Scaife ATLAS

CTS Library / Athanasius of Alexandria / De incarnatione

Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms S) (Greek edition)

Paris, Bibiotheque Nationale, Coislinianus gr. 45 (PTAMS00601), transcribed by Kyriakos Savvidis
First passage: 1


Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms 47) (Greek edition)
Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms L) (Greek edition)
Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms H) (Greek edition)
Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms 74) (Greek edition)
Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms 57) (Greek edition)
Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Greek edition)
Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms S) (Greek edition)

Table of Contents


{'urn': 'urn:cts:pta:pta0022.pta002.pta-MsS', 'label': 'Athanasius Alexandrinus: De incarnatione (Ms S)', 'description': 'Paris, Bibiotheque Nationale, Coislinianus gr. 45 (PTAMS00601), transcribed by Kyriakos Savvidis', 'kind': 'edition', 'lang': 'grc', 'rtl': False, 'human_lang': 'Greek'}