urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.parrish-eng1:1.67 (line)
Descendant Count: 0
REF: 1.67
would be willing to avert destruction from us.
Value | Word Value | Subref Value | Position | Index | VE Ref | Space After | Alignments |
would | would | would[1] | 1 | 849 | 1.67.t1 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
be | be | be[1] | 2 | 850 | 1.67.t2 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
willing | willing | willing[1] | 3 | 851 | 1.67.t3 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
to | to | to[1] | 4 | 852 | 1.67.t4 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
avert | avert | avert[1] | 5 | 853 | 1.67.t5 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
destruction | destruction | destruction[1] | 6 | 854 | 1.67.t6 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
from | from | from[1] | 7 | 855 | 1.67.t7 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |
us. | us | us[1] | 8 | 856 | 1.67.t8 | True | Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish) |