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CTS Library / The Way To Write History

The Way To Write History (51-55)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '51', 'human_reference': 'None 51'}, 'end': {'reference': '55', 'human_reference': 'None 55'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

He has to make of his brain a mirror, unclouded, bright, and true of surface; then he will reflect events as they presented themselves to him, neither distorted, discoloured, nor variable. Historians are not writing fancy school essays; what they have to say is before them, and will get itself said somehow, being solid fact; their task is to arrange and put it into words; they have not to consider what to say, but how to sayit. The historian, we may say, should be like Phidias, Praxiteles, Alcamenes, or anygreat sculptor. They similarly did not create the gold, silver, ivory, or other material they used; it was ready to their hands, provided by Athens, Elis, or Argos; they only made the model, sawed, polished, cemented, proportioned the ivory, and plated it with gold; that was what their art consisted in the right arrangement of their material. The historians business is similar to superinduce upon events the charm of order, and set them forth in the most lucid fashion he can manage. When subsequently a hearer feels as though he were looking at what is being told him, and expresses his approval, then our historical Phidiass work has reached perfection, and received its appropriate reward.

When all is ready, a writer will sometimes start without formal preface, if there is no pressing occasion to clear away preliminaries by that means, though even then his explanation of what he is te say constitutes a virtual preface.

When a formal preface is used, one of the three objects to

which a public speaker devotes his exordium may be neglected; the historian, that is, has not to bespeak goodwillonly attention andan open mind. The way to secure the readers attention is to show that the affairs to be narrated are great in themselves, throw light on Destiny, or come home to his business and bosom; and as to the open mind, the lucidity in the body of the work, which is to secure that, will be facilitated by a preliminary view of the causes in operation and a precise summary of events.

Prefaces of this character have been employed by the best historiansby Herodotus, to the end that what befell may not grow dim by lapse of time, seeing that it was great and wondrous, and showed forth withal Greeks vanquishing and barbarians vanquished’; and by Thucydides, believing that that war would be great and memorable beyond any previous one; for indeed great calamities took place during its course.’

After the preface, long or short in proportion to the subject, should come an easy natural transition to the narrative; for the body of the history which remains is nothing from beginning to end but a long narrative; it must therefore be graced with the narrative virtuessmooth, level, and consistent progress, neither soaring nor crawling, and the charm of luciditywhich is attained, as I remarked above, partly by the diction, and partly by the treatment of connected events. For, though all parts must be independently perfected, when the first is complete the second will be brought into essential connexion with it, and attached like one link of a chain to another; there must be no possibility of separating them; no mere bundle of parallel threads; the first is not simply to be next to the second, but part of it, their extremities intermingling.

He 1 w 2
has 1 w 5
to 1 w 7
make 1 w 11
of 1 w 13
his 1 w 16
brain 1 w 21
a 4 w 22
mirror 1 w 28
unclouded 1 w 38
bright 1 w 45
and 1 w 49
true 1 w 53
of 2 w 55
surface 1 w 62
then 1 w 67
he 2 w 69
will 1 w 73
reflect 1 w 80
events 1 w 86
as 2 w 88
they 1 w 92
presented 1 w 101
themselves 1 w 111
to 2 w 113
him 1 w 116
neither 1 w 124
distorted 1 w 133
discoloured 1 w 145
nor 1 w 149
variable 1 w 157
Historians 1 w 168
are 1 w 171
not 1 w 174
writing 1 w 181
fancy 1 w 186
school 1 w 192
essays 1 w 198
what 1 w 203
they 2 w 207
have 1 w 211
to 5 w 213
say 2 w 216
is 5 w 218
before 1 w 224
them 2 w 228
and 2 w 232
will 2 w 236
get 1 w 239
itself 1 w 245
said 1 w 249
somehow 1 w 256
being 1 w 262
solid 1 w 267
fact 1 w 271
their 1 w 277
task 1 w 281
is 6 w 283
to 6 w 285
arrange 1 w 292
and 3 w 295
put 1 w 298
it 4 w 300
into 1 w 304
words 1 w 309
they 3 w 314
have 2 w 318
not 2 w 321
to 8 w 323
consider 1 w 331
what 2 w 335
to 9 w 337
say 3 w 340
but 1 w 344
how 2 w 347
to 10 w 349
sayit 1 w 354
The 1 w 358
historian 1 w 367
we 1 w 370
may 1 w 373
say 5 w 376
should 1 w 383
be 3 w 385
like 1 w 389
Phidias 1 w 396
Praxiteles 1 w 407
Alcamenes 1 w 417
or 8 w 420
anygreat 1 w 428
sculptor 1 w 436
They 1 w 441
similarly 1 w 450
did 1 w 453
not 3 w 456
create 1 w 462
the 9 w 465
gold 1 w 469
silver 1 w 476
ivory 1 w 482
or 11 w 485
other 1 w 490
material 1 w 498
they 4 w 502
used 1 w 506
it 7 w 509
was 1 w 512
ready 1 w 517
to 13 w 519
their 2 w 524
hands 1 w 529
provided 1 w 538
by 1 w 540
Athens 1 w 546
Elis 1 w 551
or 12 w 554
Argos 1 w 559
they 5 w 564
only 1 w 568
made 1 w 572
the 15 w 575
model 1 w 580
sawed 1 w 586
polished 1 w 595
cemented 1 w 604
proportioned 1 w 617
the 16 w 620
ivory 2 w 625
and 5 w 629
plated 1 w 635
it 8 w 637
with 1 w 641
gold 2 w 645
that 1 w 650
was 2 w 653
what 3 w 657
their 3 w 662
art 1 w 665
consisted 1 w 674
in 5 w 676
the 18 w 679
right 2 w 684
arrangement 1 w 695
of 3 w 697
their 4 w 702
material 2 w 710
The 3 w 714
historian 2 w 723
s 50 w 725
business 1 w 733
is 12 w 735
similar 2 w 742
to 15 w 744
superinduce 1 w 755
upon 1 w 759
events 2 w 765
the 20 w 768
charm 1 w 773
of 4 w 775
order 1 w 780
and 6 w 784
set 1 w 787
them 3 w 791
forth 1 w 796
in 8 w 798
the 22 w 801
most 1 w 805
lucid 1 w 810
fashion 1 w 817
he 28 w 819
can 1 w 822
manage 1 w 828
When 1 w 833
subsequently 1 w 845
a 63 w 846
hearer 1 w 852
feels 1 w 857
as 8 w 859
though 1 w 865
he 31 w 867
were 1 w 871
looking 1 w 878
at 10 w 880
what 4 w 884
is 13 w 886
being 2 w 891
told 1 w 895
him 2 w 898
and 7 w 902
expresses 1 w 911
his 4 w 914
approval 1 w 922
then 3 w 927
our 2 w 930
historical 1 w 940
Phidias 2 w 947
s 72 w 949
work 1 w 953
has 2 w 956
reached 1 w 963
perfection 1 w 973
and 8 w 977
received 1 w 985
its 2 w 988
appropriate 1 w 999
reward 1 w 1005
When 2 w 1010
all 1 w 1013
is 16 w 1015
ready 2 w 1020
a 81 w 1022
writer 1 w 1028
will 3 w 1032
sometimes 1 w 1041
start 1 w 1046
without 1 w 1053
formal 1 w 1059
preface 1 w 1066
if 1 w 1069
there 1 w 1074
is 17 w 1076
no 5 w 1078
pressing 1 w 1086
occasion 1 w 1094
to 18 w 1096
clear 1 w 1101
away 1 w 1105
preliminaries 1 w 1118
by 2 w 1120
that 2 w 1124
means 1 w 1129
though 2 w 1136
even 3 w 1140
then 4 w 1144
his 6 w 1147
explanation 1 w 1158
of 5 w 1160
what 5 w 1164
he 37 w 1166
is 19 w 1168
te 12 w 1170
say 6 w 1173
constitutes 1 w 1184
a 96 w 1185
virtual 1 w 1192
preface 2 w 1199
When 3 w 1204
a 99 w 1205
formal 2 w 1211
preface 3 w 1218
is 20 w 1220
used 2 w 1224
one 2 w 1228
of 6 w 1230
the 26 w 1233
three 1 w 1238
objects 1 w 1245
to 19 w 1247
which 1 w 1252
a 102 w 1253
public 1 w 1259
speaker 1 w 1266
devotes 1 w 1273
his 7 w 1276
exordium 1 w 1284
may 2 w 1287
be 5 w 1289
neglected 1 w 1298
the 27 w 1302
historian 3 w 1311
that 3 w 1316
is 23 w 1318
has 3 w 1322
not 4 w 1325
to 21 w 1327
bespeak 1 w 1334
goodwill 1 w 1342
only 2 w 1347
attention 1 w 1356
andan 1 w 1361
open 1 w 1365
mind 1 w 1369
The 4 w 1373
way 2 w 1376
to 22 w 1378
secure 1 w 1384
the 28 w 1387
reader 1 w 1393
s 101 w 1395
attention 2 w 1404
is 24 w 1406
to 23 w 1408
show 1 w 1412
that 4 w 1416
the 29 w 1419
affairs 1 w 1426
to 24 w 1428
be 7 w 1430
narrated 1 w 1438
are 3 w 1441
great 2 w 1446
in 14 w 1448
themselves 2 w 1458
throw 1 w 1464
light 1 w 1469
on 15 w 1471
Destiny 1 w 1478
or 24 w 1481
come 1 w 1485
home 1 w 1489
to 25 w 1491
his 9 w 1494
business 2 w 1502
and 10 w 1505
bosom 1 w 1510
and 11 w 1514
as 13 w 1516
to 26 w 1518
the 31 w 1521
open 2 w 1525
mind 2 w 1529
the 32 w 1533
lucidity 1 w 1541
in 18 w 1543
the 33 w 1546
body 1 w 1550
of 7 w 1552
the 34 w 1555
work 2 w 1559
which 2 w 1565
is 26 w 1567
to 27 w 1569
secure 2 w 1575
that 5 w 1579
will 5 w 1584
be 8 w 1586
facilitated 1 w 1597
by 3 w 1599
a 128 w 1600
preliminary 1 w 1611
view 1 w 1615
of 8 w 1617
the 35 w 1620
causes 1 w 1626
in 20 w 1628
operation 1 w 1637
and 12 w 1640
a 133 w 1641
precise 1 w 1648
summary 1 w 1655
of 9 w 1657
events 3 w 1663
Prefaces 1 w 1672
of 10 w 1674
this 1 w 1678
character 1 w 1687
have 3 w 1691
been 1 w 1695
employed 1 w 1703
by 4 w 1705
the 36 w 1708
best 1 w 1712
historians 1 w 1722
by 5 w 1725
Herodotus 1 w 1734
to 29 w 1738
the 37 w 1741
end 1 w 1744
that 6 w 1748
what 6 w 1752
befell 1 w 1758
may 3 w 1761
not 5 w 1764
grow 1 w 1768
dim 1 w 1771
by 6 w 1773
lapse 1 w 1778
of 11 w 1780
time 2 w 1784
seeing 1 w 1791
that 7 w 1795
it 16 w 1797
was 3 w 1800
great 3 w 1805
and 13 w 1808
wondrous 1 w 1816
and 14 w 1820
showed 1 w 1826
forth 2 w 1831
withal 1 w 1837
Greeks 1 w 1843
vanquishing 1 w 1854
and 15 w 1857
barbarians 1 w 1867
vanquished 1 w 1877
and 16 w 1882
by 7 w 1884
Thucydides 1 w 1894
believing 1 w 1905
that 8 w 1909
that 9 w 1913
war 2 w 1916
would 1 w 1921
be 13 w 1923
great 4 w 1928
and 17 w 1931
memorable 1 w 1940
beyond 1 w 1946
any 2 w 1949
previous 1 w 1957
one 3 w 1960
for 6 w 1964
indeed 1 w 1970
great 5 w 1975
calamities 1 w 1985
took 1 w 1989
place 1 w 1994
during 1 w 2000
its 3 w 2003
course 1 w 2009
After 1 w 2016
the 38 w 2019
preface 4 w 2026
long 1 w 2031
or 30 w 2033
short 1 w 2038
in 26 w 2040
proportion 2 w 2050
to 31 w 2052
the 39 w 2055
subject 1 w 2062
should 2 w 2069
come 2 w 2073
an 36 w 2075
easy 1 w 2079
natural 1 w 2086
transition 1 w 2096
to 32 w 2098
the 40 w 2101
narrative 1 w 2110
for 7 w 2114
the 41 w 2117
body 2 w 2121
of 12 w 2123
the 42 w 2126
history 1 w 2133
which 3 w 2138
remains 1 w 2145
is 33 w 2147
nothing 1 w 2154
from 1 w 2158
beginning 1 w 2167
to 34 w 2169
end 2 w 2172
but 2 w 2175
a 177 w 2176
long 2 w 2180
narrative 2 w 2189
it 21 w 2192
must 1 w 2196
therefore 1 w 2205
be 16 w 2207
graced 1 w 2213
with 4 w 2217
the 44 w 2220
narrative 3 w 2229
virtues 1 w 2236
smooth 1 w 2243
level 1 w 2249
and 18 w 2253
consistent 1 w 2263
progress 1 w 2271
neither 2 w 2279
soaring 1 w 2286
nor 2 w 2289
crawling 1 w 2297
and 19 w 2301
the 46 w 2304
charm 2 w 2309
of 13 w 2311
lucidity 2 w 2319
which 4 w 2325
is 35 w 2327
attained 1 w 2335
as 16 w 2338
I 1 w 2339
remarked 1 w 2347
above 1 w 2352
partly 1 w 2359
by 8 w 2361
the 47 w 2364
diction 1 w 2371
and 20 w 2375
partly 2 w 2381
by 9 w 2383
the 48 w 2386
treatment 1 w 2395
of 14 w 2397
connected 1 w 2406
events 4 w 2412
For 1 w 2416
though 3 w 2423
all 2 w 2426
parts 1 w 2431
must 2 w 2435
be 17 w 2437
independently 1 w 2450
perfected 1 w 2459
when 1 w 2464
the 49 w 2467
first 1 w 2472
is 36 w 2474
complete 1 w 2482
the 50 w 2485
second 1 w 2491
will 6 w 2495
be 18 w 2497
brought 1 w 2504
into 2 w 2508
essential 1 w 2517
connexion 1 w 2526
with 5 w 2530
it 26 w 2532
and 21 w 2536
attached 1 w 2544
like 2 w 2548
one 4 w 2551
link 1 w 2555
of 15 w 2557
a 203 w 2558
chain 1 w 2563
to 36 w 2565
another 1 w 2572
there 3 w 2578
must 3 w 2582
be 19 w 2584
no 11 w 2586
possibility 1 w 2597
of 16 w 2599
separating 1 w 2609
them 5 w 2613
no 12 w 2616
mere 1 w 2620
bundle 1 w 2626
of 17 w 2628
parallel 1 w 2636
threads 1 w 2643
the 54 w 2647
first 2 w 2652
is 37 w 2654
not 8 w 2657
simply 1 w 2663
to 37 w 2665
be 20 w 2667
next 1 w 2671
to 38 w 2673
the 55 w 2676
second 2 w 2682
but 3 w 2686
part 4 w 2690
of 18 w 2692
it 28 w 2694
their 5 w 2700
extremities 1 w 2711
intermingling 1 w 2724