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CTS Library / The Way To Write History

The Way To Write History (46-50)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '46', 'human_reference': 'None 46'}, 'end': {'reference': '50', 'human_reference': 'None 50'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
plain textXML

As to the marshalling of your words, a moderate compromise

is desirable between the harshness which results from separating what belongs together, and the jingling concatenationsone may almost call themwhich are so common; one extreme is a definite vice, and the other repellent.

Facts are not to be collected at haphazard, but with careful, laborious, repeated investigation; when possible, a man should have been present and seen for himself; failing that, he should prefer the disinterested account, selecting the informants least likely to diminish or magnify from partiality. And here comes the occasion for exercising the judgement in weighing probabilities.

The material once complete, or nearly so, an abstract should be made of it, and a rough draught of the whole work put down, not yet distributed into its parts; the detailed arrangement should then be introduced, after which adornment may be added, the diction receive its colour, the phrasing and rhythm be perfected.

The historians position should now be precisely that of Zeus in Homer, surveying now the Mysians’, now the Thracian horsemens land. Even so 4e will survey now his own party (telling us what we looked like to him from his post of vantage), now the Persians, and yet again both at once, if they come to blows. And when they are face to face, his eyes are not to be on one division, nor yet on one man, mounted or afootunless it be a Brasidas leading the forlorn hope, or a Demosthenes repelling it; his attention should be for the generals first of all; their exhortations should be recorded, the dispositions they make, and the motives and plans that prompted them. When the engagement has begun, he should give us a birds-eye view of it, show the scales oscillating, and accompany pursuers and pursued alike.

All this, however, with moderation; a subject is not to be ridden to death; no neglect of proportion, no childish

engrossment, but easy transitions. He should call a halt here, while he crosses over to another set of operations which demands attention; that settled up, he can return to the first set, now ripe for him; he must pass swiftly to each in turn, keeping his different lines of advance as nearly as possible level, fly from Armenia to Media, thence swoop straight upon Iberia, and then take wing for Italy, everywhere present at the nick-of time.

As 1 w 2
to 1 w 4
the 1 w 7
marshalling 1 w 18
of 1 w 20
your 1 w 24
words 1 w 29
a 3 w 31
moderate 1 w 39
compromise 1 w 49
is 2 w 51
desirable 1 w 60
between 1 w 67
the 2 w 70
harshness 1 w 79
which 1 w 84
results 1 w 91
from 1 w 95
separating 1 w 105
what 1 w 109
belongs 1 w 116
together 1 w 124
and 1 w 128
the 4 w 131
jingling 1 w 139
concatenations 1 w 153
one 1 w 157
may 1 w 160
almost 1 w 166
call 1 w 170
them 1 w 174
which 2 w 180
are 1 w 183
so 1 w 185
common 1 w 191
one 2 w 195
extreme 1 w 202
is 3 w 204
a 17 w 205
definite 1 w 213
vice 1 w 217
and 2 w 221
the 6 w 224
other 1 w 229
repellent 1 w 238
Facts 1 w 244
are 2 w 247
not 1 w 250
to 3 w 252
be 3 w 254
collected 1 w 263
at 6 w 265
haphazard 1 w 274
but 1 w 278
with 1 w 282
careful 1 w 289
laborious 1 w 299
repeated 1 w 308
investigation 1 w 321
when 1 w 326
possible 1 w 334
a 29 w 336
man 1 w 339
should 1 w 345
have 1 w 349
been 1 w 353
present 1 w 360
and 3 w 363
seen 1 w 367
for 1 w 370
himself 1 w 377
failing 1 w 385
that 1 w 389
he 9 w 392
should 2 w 398
prefer 1 w 404
the 8 w 407
disinterested 1 w 420
account 1 w 427
selecting 1 w 437
the 9 w 440
informants 1 w 450
least 1 w 455
likely 1 w 461
to 4 w 463
diminish 1 w 471
or 5 w 473
magnify 1 w 480
from 2 w 484
partiality 1 w 494
And 1 w 498
here 1 w 502
comes 1 w 507
the 10 w 510
occasion 1 w 518
for 3 w 521
exercising 1 w 531
the 11 w 534
judgement 1 w 543
in 13 w 545
weighing 1 w 553
probabilities 1 w 566
The 1 w 570
material 1 w 578
once 1 w 582
complete 1 w 590
or 7 w 593
nearly 1 w 599
so 2 w 601
an 6 w 604
abstract 1 w 612
should 3 w 618
be 5 w 620
made 1 w 624
of 2 w 626
it 5 w 628
and 4 w 632
a 51 w 633
rough 1 w 638
draught 1 w 645
of 3 w 647
the 12 w 650
whole 1 w 655
work 1 w 659
put 1 w 662
down 1 w 666
not 2 w 670
yet 1 w 673
distributed 1 w 684
into 1 w 688
its 1 w 691
parts 1 w 696
the 13 w 700
detailed 1 w 708
arrangement 1 w 719
should 4 w 725
then 1 w 729
be 6 w 731
introduced 1 w 741
after 1 w 747
which 3 w 752
adornment 1 w 761
may 2 w 764
be 7 w 766
added 1 w 771
the 15 w 775
diction 1 w 782
receive 1 w 789
its 2 w 792
colour 1 w 798
the 16 w 802
phrasing 1 w 810
and 5 w 813
rhythm 1 w 819
be 8 w 821
perfected 1 w 830
The 2 w 834
historian 1 w 843
s 48 w 845
position 1 w 853
should 5 w 859
now 1 w 862
be 9 w 864
precisely 1 w 873
that 2 w 877
of 4 w 879
Zeus 1 w 883
in 18 w 885
Homer 1 w 890
surveying 1 w 900
now 2 w 903
the 17 w 906
Mysians 1 w 913
now 3 w 918
the 18 w 921
Thracian 1 w 929
horsemen 1 w 937
s 57 w 939
land 1 w 943
Even 1 w 948
so 3 w 950
4e 1 w 952
will 1 w 956
survey 2 w 962
now 4 w 965
his 2 w 968
own 2 w 971
party 1 w 976
telling 1 w 984
us 3 w 986
what 2 w 990
we 3 w 992
looked 1 w 998
like 2 w 1002
to 7 w 1004
him 2 w 1007
from 3 w 1011
his 3 w 1014
post 1 w 1018
of 5 w 1020
vantage 1 w 1027
now 5 w 1032
the 19 w 1035
Persians 1 w 1043
and 7 w 1047
yet 2 w 1050
again 1 w 1055
both 1 w 1059
at 13 w 1061
once 2 w 1065
if 2 w 1068
they 1 w 1072
come 2 w 1076
to 8 w 1078
blows 1 w 1083
And 2 w 1087
when 2 w 1091
they 2 w 1095
are 4 w 1098
face 1 w 1102
to 9 w 1104
face 2 w 1108
his 4 w 1112
eyes 1 w 1116
are 5 w 1119
not 3 w 1122
to 10 w 1124
be 10 w 1126
on 13 w 1128
one 3 w 1131
division 1 w 1139
nor 1 w 1143
yet 3 w 1146
on 16 w 1148
one 4 w 1151
man 3 w 1154
mounted 1 w 1162
or 13 w 1164
afoot 1 w 1169
unless 1 w 1176
it 9 w 1178
be 11 w 1180
a 84 w 1181
Brasidas 1 w 1189
leading 1 w 1196
the 22 w 1199
forlorn 1 w 1206
hope 1 w 1210
or 16 w 1213
a 88 w 1214
Demosthenes 1 w 1225
repelling 1 w 1234
it 10 w 1236
his 5 w 1240
attention 1 w 1249
should 6 w 1255
be 12 w 1257
for 5 w 1260
the 24 w 1263
generals 1 w 1271
first 1 w 1276
of 6 w 1278
all 3 w 1281
their 1 w 1287
exhortations 1 w 1299
should 7 w 1305
be 13 w 1307
recorded 1 w 1315
the 26 w 1319
dispositions 1 w 1331
they 3 w 1335
make 1 w 1339
and 8 w 1343
the 28 w 1346
motives 1 w 1353
and 9 w 1356
plans 1 w 1361
that 3 w 1365
prompted 1 w 1373
them 2 w 1377
When 1 w 1382
the 30 w 1385
engagement 1 w 1395
has 1 w 1398
begun 1 w 1403
he 38 w 1406
should 8 w 1412
give 1 w 1416
us 4 w 1418
a 100 w 1419
bird 1 w 1423
s-eye 1 w 1429
view 1 w 1433
of 7 w 1435
it 12 w 1437
show 1 w 1442
the 31 w 1445
scales 1 w 1451
oscillating 1 w 1462
and 10 w 1466
accompany 1 w 1475
pursuers 1 w 1483
and 11 w 1486
pursued 1 w 1493
alike 1 w 1498
All 1 w 1502
this 1 w 1506
however 1 w 1514
with 2 w 1519
moderation 1 w 1529
a 109 w 1531
subject 1 w 1538
is 17 w 1540
not 4 w 1543
to 11 w 1545
be 15 w 1547
ridden 1 w 1553
to 12 w 1555
death 1 w 1560
no 11 w 1563
neglect 1 w 1570
of 8 w 1572
proportion 1 w 1582
no 12 w 1585
childish 1 w 1593
engrossment 1 w 1604
but 3 w 1608
easy 1 w 1612
transitions 1 w 1623
He 1 w 1626
should 9 w 1632
call 2 w 1636
a 114 w 1637
halt 1 w 1641
here 2 w 1645
while 1 w 1651
he 41 w 1653
crosses 1 w 1660
over 1 w 1664
to 13 w 1666
another 1 w 1673
set 1 w 1676
of 9 w 1678
operations 1 w 1688
which 4 w 1693
demands 1 w 1700
attention 2 w 1709
that 4 w 1714
settled 1 w 1721
up 1 w 1723
he 43 w 1726
can 1 w 1729
return 1 w 1735
to 14 w 1737
the 33 w 1740
first 2 w 1745
set 3 w 1748
now 6 w 1752
ripe 1 w 1756
for 6 w 1759
him 3 w 1762
he 45 w 1765
must 1 w 1769
pass 1 w 1773
swiftly 1 w 1780
to 15 w 1782
each 1 w 1786
in 25 w 1788
turn 2 w 1792
keeping 1 w 1800
his 7 w 1803
different 1 w 1812
lines 1 w 1817
of 10 w 1819
advance 1 w 1826
as 9 w 1828
nearly 2 w 1834
as 10 w 1836
possible 2 w 1844
level 1 w 1849
fly 1 w 1853
from 4 w 1857
Armenia 1 w 1864
to 16 w 1866
Media 1 w 1871
thence 1 w 1878
swoop 1 w 1883
straight 1 w 1891
upon 1 w 1895
Iberia 1 w 1901
and 13 w 1905
then 4 w 1909
take 1 w 1913
wing 1 w 1917
for 7 w 1920
Italy 1 w 1925
everywhere 1 w 1936
present 2 w 1943
at 23 w 1945
the 36 w 1948
nick-of 1 w 1955
time 1 w 1959