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CTS Library / The Way To Write History

The Way To Write History (56-60)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '56', 'human_reference': 'None 56'}, 'end': {'reference': '60', 'human_reference': 'None 60'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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Brevity is always desirable, and especially where matter is abundant; and the problem is less a grammatical than a substantial one; the solution, I mean, is to deal summarily with

all immaterial details, and give adequate treatment to the principal events; much, indeed, is better omitted altogether. Suppose yourself giving a dinner, and extremely well provided; there is pastry, game, kickshaws without end, wild boar, hare, sweetbreads; well, you will not produce among these a pike, or a bowl of peasoup, just because they are there in the kitchen; you will dispense with such common things.

Restraint in descriptions of mountains, walls, rivers, and the like, is very important; you must not give the impression that you are making a tasteless display of word-painting, and expatiating independently while the history takes care of itself. Just a light touchno more than meets the need of clearness—, and you should pass on, evading the snare, and denying yourself all such indulgences, You have the mighty Homers example in such a case; poet as he is, he yet hurries past Tantalus and Ixion, Tityus and the rest of them. If Parthenius, Euphorion, or Callimachus had been in his place, how many lines do you suppose it would have taken to get the water to Tantaluss lip; how many more to set Ixion spinning? Better still, mark how Thucydidesa very sparing dealer in desctiptionleaves the subject at once, as soon as he has given an idea (very necessary and useful, too) of an engine or a siege-operation, of the conformation of Epipolae, or the Syracusan harbour. It may occur to you that his account of the plague is long; but you must allow for the subject; then you will appreciate his brevity; he is hastening on; it is only that the weight of matter holds him back in spite of himself.

When it comes in your way to introduce a speech, the first requirement is that it should suit the character both of the speaker and of the occasion; the second is (once more) lucidity; but in these cases you have the counsels right of showing your eloquence.

Not so with praise or censure; these should be sparing,

cautious, avoiding hypercriticism and producing proofs, always brief, and never intrusive; historical characters are not prisoners on trial. Without these precautions you will share the ill name of Theopompus, who delights in flinging accusations broadcast, makes a business of the thing in fact, and of himself rather a public prosecutor than a historian.

It may occasionally happen that some extraordinary story has to be introduced; it should be simply narrated, without guarantee of its truth, thrown down for any one to make what he can of it; the writer takes no risks and shows no preference.

Brevity 1 w 7
is 1 w 9
always 1 w 15
desirable 1 w 24
and 1 w 28
especially 1 w 38
where 1 w 43
matter 1 w 49
is 2 w 51
abundant 1 w 59
and 2 w 63
the 1 w 66
problem 1 w 73
is 3 w 75
less 1 w 79
a 10 w 80
grammatical 1 w 91
than 1 w 95
a 15 w 96
substantial 1 w 107
one 1 w 110
the 2 w 114
solution 1 w 122
I 1 w 124
mean 1 w 128
is 4 w 131
to 1 w 133
deal 1 w 137
summarily 1 w 146
with 1 w 150
all 2 w 153
immaterial 1 w 163
details 1 w 170
and 3 w 174
give 1 w 178
adequate 1 w 186
treatment 1 w 195
to 2 w 197
the 3 w 200
principal 1 w 209
events 1 w 215
much 1 w 220
indeed 1 w 227
is 5 w 230
better 1 w 236
omitted 1 w 243
altogether 1 w 253
Suppose 1 w 261
yourself 1 w 269
giving 1 w 275
a 31 w 276
dinner 1 w 282
and 4 w 286
extremely 1 w 295
well 1 w 299
provided 1 w 307
there 1 w 313
is 6 w 315
pastry 1 w 321
game 1 w 326
kickshaws 1 w 336
without 1 w 343
end 1 w 346
wild 1 w 351
boar 1 w 355
hare 1 w 360
sweetbreads 1 w 372
well 2 w 377
you 2 w 381
will 1 w 385
not 1 w 388
produce 1 w 395
among 1 w 400
these 1 w 405
a 40 w 406
pike 1 w 410
or 1 w 413
a 41 w 414
bowl 1 w 418
of 1 w 420
peasoup 1 w 427
just 1 w 432
because 1 w 439
they 1 w 443
are 2 w 446
there 2 w 451
in 5 w 453
the 9 w 456
kitchen 1 w 463
you 3 w 467
will 2 w 471
dispense 1 w 479
with 3 w 483
such 1 w 487
common 1 w 493
things 1 w 499
Restraint 1 w 509
in 8 w 511
descriptions 1 w 523
of 2 w 525
mountains 1 w 534
walls 1 w 540
rivers 1 w 547
and 5 w 551
the 10 w 554
like 1 w 558
is 8 w 561
very 1 w 565
important 1 w 574
you 4 w 578
must 1 w 582
not 2 w 585
give 2 w 589
the 11 w 592
impression 1 w 602
that 1 w 606
you 5 w 609
are 3 w 612
making 1 w 618
a 53 w 619
tasteless 1 w 628
display 1 w 635
of 3 w 637
word-painting 1 w 650
and 6 w 654
expatiating 1 w 665
independently 1 w 678
while 1 w 683
the 12 w 686
history 1 w 693
takes 1 w 698
care 1 w 702
of 4 w 704
itself 1 w 710
Just 1 w 715
a 62 w 716
light 1 w 721
touch 1 w 726
no 3 w 729
more 1 w 733
than 2 w 737
meets 1 w 742
the 13 w 745
need 1 w 749
of 5 w 751
clearness 1 w 760
and 7 w 765
you 6 w 768
should 1 w 774
pass 1 w 778
on 7 w 780
evading 1 w 788
the 14 w 791
snare 1 w 796
and 8 w 800
denying 1 w 807
yourself 2 w 815
all 4 w 818
such 2 w 822
indulgences 1 w 833
You 1 w 837
have 1 w 841
the 15 w 844
mighty 1 w 850
Homer 1 w 855
s 61 w 857
example 1 w 864
in 18 w 866
such 3 w 870
a 73 w 871
case 1 w 875
poet 1 w 880
as 6 w 882
he 18 w 884
is 11 w 886
he 19 w 889
yet 1 w 892
hurries 1 w 899
past 2 w 903
Tantalus 1 w 911
and 9 w 914
Ixion 1 w 919
Tityus 1 w 926
and 10 w 929
the 16 w 932
rest 1 w 936
of 6 w 938
them 1 w 942
If 1 w 945
Parthenius 1 w 955
Euphorion 1 w 965
or 7 w 968
Callimachus 1 w 979
had 1 w 982
been 1 w 986
in 19 w 988
his 2 w 991
place 1 w 996
how 1 w 1000
many 1 w 1004
lines 1 w 1009
do 1 w 1011
you 8 w 1014
suppose 1 w 1021
it 9 w 1023
would 1 w 1028
have 2 w 1032
taken 1 w 1037
to 6 w 1039
get 2 w 1042
the 19 w 1045
water 1 w 1050
to 7 w 1052
Tantalus 2 w 1060
s 78 w 1062
lip 1 w 1065
how 2 w 1069
many 2 w 1073
more 2 w 1077
to 8 w 1079
set 1 w 1082
Ixion 2 w 1087
spinning 1 w 1095
Better 1 w 1102
still 1 w 1107
mark 1 w 1112
how 3 w 1115
Thucydides 1 w 1125
a 94 w 1127
very 2 w 1131
sparing 1 w 1138
dealer 1 w 1144
in 24 w 1146
desctiption 1 w 1157
leaves 1 w 1164
the 20 w 1167
subject 1 w 1174
at 10 w 1176
once 1 w 1180
as 8 w 1183
soon 1 w 1187
as 9 w 1189
he 25 w 1191
has 1 w 1194
given 1 w 1199
an 21 w 1201
idea 1 w 1205
very 3 w 1210
necessary 1 w 1219
and 11 w 1222
useful 1 w 1228
too 1 w 1232
of 7 w 1235
an 23 w 1237
engine 1 w 1243
or 9 w 1245
a 107 w 1246
siege-operation 1 w 1261
of 8 w 1264
the 21 w 1267
conformation 1 w 1279
of 9 w 1281
Epipolae 1 w 1289
or 11 w 1292
the 22 w 1295
Syracusan 1 w 1304
harbour 1 w 1311
It 1 w 1314
may 1 w 1317
occur 1 w 1322
to 10 w 1324
you 9 w 1327
that 2 w 1331
his 3 w 1334
account 1 w 1341
of 10 w 1343
the 23 w 1346
plague 1 w 1352
is 14 w 1354
long 1 w 1358
but 1 w 1362
you 10 w 1365
must 2 w 1369
allow 1 w 1374
for 2 w 1377
the 24 w 1380
subject 2 w 1387
then 2 w 1392
you 11 w 1395
will 3 w 1399
appreciate 1 w 1409
his 4 w 1412
brevity 1 w 1419
he 31 w 1422
is 16 w 1424
hastening 1 w 1433
on 18 w 1435
it 11 w 1438
is 17 w 1440
only 1 w 1444
that 3 w 1448
the 26 w 1451
weight 1 w 1457
of 11 w 1459
matter 2 w 1465
holds 1 w 1470
him 1 w 1473
back 1 w 1477
in 27 w 1479
spite 1 w 1484
of 12 w 1486
himself 1 w 1493
When 1 w 1498
it 13 w 1500
comes 1 w 1505
in 28 w 1507
your 3 w 1511
way 2 w 1514
to 11 w 1516
introduce 1 w 1525
a 126 w 1526
speech 1 w 1532
the 27 w 1536
first 1 w 1541
requirement 1 w 1552
is 18 w 1554
that 4 w 1558
it 14 w 1560
should 2 w 1566
suit 1 w 1570
the 28 w 1573
character 1 w 1582
both 1 w 1586
of 13 w 1588
the 29 w 1591
speaker 1 w 1598
and 12 w 1601
of 14 w 1603
the 30 w 1606
occasion 1 w 1614
the 31 w 1618
second 1 w 1624
is 19 w 1626
once 2 w 1631
more 3 w 1635
lucidity 1 w 1644
but 2 w 1648
in 30 w 1650
these 2 w 1655
cases 1 w 1660
you 13 w 1663
have 3 w 1667
the 33 w 1670
counsel 1 w 1677
s 121 w 1679
right 1 w 1684
of 15 w 1686
showing 1 w 1693
your 4 w 1697
eloquence 1 w 1706
Not 1 w 1710
so 4 w 1712
with 4 w 1716
praise 1 w 1722
or 14 w 1724
censure 1 w 1731
these 3 w 1737
should 3 w 1743
be 4 w 1745
sparing 2 w 1752
cautious 1 w 1761
avoiding 1 w 1770
hypercriticism 1 w 1784
and 13 w 1787
producing 1 w 1796
proofs 1 w 1802
always 2 w 1809
brief 1 w 1814
and 14 w 1818
never 1 w 1823
intrusive 1 w 1832
historical 1 w 1843
characters 1 w 1853
are 6 w 1856
not 3 w 1859
prisoners 1 w 1868
on 24 w 1870
trial 1 w 1875
Without 1 w 1883
these 4 w 1888
precautions 1 w 1899
you 15 w 1902
will 4 w 1906
share 1 w 1911
the 36 w 1914
ill 6 w 1917
name 1 w 1921
of 17 w 1923
Theopompus 1 w 1933
who 1 w 1937
delights 1 w 1945
in 36 w 1947
flinging 1 w 1955
accusations 1 w 1966
broadcast 1 w 1975
makes 1 w 1981
a 156 w 1982
business 1 w 1990
of 18 w 1992
the 37 w 1995
thing 2 w 2000
in 41 w 2002
fact 1 w 2006
and 15 w 2010
of 19 w 2012
himself 2 w 2019
rather 1 w 2025
a 160 w 2026
public 1 w 2032
prosecutor 1 w 2042
than 3 w 2046
a 162 w 2047
historian 1 w 2056
It 2 w 2059
may 2 w 2062
occasionally 1 w 2074
happen 1 w 2080
that 5 w 2084
some 1 w 2088
extraordinary 1 w 2101
story 2 w 2106
has 3 w 2109
to 16 w 2111
be 5 w 2113
introduced 1 w 2123
it 20 w 2126
should 4 w 2132
be 6 w 2134
simply 1 w 2140
narrated 1 w 2148
without 2 w 2156
guarantee 1 w 2165
of 20 w 2167
its 2 w 2170
truth 1 w 2175
thrown 1 w 2182
down 1 w 2186
for 3 w 2189
any 3 w 2192
one 3 w 2195
to 17 w 2197
make 2 w 2201
what 1 w 2205
he 47 w 2207
can 1 w 2210
of 21 w 2212
it 23 w 2214
the 39 w 2218
writer 1 w 2224
takes 2 w 2229
no 5 w 2231
risks 1 w 2236
and 16 w 2239
shows 1 w 2244
no 6 w 2246
preference 1 w 2256