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CTS Library / Theodoret of Cyrrhus / Interpretatio in Danielem

Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms M) (Greek edition)

München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.graec. 117 (PTAMS00551), transcribed by Sophia Luise Häberle / Philip Schmitz / Jennifer Teichmann
First passage: pr


Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms C) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms M) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms V) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms W) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms F) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms U) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms A) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms B) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms I) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms P) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms E) (Greek edition)
Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms H) (Greek edition)

Table of Contents


{'urn': 'urn:cts:pta:pta0004.pta001.pta-MsM', 'label': 'Interpretatio in Danielem (Ms M)', 'description': 'München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod.graec. 117 (PTAMS00551), transcribed by Sophia Luise Häberle / Philip Schmitz / Jennifer Teichmann', 'kind': 'edition', 'lang': 'grc', 'rtl': False, 'human_lang': 'Greek'}