t22 | True | |
for | for | for[1] | 23 | 143757 | 4139.t23 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 24 | 143758 | 4139.t24 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 25 | 143759 | 4139.t25 | True | |
spear | spear | spear[2] | 26 | 143760 | 4139.t26 | True | |
was | was | was[2] | 27 | 143761 | 4139.t27 | True | |
planted | planted | planted[1] | 28 | 143762 | 4139.t28 | True | |
so | so | so[1] | 29 | 143763 | 4139.t29 | True | |
nigh. | nigh | nigh[1] | 30 | 143764 | 4139.t30 | True |