urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:307 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 307
He laid no hand upon his benched, black ship, for that grief had come upon his heart and soul; and flashing - eyed Athene stood near him, and said: Son of Laërtes, sprung from Zeus, Odysseus of many wiles, is it thus indeed that ye will fling yourselves on your benched ships to flee to your dear native land?
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:306)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:308)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
He He He[1] 1 8774 307.t1 True
laid laid laid[1] 2 8775 307.t2 True
no no no[1] 3 8776 307.t3 True
hand hand hand[1] 4 8777 307.t4 True
upon upon upon[1] 5 8778 307.t5 True
his his his[1] 6 8779 307.t6 True
benched, benched benched[1] 7 8780 307.t7 True
black black black[1] 8 8781 307.t8 True
ship, ship ship[1] 9 8782 307.t9 True
for for for[1] 10 8783 307.t10 True
that that that[1] 11 8784 307.t11 True
grief grief grief[1] 12 8785 307.t12 True
had had had[1] 13 8786 307.t13 True
come come come[1] 14 8787 307.t14 True
upon upon upon[2] 15 8788 307.t15 True
his his his[2] 16 8789 307.t16 True
heart heart heart[1] 17 8790 307.t17 True
and and and[2] 18 8791 307.t18 True
soul; soul soul[1] 19 8792 307.t19 True
and and and[3] 20 8793 307.t20 True
flashing flashing flashing[1] 21 8794 307.t21 True
- [0] 22 8795 307.t22 True
eyed eyed eyed[1] 23 8796 307.t23 True
Athene Athene Athene[1] 24 8797 307.t24 True
stood stood stood[1] 25 8798 307.t25 True
near near near[1] 26 8799 307.t26 True
him, him him[1] 27 8800 307.t27 True
and and and[4] 28 8801 307.t28 True
said: said said[1] 29 8802 307.t29 True
Son Son Son[1] 30 8803 307.t30 True
of of of[1] 31 8804 307.t31 True
Laërtes, Laërtes Laërtes[1] 32 8805 307.t32 True
sprung sprung sprung[1] 33 8806 307.t33 True
from from from[1] 34 8807 307.t34 True
Zeus, Zeus Zeus[1] 35 8808 307.t35 True
Odysseus Odysseus Odysseus[1] 36 8809 307.t36 True
of of of[2] 37 8810 307.t37 True
many many many[1] 38 8811 307.t38 True
wiles, wiles wiles[1] 39 8812 307.t39 True
is is is[3] 40 8813 307.t40 True
it it it[1] 41 8814 307.t41 True
thus thus thus[1] 42 8815 307.t42 True
indeed indeed indeed[1] 43 8816 307.t43 True
that that that[2] 44 8817 307.t44 True
ye ye ye[2] 45 8818 307.t45 True
will will will[1] 46 8819 307.t46 True
fling fling fling[1] 47 8820 307.t47 True
yourselves yourselves yourselves[1] 48 8821 307.t48 True
on on on[4] 49 8822 307.t49 True
your your your[2] 50 8823 307.t50 True
benched benched benched[2] 51 8824 307.t51 True
ships ships ships[1] 52 8825 307.t52 True
to to to[2] 53 8826 307.t53 True
flee flee flee[1] 54 8827 307.t54 True
to to to[3] 55 8828 307.t55 True
your your your[3] 56 8829 307.t56 True
dear dear dear[1] 57 8830 307.t57 True
native native native[1] 58 8831 307.t58 True
land? land land[1] 59 8832 307.t59 True