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CTS Library / The Way To Write History

The Way To Write History (41-45)

Refs {'start': {'reference': '41', 'human_reference': 'None 41'}, 'end': {'reference': '45', 'human_reference': 'None 45'}}
Ancestors []
Children []
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There stands my model, then: fearless, incorruptible, independent, a believer in frankness and veracity; one that will call a spade a spade, make no concession to likes and dislikes, nor spare any man for pity or respect-or propriety; an impartial judge, kind to all, but too kind to none; a literary cosmopolite with neither suzerain nor king, never heeding what this or that man may think, but setting down the thing that befell.

Thucydides is our noble legislator; he marked the admiration that met Herodotus and gave the Muses names to his nine books; and thereupon he drew the line which parts a good historian from a bad: our work is to be a possession for ever, not a bid for present reputation; we are not to seize upon the sensational, but bequeath the truth to them that come after; he applies the test of use, and defines the end which a wise historian will set before himself: it is that, should history

ever repeat itself, the records of the past may give present guidance.

Such are to be my historians principles. As for diction and style, he is not to set about his work armed to the teeth from the rhetoricians arsenal of impetuosity and incisiveness, rolling periods, close-packed arguments, and the rest; for him a serener mood. His matter should be homogeneous and compact, his vocabulary fit to be understanded of the people, for the clearest possible setting forth of his subject.

For to those marks which we set up for the historic spirit frankness and truthcorresponds one at which the historic style should first of all aim, namely, a lucidity which leaves nothing obscure, impartially avoiding abstruse out-of-the-way expressions, and the illiberal jargon of the market; we wish the vulgar to comprehend, the cultivated to commend us. Ornament should be unobtrusive, and never smack of elaboration, if it is not to remind us of over-seasoned dishes.

The historians spirit should not be without a touch of the poetical; it needs, like poetry, to employ impressive and exalted tones, especially when it finds itself in the midst of battle array and conflicts by land or sea; it is then that the poetic gale must blow to speed the vessel on, and help her ride the waves in majesty. But the diction is to be content with terra firma, rising a little to assimilate itself to the beauty and grandeur of the subject, but never startling the hearer, nor forgetting a due restraint; there is great risk at such times of its running wild and falling into poetic frenzy; and then it is that writers should hold themselves in with bit and bridle; with them as with horses an uncontrollable temper means disaster. At these times it is best for the spirit to go a-horseback, and the expression to run beside on foot, holding on to the saddle so as not to be outstripped.

There 1 w 5
stands 1 w 11
my 1 w 13
model 1 w 18
then 1 w 23
fearless 1 w 32
incorruptible 1 w 46
independent 1 w 58
a 3 w 60
believer 1 w 68
in 3 w 70
frankness 1 w 79
and 2 w 82
veracity 1 w 90
one 1 w 94
that 1 w 98
will 1 w 102
call 1 w 106
a 9 w 107
spade 1 w 112
a 11 w 113
spade 2 w 118
make 1 w 123
no 1 w 125
concession 1 w 135
to 1 w 137
likes 1 w 142
and 3 w 145
dislikes 1 w 153
nor 1 w 157
spare 1 w 162
any 1 w 165
man 1 w 168
for 1 w 171
pity 1 w 175
or 4 w 177
respect-or 1 w 187
propriety 1 w 196
an 7 w 199
impartial 1 w 208
judge 1 w 213
kind 1 w 218
to 2 w 220
all 2 w 223
but 1 w 227
too 1 w 230
kind 2 w 234
to 4 w 236
none 1 w 240
a 22 w 242
literary 1 w 250
cosmopolite 1 w 261
with 1 w 265
neither 1 w 272
suzerain 1 w 280
nor 2 w 283
king 1 w 287
never 1 w 293
heeding 1 w 300
what 1 w 304
this 1 w 308
or 7 w 310
that 2 w 314
man 2 w 317
may 1 w 320
think 1 w 325
but 2 w 329
setting 1 w 336
down 1 w 340
the 3 w 343
thing 1 w 348
that 3 w 352
befell 1 w 358
Thucydides 1 w 369
is 3 w 371
our 1 w 374
noble 1 w 379
legislator 1 w 389
he 6 w 392
marked 1 w 398
the 4 w 401
admiration 1 w 411
that 4 w 415
met 1 w 418
Herodotus 1 w 427
and 4 w 430
gave 1 w 434
the 5 w 437
Muses 1 w 442
names 1 w 448
to 6 w 450
his 2 w 453
nine 1 w 457
books 1 w 462
and 5 w 466
thereupon 1 w 475
he 10 w 477
drew 1 w 481
the 7 w 484
line 1 w 488
which 1 w 493
parts 1 w 498
a 40 w 499
good 1 w 503
historian 1 w 512
from 1 w 516
a 42 w 517
bad 1 w 520
our 2 w 524
work 1 w 528
is 7 w 530
to 8 w 532
be 3 w 534
a 44 w 535
possession 1 w 545
for 2 w 548
ever 3 w 552
not 1 w 556
a 45 w 557
bid 1 w 560
for 3 w 563
present 1 w 570
reputation 1 w 580
we 1 w 583
are 2 w 586
not 2 w 589
to 9 w 591
seize 1 w 596
upon 2 w 600
the 8 w 603
sensational 1 w 614
but 3 w 618
bequeath 1 w 626
the 9 w 629
truth 1 w 634
to 10 w 636
them 1 w 640
that 5 w 644
come 1 w 648
after 1 w 653
he 15 w 656
applies 1 w 663
the 11 w 666
test 1 w 670
of 1 w 672
use 2 w 675
and 6 w 679
defines 1 w 686
the 12 w 689
end 2 w 692
which 2 w 697
a 55 w 698
wise 1 w 702
historian 2 w 711
will 2 w 715
set 2 w 718
before 1 w 724
himself 1 w 731
it 7 w 734
is 10 w 736
that 6 w 740
should 1 w 747
history 1 w 754
ever 4 w 758
repeat 1 w 764
itself 1 w 770
the 13 w 774
records 1 w 781
of 2 w 783
the 14 w 786
past 1 w 790
may 2 w 793
give 1 w 797
present 2 w 804
guidance 1 w 812
Such 1 w 817
are 3 w 820
to 13 w 822
be 6 w 824
my 2 w 826
historian 3 w 835
s 56 w 837
principles 1 w 847
As 1 w 850
for 5 w 853
diction 1 w 860
and 7 w 863
style 1 w 868
he 20 w 871
is 13 w 873
not 3 w 876
to 15 w 878
set 3 w 881
about 1 w 886
his 7 w 889
work 2 w 893
armed 1 w 898
to 16 w 900
the 15 w 903
teeth 1 w 908
from 2 w 912
the 16 w 915
rhetorician 1 w 926
s 63 w 928
arsenal 1 w 935
of 3 w 937
impetuosity 1 w 948
and 8 w 951
incisiveness 1 w 963
rolling 1 w 971
periods 1 w 978
close-packed 1 w 991
arguments 1 w 1000
and 9 w 1004
the 17 w 1007
rest 1 w 1011
for 6 w 1015
him 2 w 1018
a 74 w 1019
serener 1 w 1026
mood 1 w 1030
His 1 w 1034
matter 1 w 1040
should 2 w 1046
be 7 w 1048
homogeneous 1 w 1059
and 10 w 1062
compact 1 w 1069
his 8 w 1073
vocabulary 1 w 1083
fit 1 w 1086
to 18 w 1088
be 8 w 1090
understanded 1 w 1102
of 4 w 1104
the 18 w 1107
people 1 w 1113
for 7 w 1117
the 19 w 1120
clearest 1 w 1128
possible 1 w 1136
setting 2 w 1143
forth 1 w 1148
of 5 w 1150
his 9 w 1153
subject 1 w 1160
For 1 w 1164
to 19 w 1166
those 1 w 1171
marks 1 w 1176
which 3 w 1181
we 2 w 1183
set 5 w 1186
up 4 w 1188
for 9 w 1191
the 20 w 1194
historic 1 w 1202
spirit 1 w 1208
frankness 2 w 1218
and 12 w 1221
truth 2 w 1226
corresponds 1 w 1238
one 3 w 1241
at 15 w 1243
which 4 w 1248
the 21 w 1251
historic 2 w 1259
style 2 w 1264
should 3 w 1270
first 1 w 1275
of 6 w 1277
all 3 w 1280
aim 1 w 1283
namely 1 w 1290
a 89 w 1292
lucidity 1 w 1300
which 5 w 1305
leaves 1 w 1311
nothing 1 w 1318
obscure 1 w 1325
impartially 1 w 1337
avoiding 1 w 1345
abstruse 1 w 1353
out-of-the-way 1 w 1367
expressions 1 w 1378
and 13 w 1382
the 23 w 1385
illiberal 1 w 1394
jargon 1 w 1400
of 8 w 1402
the 24 w 1405
market 1 w 1411
we 3 w 1414
wish 1 w 1418
the 25 w 1421
vulgar 1 w 1427
to 22 w 1429
comprehend 1 w 1439
the 26 w 1443
cultivated 1 w 1453
to 23 w 1455
commend 1 w 1462
us 6 w 1464
Ornament 1 w 1473
should 4 w 1479
be 10 w 1481
unobtrusive 1 w 1492
and 14 w 1496
never 2 w 1501
smack 1 w 1506
of 9 w 1508
elaboration 1 w 1519
if 1 w 1522
it 13 w 1524
is 22 w 1526
not 5 w 1529
to 24 w 1531
remind 1 w 1537
us 8 w 1539
of 10 w 1541
over-seasoned 1 w 1554
dishes 1 w 1560
The 2 w 1564
historian 4 w 1573
s 117 w 1575
spirit 2 w 1581
should 5 w 1587
not 6 w 1590
be 11 w 1592
without 1 w 1599
a 109 w 1600
touch 1 w 1605
of 11 w 1607
the 27 w 1610
poetical 1 w 1618
it 16 w 1621
needs 1 w 1626
like 3 w 1631
poetry 1 w 1637
to 27 w 1640
employ 1 w 1646
impressive 1 w 1656
and 15 w 1659
exalted 1 w 1666
tones 1 w 1671
especially 1 w 1682
when 1 w 1686
it 17 w 1688
finds 1 w 1693
itself 2 w 1699
in 23 w 1701
the 28 w 1704
midst 1 w 1709
of 12 w 1711
battle 1 w 1717
array 1 w 1722
and 16 w 1725
conflicts 1 w 1734
by 1 w 1736
land 1 w 1740
or 31 w 1742
sea 2 w 1745
it 19 w 1748
is 25 w 1750
then 2 w 1754
that 7 w 1758
the 30 w 1761
poetic 2 w 1767
gale 1 w 1771
must 1 w 1775
blow 1 w 1779
to 29 w 1781
speed 1 w 1786
the 31 w 1789
vessel 1 w 1795
on 20 w 1797
and 18 w 1801
help 1 w 1805
her 4 w 1808
ride 1 w 1812
the 32 w 1815
waves 1 w 1820
in 24 w 1822
majesty 1 w 1829
But 1 w 1833
the 33 w 1836
diction 2 w 1843
is 26 w 1845
to 30 w 1847
be 12 w 1849
content 1 w 1856
with 3 w 1860
terra 1 w 1865
firma 1 w 1870
rising 1 w 1877
a 127 w 1878
little 1 w 1884
to 31 w 1886
assimilate 1 w 1896
itself 3 w 1902
to 32 w 1904
the 34 w 1907
beauty 1 w 1913
and 19 w 1916
grandeur 1 w 1924
of 13 w 1926
the 35 w 1929
subject 2 w 1936
but 4 w 1940
never 3 w 1945
startling 1 w 1954
the 36 w 1957
hearer 1 w 1963
nor 3 w 1967
forgetting 1 w 1977
a 135 w 1978
due 1 w 1981
restraint 1 w 1990
there 2 w 1996
is 28 w 1998
great 1 w 2003
risk 1 w 2007
at 22 w 2009
such 1 w 2013
times 1 w 2018
of 14 w 2020
its 4 w 2023
running 1 w 2030
wild 1 w 2034
and 21 w 2037
falling 1 w 2044
into 1 w 2048
poetic 3 w 2054
frenzy 1 w 2060
and 22 w 2064
then 3 w 2068
it 24 w 2070
is 30 w 2072
that 8 w 2076
writers 1 w 2083
should 6 w 2089
hold 1 w 2093
themselves 1 w 2103
in 32 w 2105
with 4 w 2109
bit 1 w 2112
and 23 w 2115
bridle 1 w 2121
with 5 w 2126
them 3 w 2130
as 4 w 2132
with 6 w 2136
horses 1 w 2142
an 36 w 2144
uncontrollable 1 w 2158
temper 1 w 2164
means 1 w 2169
disaster 1 w 2177
At 1 w 2180
these 1 w 2185
times 2 w 2190
it 30 w 2192
is 32 w 2194
best 1 w 2198
for 11 w 2201
the 42 w 2204
spirit 3 w 2210
to 34 w 2212
go 3 w 2214
a-horseback 1 w 2225
and 24 w 2229
the 43 w 2232
expression 2 w 2242
to 35 w 2244
run 2 w 2247
beside 1 w 2253
on 25 w 2255
foot 1 w 2259
holding 1 w 2267
on 26 w 2269
to 36 w 2271
the 44 w 2274
saddle 1 w 2280
so 2 w 2282
as 6 w 2284
not 7 w 2287
to 37 w 2289
be 16 w 2291
outstripped 1 w 2302