urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:3343 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 3
REF: 3343
Far as is the flight of a long javelin, that a man casteth, making trial of his strength, in a contest, haply, or in war beneath the press of murderous foemen, even so far did the Trojans draw back, and the Achaeans drave them.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
Far | Far | Far[1] | 1 | 116639 | 3343.t1 | True | |
as | as | as[1] | 2 | 116640 | 3343.t2 | True | |
is | is | is[1] | 3 | 116641 | 3343.t3 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 4 | 116642 | 3343.t4 | True | |
flight | flight | flight[1] | 5 | 116643 | 3343.t5 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 6 | 116644 | 3343.t6 | True | |
a | a | a[3] | 7 | 116645 | 3343.t7 | True | |
long | long | long[1] | 8 | 116646 | 3343.t8 | True | |
javelin, | javelin | javelin[1] | 9 | 116647 | 3343.t9 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 10 | 116648 | 3343.t10 | True | |
a | a | a[6] | 11 | 116649 | 3343.t11 | True | |
man | man | man[1] | 12 | 116650 | 3343.t12 | True | |
casteth, | casteth | casteth[1] | 13 | 116651 | 3343.t13 | True | |
making | making | making[1] | 14 | 116652 | 3343.t14 | True | |
trial | trial | trial[1] | 15 | 116653 | 3343.t15 | True | |
of | of | of[2] | 16 | 116654 | 3343.t16 | True | |
his | his | his[1] | 17 | 116655 | 3343.t17 | True | |
strength, | strength | strength[1] | 18 | 116656 | 3343.t18 | True | |
in | in | in[3] | 19 | 116657 | 3343.t19 | True | |
a | a | a[11] | 20 | 116658 | 3343.t20 | True | |
contest, | contest | contest[1] | 21 | 116659 | 3343.t21 | True | |
haply, | haply | haply[1] | 22 | 116660 | 3343.t22 | True | |
or | or | or[1] | 23 | 116661 | 3343.t23 | True | |
in | in | in[4] | 24 | 116662 | 3343.t24 | True | |
war | war | war[1] | 25 | 116663 | 3343.t25 | True | |
beneath | beneath | beneath[1] | 26 | 116664 | 3343.t26 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 27 | 116665 | 3343.t27 | True | |
press | press | press[1] | 28 | 116666 | 3343.t28 | True | |
of | of | of[3] | 29 | 116667 | 3343.t29 | True | |
murderous | murderous | murderous[1] | 30 | 116668 | 3343.t30 | True | |
foemen, | foemen | foemen[1] | 31 | 116669 | 3343.t31 | True | |
even | even | even[1] | 32 | 116670 | 3343.t32 | True | |
so | so | so[1] | 33 | 116671 | 3343.t33 | True | |
far | far | far[1] | 34 | 116672 | 3343.t34 | True | |
did | did | did[1] | 35 | 116673 | 3343.t35 | True | |
the | the | the[3] | 36 | 116674 | 3343.t36 | True | |
Trojans | Trojans | Trojans[1] | 37 | 116675 | 3343.t37 | True | |
draw | draw | draw[1] | 38 | 116676 | 3343.t38 | True | |
back, | back | back[1] | 39 | 116677 | 3343.t39 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 40 | 116678 | 3343.t40 | True | |
the | the | the[4] | 41 | 116679 | 3343.t41 | True | |
Achaeans | Achaeans | Achaeans[1] | 42 | 116680 | 3343.t42 | True | |
drave | drave | drave[1] | 43 | 116681 | 3343.t43 | True | |
them. | them | them[1] | 44 | 116682 | 3343.t44 | True |