urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.perseus-eng3-trees:1661 (sentence)
Descendant Count: 3
REF: 1661
Well know we of ourselves that thine is no weakling strength; yet even so have we pity for the Danaan spearmen who now shall perish and fulfill an evil fate.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
Well | Well | Well[1] | 1 | 54681 | 1661.t1 | True | |
know | know | know[1] | 2 | 54682 | 1661.t2 | True | |
we | we | we[1] | 3 | 54683 | 1661.t3 | True | |
of | of | of[1] | 4 | 54684 | 1661.t4 | True | |
ourselves | ourselves | ourselves[1] | 5 | 54685 | 1661.t5 | True | |
that | that | that[1] | 6 | 54686 | 1661.t6 | True | |
thine | thine | thine[1] | 7 | 54687 | 1661.t7 | True | |
is | is | is[1] | 8 | 54688 | 1661.t8 | True | |
no | no | no[2] | 9 | 54689 | 1661.t9 | True | |
weakling | weakling | weakling[1] | 10 | 54690 | 1661.t10 | True | |
strength; | strength | strength[1] | 11 | 54691 | 1661.t11 | True | |
yet | yet | yet[1] | 12 | 54692 | 1661.t12 | True | |
even | even | even[1] | 13 | 54693 | 1661.t13 | True | |
so | so | so[1] | 14 | 54694 | 1661.t14 | True | |
have | have | have[1] | 15 | 54695 | 1661.t15 | True | |
we | we | we[3] | 16 | 54696 | 1661.t16 | True | |
pity | pity | pity[1] | 17 | 54697 | 1661.t17 | True | |
for | for | for[1] | 18 | 54698 | 1661.t18 | True | |
the | the | the[1] | 19 | 54699 | 1661.t19 | True | |
Danaan | Danaan | Danaan[1] | 20 | 54700 | 1661.t20 | True | |
spearmen | spearmen | spearmen[1] | 21 | 54701 | 1661.t21 | True | |
who | who | who[1] | 22 | 54702 | 1661.t22 | True | |
now | now | now[2] | 23 | 54703 | 1661.t23 | True | |
shall | shall | shall[1] | 24 | 54704 | 1661.t24 | True | |
perish | perish | perish[1] | 25 | 54705 | 1661.t25 | True | |
and | and | and[1] | 26 | 54706 | 1661.t26 | True | |
fulfill | fulfill | fulfill[1] | 27 | 54707 | 1661.t27 | True | |
an | an | an[4] | 28 | 54708 | 1661.t28 | True | |
evil | evil | evil[1] | 29 | 54709 | 1661.t29 | True | |
fate. | fate | fate[1] | 30 | 54710 | 1661.t30 | True |