urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:182 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 182
Then, when they had prayed, and had sprinkled the barley grains, they first drew back the victims' heads, and cut their throats, and flayed them, and cut out the thighs and covered them with a double layer of fat, and laid raw flesh thereon.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:181)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:183)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
Then, Then Then[1] 1 5091 182.t1 True
when when when[1] 2 5092 182.t2 True
they they they[1] 3 5093 182.t3 True
had had had[1] 4 5094 182.t4 True
prayed, prayed prayed[1] 5 5095 182.t5 True
and and and[1] 6 5096 182.t6 True
had had had[2] 7 5097 182.t7 True
sprinkled sprinkled sprinkled[1] 8 5098 182.t8 True
the the the[2] 9 5099 182.t9 True
barley barley barley[1] 10 5100 182.t10 True
grains, grains grains[1] 11 5101 182.t11 True
they they they[2] 12 5102 182.t12 True
first first first[1] 13 5103 182.t13 True
drew drew drew[1] 14 5104 182.t14 True
back back back[1] 15 5105 182.t15 True
the the the[4] 16 5106 182.t16 True
victims' victims victims[1] 17 5107 182.t17 True
heads, heads heads[1] 18 5108 182.t18 True
and and and[2] 19 5109 182.t19 True
cut cut cut[1] 20 5110 182.t20 True
their their their[1] 21 5111 182.t21 True
throats, throats throats[1] 22 5112 182.t22 True
and and and[3] 23 5113 182.t23 True
flayed flayed flayed[1] 24 5114 182.t24 True
them, them them[1] 25 5115 182.t25 True
and and and[4] 26 5116 182.t26 True
cut cut cut[2] 27 5117 182.t27 True
out out out[1] 28 5118 182.t28 True
the the the[7] 29 5119 182.t29 True
thighs thighs thighs[1] 30 5120 182.t30 True
and and and[5] 31 5121 182.t31 True
covered covered covered[1] 32 5122 182.t32 True
them them them[2] 33 5123 182.t33 True
with with with[1] 34 5124 182.t34 True
a a a[15] 35 5125 182.t35 True
double double double[1] 36 5126 182.t36 True
layer layer layer[1] 37 5127 182.t37 True
of of of[1] 38 5128 182.t38 True
fat, fat fat[1] 39 5129 182.t39 True
and and and[6] 40 5130 182.t40 True
laid laid laid[1] 41 5131 182.t41 True
raw raw raw[1] 42 5132 182.t42 True
flesh flesh flesh[1] 43 5133 182.t43 True
thereon. thereon thereon[1] 44 5134 182.t44 True