urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:247 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 1
REF: 247
For the immortals, that have homes upon Olympus, are no longer divided in counsel, since Hera hath Vent the minds of all by her supplication, and over the Trojans hang woes.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
For | For | For[1] | 1 | 6963 | 247.t1 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 2 | 6964 | 247.t2 | True | |
immortals, | immortals | immortals[1] | 3 | 6965 | 247.t3 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 4 | 6966 | 247.t4 | True | |
have | have | have[1] | 5 | 6967 | 247.t5 | True | |
homes | homes | homes[1] | 6 | 6968 | 247.t6 | True | |
upon | upon | upon[1] | 7 | 6969 | 247.t7 | True | |
Olympus, | Olympus | Olympus[1] | 8 | 6970 | 247.t8 | True | |
are | are | are[1] | 9 | 6971 | 247.t9 | True | |
no | no | no[1] | 10 | 6972 | 247.t10 | True | |
longer | longer | longer[1] | 11 | 6973 | 247.t11 | True | |
divided | divided | divided[1] | 12 | 6974 | 247.t12 | True | |
in | in | in[1] | 13 | 6975 | 247.t13 | True | |
counsel, | counsel | counsel[1] | 14 | 6976 | 247.t14 | True | |
since | since | since[1] | 15 | 6977 | 247.t15 | True | |
Hera | Hera | Hera[1] | 16 | 6978 | 247.t16 | True | |
hath | hath | hath[1] | 17 | 6979 | 247.t17 | True | |
Vent | Vent | Vent[1] | 18 | 6980 | 247.t18 | True | |
the | the | the[2] | 19 | 6981 | 247.t19 | True | |
minds | minds | minds[1] | 20 | 6982 | 247.t20 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 21 | 6983 | 247.t21 | True | |
all | all | all[1] | 22 | 6984 | 247.t22 | True | |
by | by | by[1] | 23 | 6985 | 247.t23 | True | |
her | her | her[1] | 24 | 6986 | 247.t24 | True | |
supplication, | supplication | supplication[1] | 25 | 6987 | 247.t25 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 26 | 6988 | 247.t26 | True | |
over | over | over[1] | 27 | 6989 | 247.t27 | True | |
the | the | the[3] | 28 | 6990 | 247.t28 | True | |
Trojans | Trojans | Trojans[1] | 29 | 6991 | 247.t29 | True | |
hang | hang | hang[1] | 30 | 6992 | 247.t30 | True | |
woes. | woes | woes[1] | 31 | 6993 | 247.t31 | True |