urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.parrish-eng1:1.371 (line)

Descendant Count: 1
REF: 1.371
came to the swift ships of the bronze-wearing Achaeans
PREV (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.parrish-eng1:1.370)
NEXT (urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.parrish-eng1:1.372)




Value Word Value Subref Value Position Index VE Ref Space After Alignments
came came came[1] 1 4931 1.371.t1 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
to to to[1] 2 4932 1.371.t2 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
the the the[1] 3 4933 1.371.t3 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
swift swift swift[1] 4 4934 1.371.t4 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
ships ships ships[1] 5 4935 1.371.t5 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
of of of[1] 6 4936 1.371.t6 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
the the the[2] 7 4937 1.371.t7 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
bronze-wearing bronzewearing bronzewearing[1] 8 4938 1.371.t8 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)
Achaeans Achaeans Achaeans[1] 9 4939 1.371.t9 True Iliad Word Alignment (Parrish)