urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:3437 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 3
REF: 3437
And the son of Atreus, Menelaus, dear to Ares, failed not to mark that Patroclus had been slain in battle by the Trojans, but fared amid the foremost fighters, harnessed in flaming bronze, and bestrode the dead, as over a calf standeth lowing plaintively its mother, that hath brought forth her first -born, ere then knowing naught of motherhood; even so over Patroclus strode fair - haired Menelaus, and before him he held his spear and his shield that was well - balanced upon every side, eager to slay the man who should come to seize the corpse.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
And | And | And[1] | 1 | 119820 | 3437.t1 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 2 | 119821 | 3437.t2 | True | |
son | son | son[1] | 3 | 119822 | 3437.t3 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 4 | 119823 | 3437.t4 | True | |
Atreus, | Atreus | Atreus[1] | 5 | 119824 | 3437.t5 | True | |
Menelaus, | Menelaus | Menelaus[1] | 6 | 119825 | 3437.t6 | True | |
dear | dear | dear[1] | 7 | 119826 | 3437.t7 | True | |
to | to | to[1] | 8 | 119827 | 3437.t8 | True | |
Ares, | Ares | Ares[1] | 9 | 119828 | 3437.t9 | True | |
failed | failed | failed[1] | 10 | 119829 | 3437.t10 | True | |
not | not | not[1] | 11 | 119830 | 3437.t11 | True | |
to | to | to[2] | 12 | 119831 | 3437.t12 | True | |
mark | mark | mark[1] | 13 | 119832 | 3437.t13 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 14 | 119833 | 3437.t14 | True | |
Patroclus | Patroclus | Patroclus[1] | 15 | 119834 | 3437.t15 | True | |
had | had | had[1] | 16 | 119835 | 3437.t16 | True | |
been | been | been[1] | 17 | 119836 | 3437.t17 | True | |
slain | slain | slain[1] | 18 | 119837 | 3437.t18 | True | |
in | in | in[2] | 19 | 119838 | 3437.t19 | True | |
battle | battle | battle[1] | 20 | 119839 | 3437.t20 | True | |
by | by | by[1] | 21 | 119840 | 3437.t21 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 22 | 119841 | 3437.t22 | True | |
Trojans, | Trojans | Trojans[1] | 23 | 119842 | 3437.t23 | True | |
but | but | but[1] | 24 | 119843 | 3437.t24 | True | |
fared | fared | fared[1] | 25 | 119844 | 3437.t25 | True | |
amid | amid | amid[1] | 26 | 119845 | 3437.t26 | True | |
the | the | the[3] | 27 | 119846 | 3437.t27 | True | |
foremost | foremost | foremost[1] | 28 | 119847 | 3437.t28 | True | |
fighters, | fighters | fighters[1] | 29 | 119848 | 3437.t29 | True | |
harnessed | harnessed | harnessed[1] | 30 | 119849 | 3437.t30 | True | |
in | in | in[3] | 31 | 119850 | 3437.t31 | True | |
flaming | flaming | flaming[1] | 32 | 119851 | 3437.t32 | True | |
bronze, | bronze | bronze[1] | 33 | 119852 | 3437.t33 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 34 | 119853 | 3437.t34 | True | |
bestrode | bestrode | bestrode[1] | 35 | 119854 | 3437.t35 | True | |
the | the | the[4] | 36 | 119855 | 3437.t36 | True | |
dead, | dead | dead[1] | 37 | 119856 | 3437.t37 | True | |
as | as | as[1] | 38 | 119857 | 3437.t38 | True | |
over | over | over[1] | 39 | 119858 | 3437.t39 | True | |
a | a | a[18] | 40 | 119859 | 3437.t40 | True | |
calf | calf | calf[1] | 41 | 119860 | 3437.t41 | True | |
standeth | standeth | standeth[1] | 42 | 119861 | 3437.t42 | True | |
lowing | lowing | lowing[1] | 43 | 119862 | 3437.t43 | True | |
plaintively | plaintively | plaintively[1] | 44 | 119863 | 3437.t44 | True | |
its | its | its[1] | 45 | 119864 | 3437.t45 | True | |
mother, | mother | mother[1] | 46 | 119865 | 3437.t46 | True | |
that | that | that[2] | 47 | 119866 | 3437.t47 | True | |
hath | hath | hath[1] | 48 | 119867 | 3437.t48 | True | |
brought | brought | brought[1] | 49 | 119868 | 3437.t49 | True | |
forth | forth | forth[1] | 50 | 119869 | 3437.t50 | True | |
her | her | her[2] | 51 | 119870 | 3437.t51 | True | |
first | first | first[1] | 52 | 119871 | 3437.t52 | True | |
-born, | born | born[1] | 53 | 119872 | 3437.t53 | True | |
ere | ere | ere[1] | 54 | 119873 | 3437.t54 | True | |
then | then | then[1] | 55 | 119874 | 3437.t55 | True | |
knowing | knowing | knowing[1] | 56 | 119875 | 3437.t56 | True | |
naught | naught | naught[1] | 57 | 119876 | 3437.t57 | True | |
of | of | of[2] | 58 | 119877 | 3437.t58 | True | |
motherhood; | motherhood | motherhood[1] | 59 | 119878 | 3437.t59 | True | |
even | even | even[1] | 60 | 119879 | 3437.t60 | True | |
so | so | so[2] | 61 | 119880 | 3437.t61 | True | |
over | over | over[2] | 62 | 119881 | 3437.t62 | True | |
Patroclus | Patroclus | Patroclus[2] | 63 | 119882 | 3437.t63 | True | |
strode | strode | strode[2] | 64 | 119883 | 3437.t64 | True | |
fair | fair | fair[1] | 65 | 119884 | 3437.t65 | True | |
- | [0] | 66 | 119885 | 3437.t66 | True | ||
haired | haired | haired[1] | 67 | 119886 | 3437.t67 | True | |
Menelaus, | Menelaus | Menelaus[2] | 68 | 119887 | 3437.t68 | True | |
and | and | and[3] | 69 | 119888 | 3437.t69 | True | |
before | before | before[1] | 70 | 119889 | 3437.t70 | True | |
him | him | him[1] | 71 | 119890 | 3437.t71 | True | |
he | he | he[9] | 72 | 119891 | 3437.t72 | True | |
held | held | held[1] | 73 | 119892 | 3437.t73 | True | |
his | his | his[1] | 74 | 119893 | 3437.t74 | True | |
spear | spear | spear[1] | 75 | 119894 | 3437.t75 | True | |
and | and | and[4] | 76 | 119895 | 3437.t76 | True | |
his | his | his[2] | 77 | 119896 | 3437.t77 | True | |
shield | shield | shield[1] | 78 | 119897 | 3437.t78 | True | |
that | that | that[3] | 79 | 119898 | 3437.t79 | True | |
was | was | was[1] | 80 | 119899 | 3437.t80 | True | |
well | well | well[1] | 81 | 119900 | 3437.t81 | True | |
- | [0] | 82 | 119901 | 3437.t82 | True | ||
balanced | balanced | balanced[1] | 83 | 119902 | 3437.t83 | True | |
upon | upon | upon[1] | 84 | 119903 | 3437.t84 | True | |
every | every | every[1] | 85 | 119904 | 3437.t85 | True | |
side, | side | side[1] | 86 | 119905 | 3437.t86 | True | |
eager | eager | eager[1] | 87 | 119906 | 3437.t87 | True | |
to | to | to[3] | 88 | 119907 | 3437.t88 | True | |
slay | slay | slay[1] | 89 | 119908 | 3437.t89 | True | |
the | the | the[8] | 90 | 119909 | 3437.t90 | True | |
man | man | man[1] | 91 | 119910 | 3437.t91 | True | |
who | who | who[1] | 92 | 119911 | 3437.t92 | True | |
should | should | should[1] | 93 | 119912 | 3437.t93 | True | |
come | come | come[1] | 94 | 119913 | 3437.t94 | True | |
to | to | to[4] | 95 | 119914 | 3437.t95 | True | |
seize | seize | seize[1] | 96 | 119915 | 3437.t96 | True | |
the | the | the[9] | 97 | 119916 | 3437.t97 | True | |
corpse. | corpse | corpse[1] | 98 | 119917 | 3437.t98 | True |