urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:1698 (sentence)

Descendant Count: 3
REF: 1698
Nay, come, even as I shall bid let us all obey: let us flee with our ships to our dear native land; for no more is there hope that we shall take broad - wayed Troy.
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:1697)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:1699)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
Nay, Nay Nay[1] 1 56093 1698.t1 True
come, come come[1] 2 56094 1698.t2 True
even even even[1] 3 56095 1698.t3 True
as as as[1] 4 56096 1698.t4 True
I I I[1] 5 56097 1698.t5 True
shall shall shall[1] 6 56098 1698.t6 True
bid bid bid[1] 7 56099 1698.t7 True
let let let[1] 8 56100 1698.t8 True
us us us[1] 9 56101 1698.t9 True
all all all[2] 10 56102 1698.t10 True
obey: obey obey[1] 11 56103 1698.t11 True
let let let[2] 12 56104 1698.t12 True
us us us[2] 13 56105 1698.t13 True
flee flee flee[1] 14 56106 1698.t14 True
with with with[1] 15 56107 1698.t15 True
our our our[1] 16 56108 1698.t16 True
ships ships ships[1] 17 56109 1698.t17 True
to to to[1] 18 56110 1698.t18 True
our our our[2] 19 56111 1698.t19 True
dear dear dear[1] 20 56112 1698.t20 True
native native native[1] 21 56113 1698.t21 True
land; land land[1] 22 56114 1698.t22 True
for for for[1] 23 56115 1698.t23 True
no no no[1] 24 56116 1698.t24 True
more more more[1] 25 56117 1698.t25 True
is is is[1] 26 56118 1698.t26 True
there there there[1] 27 56119 1698.t27 True
hope hope hope[1] 28 56120 1698.t28 True
that that that[1] 29 56121 1698.t29 True
we we we[1] 30 56122 1698.t30 True
shall shall shall[2] 31 56123 1698.t31 True
take take take[1] 32 56124 1698.t32 True
broad broad broad[1] 33 56125 1698.t33 True
- [0] 34 56126 1698.t34 True
wayed wayed wayed[1] 35 56127 1698.t35 True
Troy. Troy Troy[1] 36 56128 1698.t36 True