urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:3953 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 1
REF: 3953
Even so I also, what time great Hector of the flashing helm was making havoc of the Argives at the sterns of the ships, could not forget Ate, of whom at the first I was made blind.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
Even | Even | Even[1] | 1 | 137221 | 3953.t1 | True | |
so | so | so[1] | 2 | 137222 | 3953.t2 | True | |
I | I | I[1] | 3 | 137223 | 3953.t3 | True | |
also, | also | also[1] | 4 | 137224 | 3953.t4 | True | |
what | what | what[1] | 5 | 137225 | 3953.t5 | True | |
time | time | time[1] | 6 | 137226 | 3953.t6 | True | |
great | great | great[1] | 7 | 137227 | 3953.t7 | True | |
Hector | Hector | Hector[1] | 8 | 137228 | 3953.t8 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 9 | 137229 | 3953.t9 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 10 | 137230 | 3953.t10 | True | |
flashing | flashing | flashing[1] | 11 | 137231 | 3953.t11 | True | |
helm | helm | helm[1] | 12 | 137232 | 3953.t12 | True | |
was | was | was[1] | 13 | 137233 | 3953.t13 | True | |
making | making | making[1] | 14 | 137234 | 3953.t14 | True | |
havoc | havoc | havoc[1] | 15 | 137235 | 3953.t15 | True | |
of | of | of[2] | 16 | 137236 | 3953.t16 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 17 | 137237 | 3953.t17 | True | |
Argives | Argives | Argives[1] | 18 | 137238 | 3953.t18 | True | |
at | at | at[3] | 19 | 137239 | 3953.t19 | True | |
the | the | the[3] | 20 | 137240 | 3953.t20 | True | |
sterns | sterns | sterns[1] | 21 | 137241 | 3953.t21 | True | |
of | of | of[3] | 22 | 137242 | 3953.t22 | True | |
the | the | the[4] | 23 | 137243 | 3953.t23 | True | |
ships, | ships | ships[1] | 24 | 137244 | 3953.t24 | True | |
could | could | could[1] | 25 | 137245 | 3953.t25 | True | |
not | not | not[1] | 26 | 137246 | 3953.t26 | True | |
forget | forget | forget[1] | 27 | 137247 | 3953.t27 | True | |
Ate, | Ate | Ate[1] | 28 | 137248 | 3953.t28 | True | |
of | of | of[4] | 29 | 137249 | 3953.t29 | True | |
whom | whom | whom[1] | 30 | 137250 | 3953.t30 | True | |
at | at | at[4] | 31 | 137251 | 3953.t31 | True | |
the | the | the[5] | 32 | 137252 | 3953.t32 | True | |
first | first | first[1] | 33 | 137253 | 3953.t33 | True | |
I | I | I[2] | 34 | 137254 | 3953.t34 | True | |
was | was | was[2] | 35 | 137255 | 3953.t35 | True | |
made | made | made[1] | 36 | 137256 | 3953.t36 | True | |
blind. | blind | blind[1] | 37 | 137257 | 3953.t37 | True |